Electromagnetic Witchcraft & Techno Demons, Oh My!

Full Court Batshit.

Today, we have full on bugfuck for you, courtesy of one Pat Holliday, of the Miracle Internet Church, chatting with conspiracy fantasist Sheila Zilinsky.

“The government had a plan called Blue Beam back in the ’80s where they were going to fake a rapture of the church through blue beams and being able to shoot holographs up into the sky,” Holliday said, insisting that this was evidence of the “electronic magnetic witchcraft” that controls the world through everything from satanism and astrology to holistic medicine and sports.

Sigh. Y’know, it’s quite easy to spot a hologram and expose it, so just what would the fucking point be? I’m sure you’d be surprised just how much a whole lot of people wish you would get whisked off somewhere. Anywhere but here. Best be careful about including sports in all that nonsense, that’s damn near a religion in itself here in Amerikka.

“Did you know that the witchcraft powers in America had total control under the NFL over Obama?” Holliday asserted. “What Trump is doing and has done is he has disconnected the NFL from the powers of the former government.”

Oh, that’s why you included sports. Just had to get a snipe in at people of colour being damn tired and deciding to not fucking take it anymore. Sweet of you. Unfortunately for you, the NFL is not disconnected from great swathes of the population, including most in government. Amerikkans love their sportsball.

“Trump is doing a lot of things,” she said, including saving the world from certain calamity. Claiming that there is an “educated and refined witch or a wizard that is pulling the strings” over America, Holliday asserted that a Hillary Clinton presidency would have resulted in a world war that would have killed nearly the entire human population.

Oh FFS, now we’re living in a simplistic Harry Potter plot? Can’t you come up with something better than that? Think. Try to be original, and that’s a tough call, given all the speculative fiction floating about. Ever so nice that educated and refined are now code words for evil. You obscurantist idiots might love your lack of education, but I embrace mine and keep on learning every day. That you fear learning so much is all the more reason to love it.

“If Hillary Clinton had won the presidency of the United States of America, we may not even be here talking to you,” Holliday said, “because they did have a World War III planned where they were going to destroy 90 percent of the people. What they wanted to do was take control over the world by going down into their underground cities, we would all be dead and then, when it was time, they could come out of their underground cities and rule the world with Satan. That was their plan and they were almost there, but God has intervened.”

Pardon me asking, but where’s the thrill in dominating a decimated population? Sounds like a bad plan to me, more like the idiotic plan you would come up with, Ms. Holliday. You all really need to shut up, you’re doing a great deal of damage by breathing such profound stupidity into the air. We have enough climate problems.

The whole thing is at RWW, with a Soundcloud.

The Proud Party of Homer Simpson.

Ted Cruz pronounced that when it comes to protecting gun rights (and making sure rethuglican pockets are full of filthy NRA dollars), the republican party is proudly the party of Homer Simpson. This is an accidental honesty so full of irony, there won’t be a good irony meter left anywhere in Amerikka. Of all the characters you might wish to never identify with, it would be Homer. The perfect characterisation of a dumbfuck who manages to stumble by, somehow.

Conservative commentator Ben Domenech said that the current debate over gun rights was aptly summed up by an episode of “The Simpsons” in which Lisa asserted that the Second Amendment is “just a remnant from revolutionary days [and] has no meaning today,” while Homer insisted that the Constitution guarantees him a right to own a gun because otherwise “the king of England could just walk in here any time he wants and start shoving you around.”

There hasn’t been a king in England for quite a long time now, just in case that’s news to you fucking idiots, and I’m pretty sure the queen has no interest in shoving all you fucking idiots around. To continue taking this all too seriously, is whipping out a gun a reasonable response to a verbal ‘shoving around’? No, it isn’t. Guns are not a solution, they are the problem, writ large.

“I think the Democrats are the party of Lisa Simpson,” Cruz responded, “and Republicans are happily the party of Homer and Bart and Maggie and Marge.”

Uh huh. Did you actually watch the episode, Mr. Cruz? Because Marge and the kids moved out because Homer wouldn’t give up the gun. They were vehemently opposed. Leave it to a rethuglican to get an episode of The Simpsons wrong.

