Goodness me, Coach Dave had a dream. About traffic. He came to some interesting conclusions.
Daubenmire recounted a dream he had last Friday night in which he was driving to Indianapolis to speak, only to run into a massive traffic jam as he entered the city. As he sat in his car, a police officer pulled up alongside of him and told him that the traffic jam was being caused by all the people who were coming to hear him speak, at which point Daubenmire climbed into the police car and was whisked off to his speaking engagement, where he addressed a massive crowd.
“You know what the Lord was telling me?” he asked. “You know what I know? There are millions dying to hear what I have to say.”
I tend to think that might fall more firmly in the wishful thinking camp, Dave. Especially as I’ve visited your channel a couple of times, and you don’t exactly rack up the views and comments. Going by the sparse comments, it’s tempting to think people tend to simply read the summary (in this case about turning over Roe), rather than watch the video. Tsk. I don’t think there are millions dying to hear what you have to say, Dave.
Inspired by this dream, Daubenmire is now making plans to launch “a nationwide, 30-city, 50-city assault on everything evil” this summer.
Perhaps you should figure out that 30 or 50 thing first.
“We are God’s A team,” he said. “We are the agitators. We’re the provocateurs, we’re the ones who are going to provoke [people] to love and to good works. You say, ‘Coach, you sure are arrogant.’ Well, I tell you, we can do what Martin Luther King Jr. did. We can do that.”
Hahahahahahahahaha. Ah…hahahahahahaha, no. You cannot do what Martin Luther King Jr. did, not at all. You admit to being a shitlord, or at least aspiring to shitlord status; you preach nothing but bigotry and hatred. Now sure, you might pick up the more idiotic wannabe fascists, but I don’t think this dream is going to burn its way through the country, Dave. Just like that creature you call a god, you lack imagination, and there’s zero inspiration there. Stay in your little yootube corner, Dave, it’s a niche made for you.
at which point Daubenmire climbed into the police car and was whisked off to his speaking engagement
It’s telling that it was a police car, in his imagination. In real life it might be a whaaambulance.
I had a dream last night that I was a minor league baseball player again. I was sure I was heading to the big leagues.
Coach Dave was my high school’s assistant gym coach in the early 1980’s. He was an asshole then, and he has only gotten worse…
My gym coach was an asshole too.
John @ 3:
You have all my sympathies.
What does God need with an A team?
I think I’d like a hit off that pipe.
But only in mellow company.
Like, y’know?
Maybe they’re coming because he looks so follish wearing that baseball cap with a suit? Everyone needs a laugh nowadays.