Yer Not Trad!

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A few days ago, we had a bunch of drunk nazis singing about trad [traditional] women. Today, we have two white supremacist women who sing praises to trad women being taken down by the audience they cater to, because it turns out, they aren’t trad.

Lauren Southern, a conservative activist and media personality who is frequently praised by the alt-right sympathizers on YouTube and 4chan, thought it was necessary to explain to her viewers earlier this month why she was not married and did not have children despite being one of the most prominent new media voices promoting “traditionalist” lifestyles where women marry early and are relegated to housekeeping and child-rearing.


“I don’t usually respond to comments because in my opinion comments don’t represent what I say, however I have gotten so many comments lately that have misinterpreted the message  I’m trying to put out there that it’s gotten to a point where unfortunately I think I do need to address it,” Southern said, going on to explain that she is not married at 22 years old for many of the same reasons other women do not get married in their early 20s and that it would actually be “degenerate” of her to get married right now.

Southern described the attacks against her as “shocking” and “insane,” which is a bit odd given that she has conditioned her audience with video after video promoting traditionalism among women, mocking women who are happy being single, attempting to embarrass protesters marching for women’s rights, among other generally anti-social-justice messages. When her most ideologically devoted fans tested her commitment to the views she espouses, Southern conceded that she speaks in “generalities.”

Shocking! Insane! It’s very difficult for me to believe any of this could actually come as a shock. I suppose a person could put themselves in an intentional bubble, parroting evil shit to make money, without paying attention to their audience. I seriously doubt this is the case, though. These women had to know the sort of views their audience had and supported, and that their audience is highly misogynistic.

As for the hypocrisy, well, that’s nothing new. “Do as I say, not as I do.”

Tara McCarthy, a YouTube pundit who describes herself as an ethno-nationalist and a member of the alt-right, has been facing similar attacks. McCarthy received so many comments attacking her for not having children that she locked her Twitter account right after posting that she was going to “take a break from Twitter because I need to think without being inundated by notifications.”

Tara McCarthy: I had no idea that the Alt Right was a designated ‘male space’ but at this rate I’ll happily leave the Alt Right. I have no desire to stick around in a place where I am unwanted.

She was responding to #DSA Melancholia: Oh look, another slit trying to police male spaces.

Slit. There’s lovely language for you.

Last year, McCarthy and her husband were outed by the YouTube vegan community as insane racists, spurring a backlash that forced McCarthy to delete her channel. Since then, McCarthy has created a newer YouTube presence to provide a platform for white supremacist activists who openly identify as neo-Nazis, such as Greg Johnson and Andrew Anglin, to advocate that women produce as many white children as possible, and to decry feminism and encourage women to get married early.

It’s easier for me to believe McCarthy is in a self-made bubble, doing whatever she can to gain a following and monetize whatever she goes on about. Even so, it can’t be any sort of surprise that the ‘alt-right’ takes a dim view of women in general, relegating them to background, doing all those trad things: poppin’ out babies, and hanging out in the kitchen, cooking for those hard working nazis.

RWW has video and a tonne of links.

Sunday Facepalm.

Today we have Judy Reyher, a Colorado repub who was recently appointed to the state legislature. Ms. Reyher has some all too common views.

The Denver Post reports that Judy Reyher posted multiple offensive statements and memes on her Facebook page, including one that questioned why Muslims would come to the United States if they “hate pork, beer, bikinis, Jesus and freedom of speech.”

Hateful bigots always come up with the oddest assortment of words in their pitiful attempts to paint Amerikka. Pork, beer, bikinis, Jesus, freedom of speech. Wow, that’s more than a bit of a mess. A lot of people aren’t into pork, and they aren’t insulted and ostracized for it. A lot of people don’t care for beer. Bikinis? What the fuck, Ms. Reyher? It really couldn’t have been all that difficult to come up with something somewhat relevant. A lot of christians are into modest swimwear, and have no use for bikinis. Oh, and you know, women who happen to be muslim go to the beach, too, and their beach gear is along the same lines as christian modest, perhaps not quite as severe.

I have  no use for Jesus, and I wish all those who yak about that particular god all the time would shut the fuck up, and mind their own business. Once again: Judaism, Islam, Christianity, all based on the same damn books. Same god, different interpretations. I think by now everyone knows that “freedom of speech” is bigot code for “I can’t yell hate speech all over the place without people reacting! Woe is me! I am so persecuted!”

Reyher also questioned the authenticity of former President Barack Obama’s birth certificate, and subsequently told the Denver Post that “the black community and the Democrats are the most racist group of people that exist,” while also claiming that black people “hate white people with a passion.”

Oh dear. No, black people don’t hate white people with a passion. I might be reaching that point though. White people suck at listening, and they really truly suck at coming to terms with their privilege and sense of entitlement, to everything. If you’re going to go around assuming people of colour hate you, and behave as though they do, you certainly aren’t giving them much reason to consider you kindly.

“I would like to apologize for the comments or posts on Facebook that have been found offensive and racist,” she wrote to the newspaper. “However, the fact of the matter is, I am not a racist. This country was founded by immigrants, and I embrace all Americans, no matter their walk of life. Diversity is what makes America, America.”

Oh yes, you are racist, Ms. Reyher. Very much so. Announced it, actually. This country was already founded and occupied when you all decided to steal it. Oh sure, diversity makes Amerikka, after all, there are just so many shades of white, right?

Via RawStory.

oooOOOoo Liberal Lesbian Brain Eating Dominatrix ooOOOooo.