There’s video at RWW.

A Merry Christmas Thank You…

Ralph Reed went all gushy on Prez’s Day (I had no idea until Rick took off to the bank in Glen Ullin, came back with a “duh, president’s day”.) Our work schedules don’t make us aware of that particular long weekend. Anyroad, Mr. Reed just couldn’t shut up about all the wondrous christian values the Tiny Tyrant supports:

Reed’s email gushed that Trump “has proven, time and time again, that he’s a fearless champion for conservative values,” praising Trump’s support for the Republican tax bill and his administration’s zeal in rolling back regulations.

Reed praised Trump as “a tireless advocate for Christian values,” writing, “From the onset, President Trump promised to make America say ‘Merry Christmas’ again—and fight back against anti-Christian bigotry.” Reed also celebrated Trump for addressing the anti-abortion-rights March for Life and supporting legislation to ban abortions after 20 weeks.

Just how much fucking hash is going to be made about this merry mishmush business? FFS, no one stopped anyone from saying it in the first place. Your choice of greeting is personal, so it’s a good thing there’s all manner of them. Can all you fucking christians shut the fuck up about it now? There’s nothing remotely amusing about the rest of the massive mess the Tiny Tyrant is making. Mr. Reed did provide one bright spot in the amusement area…

In what seems like an effort to make sure that Trump notices Reed’s adoration, Reed’s email repeatedly linked to a pre-written message that readers could post on Twitter:

.@POTUS, thank for your standing up for Christian and conservative values. #presidentsday #ffc

Trump supporters who tweeted as Reed asked them to on Monday afternoon shared the #ffc hashtag with fans of the Fulham Football Club, who were still celebrating the London soccer team’s Saturday victory over Aston Villa.

Hahahahahaha, oh my. If I thought Mr. Reed had any capacity for thought, that might teach him to check hashtags first.

The full story is at RWW.

Black People Excited About Black Panther: BAD!

A dude by the name of Ben Shapiro is all manner of upset about people being excited about Black Panther. Naturally, he misses the point, by a whole damn universe. Most of his screeth* seems to be a lament over the lack of gratefulness being displayed in this excitement. Black people should be grateful, dammit, for all the great and wonderful things white people have done for them! On your knees, slaves! Oh, er…stop being so excited! I’m not going to be able to get everything in, it’s a fairly long screeth, so full of wypipo gone wrong that it’s extremely difficult to take, and that’s a serious understatement. Shapiro is one of those fucking idiots who make you ache for the ability to reach through your screen and smack him into last Sunday. And I’ll just add that I’m over the top excited about Black Panther m’self, but I can hardly share in the excitement born of such outstanding representation, because I’m not black. That said, I don’t have any problems understanding The Excitement.

“Everyone in the media is talking about the most important thing that has ever happened in the history of humanity, or at least since Caitlyn Jenner became a woman—a transgender woman—and that, of course, is the release of ‘Black Panther’. It is so deeply important,” Shapiro said, mockingly.

No, not one single person is talking about the movie as if it were the most important thing ever in the history of humanity, you sniveling dipshit. Black Panther is deeply important – look at how damn long it’s taken to get a mainstream movie comprised of a mostly black cast, especially when no one is able to say that tokenism has gone out of Hollywood.

“We’ve heard it’s deeply important to millions of black Americans, who after all were not liberated from slavery 200 years ago and liberated by the civil rights movement with federal legislation, have not been gradually restored to what always should have been full civil rights in the United States. None of that has mattered up till they made a Marvel movie about a superhero who is black in a country filled with black people. ‘Blade’ was not enough. ‘Catwoman’ with Halle Berry, no. OK, Wakanda is where it is,” Shapiro said.

He continued sarcastically, “This is the most important moment in black American history, not Martin Luther King, not Frederick Douglass, not the Civil War, not the end of Jim Crow, none of that, not Brown vs. Board—the most important thing is that Chadwick Boseman puts claws on his hands and a mask on his face and runs around jumping off cars in CGI fashion—deeply, deeply important. Black children everywhere will now believe that they too can be superheroes who jump off cars in fictional countries.”

Oh my. Hey, sniveling dipshit! You left a little something out – all those things? They wouldn’t have been necessary if white people deciding that forcibly kidnapping people and putting them into slavery hadn’t been done in the first place. You don’t get fucking points for taking centuries to correct your massive mistakes. As for the the movies Blade and Catwoman, you wouldn’t have noticed that outside the main characters, most of the cast was comprised of white people. That’s because you expect to see white people, as far as you’re concerned, that’s only right and proper. What a fucking surprise that people of colour would like to see themselves reflected in the same way, and not always have to settle for tokenism.

“We heard this about Barack Obama when he was elected, too. ‘Now that Obama has been president, black Americans will feel like they too can be presidents. It’s a transformative moment.’ Yet, all we hear now is that America is deeply racist and that black people are still systemically discriminated against and that black people are still victims in America society. So, it turns out it didn’t mean anything,” Shapiro said.

Yes, it was a transformative moment. Just like the portraits too, because generations of children to come will be able to read about a black president, and they will see black people represented in the sea of white in the white house. (White, white everywhere.) Having such transformative moments in regard to representation and the hope of future achievement is not a magic fucking wand, you wannabe Voldemort. Whitemort? Yeah, I’ll go with that one. It does not magically erase systemic racism, localised bigotry, or victimisation. Those are still with us, and unfortunately, with the Tiny Tyrant, we’re seeing a vicious, cancerous rise in hatred. The difference such transformative moments make cannot be accurately estimated; they represent hope, strength, and change. They represent inclusion and acceptance, and you just have to try and take that away, by demeaning black people in every way your tiny, atrophied brain can come up with. You aren’t worth spitting on, Mr. Shapiro.

“Sorry to break it to you folks, Wakanda is not a real place,” Shapiro said. “It does not exist.”

Well, thank you ever so much for that whitesplaination, Mr. Shapiro. I’m ever so sure that not one black person could possibly figure that one out minus your help. What a flaming doucheweasel.

You can read the whole thing, and watch video at RWW.

*Screeth: screed + froth.

Sperm! Everywhere Sperm!

Kehinde Wiley’s portrait of President Obama.

The right wing lunatic fringe is going nuts over the portrait of President Obama. They seem to see sperm everywhere. And all other manner of evil. Don’t see it m’self.

…Corsi was online yesterday when the official portraits of Barack and Michelle Obama were released, and like so manyothers on the Right, he saw something nefarious in the paintings, asserting that the foliage and flowers in Barack Obama’s portrait were a symbol of “the pedophilia that they’re engaging in.”

“That is one of the weirdest presidential portraits I have ever seen,” Corsi said. “It’s a bizarre picture.”

“It’s a reference to the loss of virginity in terms of a physical sense,” he added. “It’s a very physical reference to loss of virginity … This whole elite globalist pedophilia is a major theme that Q continues to remind us underlies a lot of these globalists that we are dealing with. The fact that they are sitting on flowers and the deflowering could be easily an image of the pedophilia that they’re engaging in or the slavery pedophilia, you know, tend your gardens everybody, their slave gardens.”

Oh, now it’s “slavery pedophilia”. What the fuck? Do these people just sit around and do nothing all day except come up with this garbage? What a way to spend your life. Ugh.

Alex Jones, contributing to the second phase of the ongoing right-wing smear campaign against the artist who painted Barack Obama’s presidential portrait, claimed that the artist purposefully painted an image of sperm on Obama’s face to fulfill part of a globalist agenda to “have everything be a ritual of abomination.”

Today on Infowars, Jones claimed the artist Kehinde Wiley, who was hired to paint Obama, “is obsessed with sperm” and that “all of his paintings have sperm swimming all over everything.” For some reason, Jones also felt the need to clarify that the alleged sperm shape in question was a “GMO sperm” that was “fully formed.”

“You say, ‘But, it doesn’t make sense, it’s so degenerate.’ It’s a religion of degeneracy. It’s what globalism is. It’s what Satanism is,” Jones said. “So there you go, President Obama covered in sperm in new national portrait, and it’s all part of the joke in your face, because they don’t want upright strength. They want to have everything be a ritual of abomination.”

President Obama is covered in sperm. Uh huh. I think perhaps it’s someone other than Wiley who’s a tad obsessed with sperm, Mr. Jones.

You can read the full stories and more, at RWW: Corsi, Jones.

Sunday Facepalm.

The Owl of Minerva perched on a book was an emblem used by the Bavarian Illuminati in their "Minerval" degree.

The Owl of Minerva perched on a book was an emblem used by the Bavarian Illuminati in their “Minerval” degree.

Yet another lunatic I had not heard of until today, one Paul Begley, a right wing pastor. He’s the one who made up the story about Melania Trump insisting on having the white house exorcised. That’s a damn silly story deserving of its own post, but I’ll focus on the following one, which is all about the Illuminati plot to assassinate the Tiny Tyrant, led of course, by former President Obama. Be sure to gasp in shock. Interestingly enough, the wiki page on Illuminati opens thusly:

The Illuminati (plural of Latin illuminatus, “enlightened”) is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious. Historically, the name usually refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on 1 May 1776. The society’s goals were to oppose superstition, obscurantism, religious influence over public life, and abuses of state power. “The order of the day,” they wrote in their general statutes, “is to put an end to the machinations of the purveyors of injustice, to control them without dominating them.” The Illuminati—along with Freemasonry and other secret societies—were outlawed through edict, by the Bavarian ruler, Charles Theodore, with the encouragement of the Roman Catholic Church, in 1784, 1785, 1787, and 1790. In the several years following, the group was vilified by conservative and religious critics who claimed that they continued underground and were responsible for the French Revolution.

Gotta say, those goals all sound good to me, sign me up. Okay, on with the lunacy:

“We know right now, folks, that this was treasonous,” Begley said. “They’ve tried to hijack our nation, they tried to override our election and they are trying to destroy our Constitution. This is a cabal and by their own text messages, they even say they have secret societies and they say that these societies are meeting and these are top level people of several different U.S. government agencies working together as an Illuminati, working together as a cabal, to overthrow the United States of America.”

I’m just going to have to request citations here. Please, Mr. Begley, provide at least some of these nefarious texts, or possibly tweets. I will admit to a morbid curiosity over what type of text they would consider to be in the evil secret society category. I can’t help but think if people are openly texting about their secret societies and giving away major plot lines, it’s not much of a secret society. Basically, according to Mr. Begley, these shadowy secret societies are comprised of people who can’t keep a secret.

“I think that Bill Ayers is behind the scenes,” he continued. “I know that Barack ‘Barry’ Obama, I know that Barack Hussein Obama, I know that he is orchestrating it.

“I know, I know, I know!” No, you don’t know anything. You just make up stories out of whole cloth and act as if these are facts chiseled in stone. This is nothing more than wishful thinking, and it reveals a great deal about you, Mr. Begley. You’re all manner ugly inside.

Begley said that Obama and these secret societies are working to “impeach President Trump on lies,” but if that doesn’t work, they will seek to get Trump declared “deranged and incompetent and dangerous” and have him removed from office.

Oh, the Tiny Tyrant does lie, all the time. He doesn’t have a problem with being a liar, but he surely sucks at it. His attempts at lying are painfully transparent, as are all the lies parroted by his henchpeople. That said, the times he tells the truth are worse. As for deranged, incompetent, and dangerous, yes, yes, yes. That’s all blindingly obvious, and you all know it too, you just don’t care as long as you have a pliable puppet and can get what you want.

If those efforts fail, Begley said, then the final option will be assassination.

“We don’t have proof of assassination,” he said, “but I guarantee, if we could crawl into the bowels of these secret societies, there is a Plan C in place.”

Oh look, a teensy drop of truth. No, you don’t have proof, you don’t even have a reasonable cause for suspicion. Just ever divisive, poisonous bullshit full of hate and dark, twisted fantasies. Perhaps you should consider gaming, Mr. Begley, it might help you work out a few issues.

The whole thing, along with video, is at RWW.

Colour Me Treasonous.

That godsdamned tiny, jumped up wannabe dictator is talking treason. Why? Oooooh, get this: people didn’t applaud.

Donald Trump on Monday suggested that Democrats could be guilty of treason because of their reaction to his State of the Union address.

Trump complained during a speech in Ohio that Democrats had not applauded during his State of the Union. The president said it was “un-American” of Democrats not to give him an ovation when he spoke about topics like unemployment.

“It was bad energy… even on positive news, really positive news, they were like death, and un-American,” he said.

“Someone said ‘treasonous.’ I guess, why not?” Trump added. “Can you call that treason? Why not. I mean, they certainly didn’t seem to love our country very much.”

“But you look at that, and it is really very, very sad.”

NOT ENOUGH FUCK YOU. Paint me treason colour, drape me in a treason flag, complete with all the treason accessories, and I’ll parade them all over the damn place. I already have one hell of an attitude going about all the tainted, toxic positivity crap, and now there’s this.

For the record, Donny Dipshit, no, you cannot call that treason. For fuck’s sake, have someone look it up in a dictionary and explain it to you, you brainless lump. “I guess, why not?” Aaauuuugggh. Because words have meanings. Concepts have meaning. You. Do. NOT. Get. To. Do. Whatever. You. Want.

There’s video at RawStory, if you want to punish yourself.

Sunday Facepalm.

Courtesy Del. Marcus Simon, D-Fairfax.

Virginia drivers can already get a state-issued license plate to show their support for the National Rifle Association, but a push for a “Stop Gun Violence” specialty plate took a contentious turn this week in the House of Delegates.


“We’re the snowflakes,” said Del. Marcus Simon, D-Fairfax, the plate’s sponsor. “But these guys see ‘gun violence’ on anything and they go ballistic.”

During floor debate Thursday, Gilbert said Simon was trying to make a political point that goes beyond “a little ol’ license plate bill.”

“It is him trying to build a narrative that gun violence is somehow different from regular violence,” Gilbert said, asking Simon why the license plate couldn’t raise awareness of violence generally.

So…you want a plate which says “stop violence”? Apparently Mr. Gilbert didn’t notice that he himself made a distinction between gun violence and “regular” violence. Perhaps republican assholes could get together and put out a degrees of violence pamphlet, assigning points or something. At least that waste of time would prevent them from doing harm for a while. The fact of the matter is that gun violence is indeed different. You can kill a whole lot of people very quickly with a gun. If nothing else, I’d think being able to kill cops with guns might have given these assholes pause, but no. As an aside, Mr. Simon deserves a smack for his word play.

The legislation filed to create the anti-gun violence plate would’ve imposed a standard $10 plate fee. But Republicans argued it should cost $25, the rate for revenue-generating plates that raise money for a social cause.

Republicans argued that cause should be mental health, prompting Simon to accuse the GOP of hijacking the plate’s message.

“To buy into the myth that this is a mental health problem and that these license plates ought to be used to solve a mental health problem unfairly stigmatizes people living with mental illness,” Simon said. “It unfairly characterizes it.”

Oh yes, it perpetuates stigma, and it’s a very unfair, malicious, and lazy conclusion that so many people run to and take refuge in, whenever there’s another major shooting. Othering is terribly convenient for those who refuse to pay attention to the problem staring them in the face.

Simon said he filed the bill on behalf of a constituent, 65-year-old retired microbiologist Carol Luten, who gathered the 450 prepaid applications required before the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles will consider issuing a specialty plate. That constituent’s concerns go well beyond the mass shootings that draw headlines and focus more on everyday gun violence, such as children dying because an adult left a firearm unattended, Simon said.

“The people putting this plate in ought to have a say about what that plate means and where the funds from it go,” Simon said.

Simon suggested the money from the plate could go toward domestic violence prevention, but Republicans voted to direct the money to mental health on a 50-48 party-line vote.

Of course they did. Nothing like sticking to their narrative that guns are just harmless instruments.

The two House Republicans currently running for Congress — Dels. Ben Cline, R-Rockbridge, and Nick Freitas, R-Culpeper — voted against the plate.

“Obviously none of us support gun violence,” Freitas said. “The issue that I think a lot of us have is this idea of putting the focus on an instrument as opposed to a focus on the crime.”

Right, you want to focus on the crime. The problem there being…the fucking crime. By the time you’re focusing on that, at least one person is dead. Some of us find value in trying to make it a hell of a lot more difficult for someone to commit murder. For every brand of ugly immorality, you can count on republicans. Bet they are all “good” christians, too.

The full story is at Richmond.com.

Asshole vs Asshole: “Bloodsports”.

Screencap, Right Wing Watch.

The Nazis have a new gig on youtube, “bloodsports”, their um, rebranding of debates.

Over the past month, prominent alt-right personalities on YouTube have carved out platforms for themselves on a handful of popular livestreamed political debate channels, where they’ve engaged in debates against “classical liberal,” libertarian and “anti-social justice warrior” YouTube talkers.

The series of debates, which have been affectionately dubbed “bloodsports” by their participants, have provided the white nationalist alt-right with its latest chance to thrust itself into the political consciousness of young people and to appeal to members of some of the subcultures that have splintered from the movement in recent months.

The “bloodsports” phenomenon grew out of a fight about “race realism,” which is how some white supremacists refer to their pseudoscientific claims about racial superiority.


When the feuding between various pundits reached critical mass, alt-right figures who promote “race realism” and white nationalist advocates for the creation of ethnostates offered themselves up for debates with YouTube personalities who have channels much larger than their own. Taking advantage of the attention that the feud was providing, alt-right figures were able to secure spots on YouTube channels that boast hundreds of thousands of followers and to go up against some of YouTube’s biggest political commentators, such as Carl Benjamin (“Sargon of Akkad”), who were eager to inject themselves into the public hype.

One of the most prominent channels hosting these debates belongs to Andy Warski, a YouTube personality who has grown increasingly sympathetic to the alt-right.


In the last few weeks, Warski has hosted debates featuring nearly every popular white nationalist YouTube figure, including J.F. Gariepy, Tara McCarthy, Richard Spencer, Colin Robertson (“Millennial Woes”), Greg Johnson, Peinovich, James Allsup, Nick Fuentes and Tim Gionet (“Baked Alaska”). More often than not, these white nationalist personalities have been paired against conservative opponents who offer incredibly weak pushback to their arguments. On only a few occasions have they faced true, strong counter-arguments. One of these debates—featuring Sargon of Akkad and Tarl Warwick (“Styxhexenhammer666”) debating Spencer and Gariepy—became the highest-trending live video on YouTube during its broadcast. Afterward, Spencer declared that he had “destroyed” in the debate.

Oh yes, Richard Punch My Face Spencer declared he destroyed skepticism. So, I guess no one can be skeptical about anything ever from now one. Right Wing Watch has the full rundown on the deepening youtube cesspit, it’s quite involved. You can read all about it here.

Jehovah, A Very Stable Genius.

Steve Sack / Minneapolis Star Tribune.

Steve Sack / Minneapolis Star Tribune.

Lance Wallnau has decided to run with the whole ‘brilliant, stable genius’ business, apparently assigning the TrumpGenius™ to Jehovah.

…Wallnau said that Scalia was “the one verifiable Christian on the Supreme Court filled with vim and vigor, articulate, engaging, witty, powerful and a force to be reckoned with,” and that his death made Christian voters realize that “we can’t afford to lose a conservative because [the court] already has a preponderance of liberals on it.”

“Look how brilliant God is,” Wallnau said. “The Lord controls life and death. It’s possible that if Antonin Scalia had lived, the urgency to support this president and his nominations might not have been so strong. You might have had Hillary Clinton in the White House and you might have had maybe three appointments made during the next four years, during the next three years, who knows? Two appointments for sure—we already got one.”

This loops right back to the idiocy of Jehovah needing a blood right. This is an example of brilliance? Looks more like fucking idiocy to me. We’re talking a god, right? A god, a being who is, if not all powerful, is at least superhero powerful. All kinds of superduperspecial powers, but constantly reduced to pallid weakness due to the constraints of all manner of stupid and wacky rules. If I think about being a god, first thought: cool, I can do whatever the fuck I want, *poof* *bing* *bang*…awesome! When it comes to Jehovah though, it’s always one excuse after another why things can never be straightforward, but must always be terribly convoluted, and mostly pointless.

This is the same nasty, evil god who hardened the heart of Pharaoh 10 fucking times so his narrative would play out the way he wanted.  Jehovah the asshole cheater, who nowadays just can’t seem to manage anything at all, except perhaps to point a finger of death at a 79 year old man, because that would, aha! be a stroke of genius in possibly swaying people towards a particular narrative. Uh huh. Even Wile E. Coyote was better than that.

“You could have had Clinton making the appointments and then the balance of power would have overpowered a Scalia vote on the Supreme Court,” he added. “All that I’m saying is we don’t always see the long-term picture, but it could be that the Lord in His infinite insight saw that Scalia, him being a loss, might be the event that motivated the majority of people to show up. I think that Trump is that important and Hillary Clinton would have been that disastrous that it’s a major game of chess going on in the spirit realm over how things happen.”

Spirit realm chess. Right. Why? A god, why fuck about with such nonsense, when you could just do whatever you want? Anyroad, this little narrative is right spoiled by the fact that the majority of people were not motivated to show up for the Tiny Tyrant, they were motivated to show up against him. So much for Jehovah’s brilliance. If you morons cannot bring yourselves to shut up, at least do the rest of us a favour and try to at least think shit through before you decide to spew it all over.

The whole bad story is at RWW.

Damn Those Meddling, Ugly Women!

Protesters attend the Women's March: Power to the Polls rally at Sam Boyd Stadium on January 21, 2018 in Las Vegas, NV. Roger Kisby for RollingStone.com

Protesters attend the Women’s March: Power to the Polls rally at Sam Boyd Stadium on January 21, 2018 in Las Vegas, NV. Roger Kisby for RollingStone.com.

Sandy Rios, nasty bigot extraordinaire, was ever so concerned about the Women’s March 2018, because it makes those women so gosh darn ugly. Those of us with the fuzzy pink lady brains, well, we aren’t supposed to be doing things like speaking up and thinking for ourselves, it’s ungodly and stuff.

Sandy Rios, a Religious Right radio host and American Family Association figure, said the 2018 Women’s March was “a very ugly thing” and that women who attended it “become ugly” because they “are acting outside of the realm of God’s parameters.”

…“I’m not a guy, so I don’t have to worry about my political correctness. I am ashamed of the women of my generation. I have been for a long time. I just don’t understand their foolishness and I don’t understand why more of us weren’t deeply grounded in not only God’s word, but the principles of God’s word, about the moral behavior that is beneficial to us as well as our daughters,” Rios said.

Uh, “I’m not a guy so…” well, that’s me nonplussed. As for Ms. Rios’s generation, she’s around 68. Me, I’m a fresh 60, and I’m pretty much the antithesis of Ms. Rios. I don’t consider myself to be foolish, nor do I consider women who stand up with their full humanity blazing to be anywhere near foolish. I have no doubt there are a number of women who march who consider themselves to be theists, and as they are all marching against a terrible display of immorality, they are all looking to be on the right side of the moral fence to me.

Once again, you can see that irony has zero impact on the zealots; Ms. Rios is aghast over women taking action and speaking up, yet from what I can tell, Ms. Rios rarely shuts up, always railing on about one group or another, reserving her best hatred for queer folk. If women speaking out is ungodly, well…

“It’s a very ugly thing. It is a very ugly thing when women behave in this way. They become ugly. They don’t become like men with all the privileges. They just become ugly, because they are not—they are acting outside of the realm of God’s parameters. And what God designed is what’s best,” Rios said.

That bible you purport to love, Ms. Rios, has some rather firm stances about women preaching. I guess you think you’re excused from that somehow. Pardon my pettiness here, but Ms. Rios is also a fan of plastic surgery, which, it seems to me, is rather dissing that wonderful design of Jehovah’s, isn’t it? I suppose she gets a point for acknowledging that it is men who get all the privileges. It is truly awful how much Ms. Rios rails on about ugliness, given the toxic, systemic sexism we all live in, where messages still blast out about how beautiful is everything, and women must do this, that, and the other to avoid the ugly™.  To my eyes, all those wonderful people at the march, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! The truth is beautiful. People standing up and speaking out with passion and compassion, beautiful. A shining light on top of the shitheap which is our current regime.

“The women, you know, they have to have that apple. They’ve got to have the whole thing. They’ve got to be able to do everything they want, have sex with as many men in their lifetime, or women, as they can. You know, go for the gusto,” Rios said. “They want the whole apple and it’s not going to turn out well for them or their daughters.”

Seems to me you wanted the whole apple too, Ms. Rios, and pursued it at all costs. There’s absolutely no reason whatsoever that women should not have as much or little sex as they like in their lifetimes. That would be in the category of “none of your fucking business”. Not all women have children Ms. Rios, but from what I’ve seen, women today are doing right by their daughters, instilling them with agency and the belief that yes, they are full human beings, with all the rights therein. Woman have realized they have power, and they are using it, and that, Ms. Rios, is one hell of a great thing. Perhaps you should go home and obey your husband or something, stay out of that limelight.

Via RWW.

Coach Dave: “I Had A Dream!”

Stock Adobe.com.

Goodness me, Coach Dave had a dream. About traffic. He came to some interesting conclusions.

Daubenmire recounted a dream he had last Friday night in which he was driving to Indianapolis to speak, only to run into a massive traffic jam as he entered the city. As he sat in his car, a police officer pulled up alongside of him and told him that the traffic jam was being caused by all the people who were coming to hear him speak, at which point Daubenmire climbed into the police car and was whisked off to his speaking engagement, where he addressed a massive crowd.

“You know what the Lord was telling me?” he asked. “You know what I know? There are millions dying to hear what I have to say.”

I tend to think that might fall more firmly in the wishful thinking camp, Dave. Especially as I’ve visited your channel a couple of times, and you don’t exactly rack up the views and comments. Going by the sparse comments, it’s tempting to think people tend to simply read the summary (in this case about turning over Roe), rather than watch the video. Tsk. I don’t think there are millions dying to hear what you have to say, Dave.

Inspired by this dream, Daubenmire is now making plans to launch “a nationwide, 30-city, 50-city assault on everything evil” this summer.

Perhaps you should figure out that 30 or 50 thing first.

“We are God’s A team,” he said. “We are the agitators. We’re the provocateurs, we’re the ones who are going to provoke [people] to love and to good works. You say, ‘Coach, you sure are arrogant.’ Well, I tell you, we can do what Martin Luther King Jr. did. We can do that.”

Hahahahahahahahaha. Ah…hahahahahahaha, no. You cannot do what Martin Luther King Jr. did, not at all. You admit to being a shitlord, or at least aspiring to shitlord status; you preach nothing but bigotry and hatred. Now sure, you might pick up the more idiotic wannabe fascists, but I don’t think this dream is going to burn its way through the country, Dave. Just like that creature you call a god, you lack imagination, and there’s zero inspiration there. Stay in your little yootube corner, Dave, it’s a niche made for you.

The whole mess is at RWW.

The Memo.


Curious about all the republican upset over “The Memo”? Aaron Rupar at Think Progress has the answers. It all boils down to bullshit, but there’s little the rethugs love more than a pot of shit to stir about.

House Republicans and right-wing media outlets are up in arms about a classified memo purportedly detailing misconduct related to the FBI’s investigation of the Trump campaign for possible collusion with Russia.

After reviewing it on Thursday, a number of Trump-supporting Republicans flooded the airwaves on Fox News. On Hannity, Reps. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) and Jim Jordan (R-OH) called for Mueller to be fired, with Gaetz characterizing the special counsel’s investigation as “a lie built on corruption” and akin to “a palace coup.” On Friday morning, Fox & Friends spun the story as “worse than Watergate.”

The truth about the new ‘top secret’ memo Republicans can’t stop talking about.