Aristotle and his lover Phyllis. Phyllis is riding on the great philosopher, which is used to symbolize the power of the women. C. 1515.

Oh, batshit does not even come close to covering what’s to follow. Before we delve into the overwhelming bonnaconshit of Alex Jones, a bit of clarification about the word Dominatrix.

Dominatrix is the feminine form of the Latin dominator, a ruler or lord, and was originally used in a non-sexual sense. Its use in English dates back to at least 1561. Its earliest recorded use in the prevalent modern sense, as a female dominant in S&M, dates to 1967. […] The profession appears to have originated as a specialization within brothels, before becoming its own unique craft. As far back as the 1590s, flagellation within an erotic setting is recorded. The profession features in erotic prints of the era, such as the British Museum mezzotint “The Cully Flaug’d” (c. 1674–1702), and in accounts of forbidden books which record the flogging schools and the activities practised. You can read more here. Thus ends sanity…

I don’t think Alex Jones believes so much as a fraction of all the delusional, conspiracy theories he pushes so hard, but whether or not he does, enough people who listen to him do swallow it all whole, and that’s bad enough. I’d be willing to bet, given this most recent, um, screed, that Jones is relying on his audience to be people who don’t read much, if at all. I did not watch the video, and I’m not going to, it’s difficult enough reading this nonsense, and I give great credit to the team at RWW who do watch these things.

On today’s Infowars broadcast, Jones claimed that “most of the so-called liberal lesbians” are women who want men with a “duck’s ass haircut and the James Dean outfit” to physically slap them around, and that if they can’t find men who fit the bill, they will turn to women who do.

“Most of these butch lesbians, they want to be the guy smacking the hot chick around. They think that’s manly. And a lot of the chicks, they like it, see, because no man will do that to them, and I’m not saying it’s good if a man does that, but some women like it. And if they can’t find a man to smack them around, well they found them a girl gonna do it real good—knock them upside their head and have ‘50 Shades of Grey’ about the sexy rich guy that’s going to chain you up,” Jones said.

Could we please dispense with the idiotic stereotypes, pleeeaaase? I don’t think it ever dawns on people like Jones that the stuff they come up with says more about them than anyone else. I guess Jones has a thing for James Dean. There are a whole lot of people who did not read or watch 50 Shades of Grey, and it did not portray BDSM correctly, to say the least. There was a great deal of conflating BDSM with abusive behaviour. [I did not read it; I did read reviews.] I can easily imagine Jones reading such dreck, and thinking it was all Trufax. Note Jones’s weaseling about when it comes to a man smacking a woman around. “It wouldn’t be good if a man did it, but y’know, some women like it!”

“Of course, you’re gonna go get chained up one time. They’re gonna put that devil mask or that piggy mask on. They’re gonna say, ‘Now I’m gonna torture you for about six weeks, so start begging for your mommy and your daddy.’ That’s the liberals. They want to get you in a dungeon. They want to strap you down and take a buzz saw and cut the top of your head off like a pumpkin and pull it off and get a little spoon and go, when you’re looking in the mirror—this is one thing I know they like to do—they go ‘I’m going to eat your brain now.’”

Jones then devolved into an impression of his imagined liberal lesbian dominatrix torturing a captor that is difficult to explain.

“Let’s start at the side areas here, because we don’t want to take away your sight at the back or your thinking in the front. I’m gonna eat your cerebral cortex last,” Jones said, beginning to scream in his studio.

Yeah, no. I am pretty sure that Jones lifted all this from Thomas Harris’s novel Hannibal. That book has scary pigs, a lesbian bodybuilder, and brain eating. Now in the book, the prefrontal cortex is eaten, so Jones changed that up a bit, while displaying a complete ignorance of brain anatomy. I have to say, I’m a bit disappointed the screed did not explain where all the corpses ended up. That’s not the way to do good narrative. Could have done a soylent green thing or something.

Jones then devolved into an impression of his imagined liberal lesbian dominatrix torturing a captor that is difficult to explain.

“Let’s start at the side areas here, because we don’t want to take away your sight at the back or your thinking in the front. I’m gonna eat your cerebral cortex last,” Jones said, beginning to scream in his studio.

“I’ve got power. I love Satan,” Jones yelled, growing louder and louder. “And I’m gonna suck you dry and I’m going to torture you to death. And you’re going to follow my liberal orders, and you’re going to talk like I talk, and you’re going to be guilty when I say you’re guilty. And you’re gonna bow to me.”

Sigh. C’mon, there’s got to be a little bit of plausibility somewhere. Just how is anyone going to follow orders, liberal or no, and talk like they talk if they are missing mass amounts of their brain, and then being tortured to death? Honestly, there’s no point there. That is not any way to go about getting yourself a bunch of liberal slaves. And, it’s a bad story, dude. Really bad. Unfortunately, I imagine Jones’s audience isn’t terribly keen on all thinking business.

There’s video at RWW, if you want the full performance.

A Double Demon Day.

We’ll go with minor demons today, because Wiles & Wallnau don’t deserve anyone grander. To the left is Ukobach: a demon of an inferior order. He is shown with a flaming or red body, large eyes and ears and often a pan full of coals or a hot poker. He is said to be the inventor of fireworks and the art of frying foods. He is charged by Belzebuth to maintain the “oil in the infernal boilers”, which is made of the blood of the damned, “forged in the west where the sun sets”. To the right is Xaphan: a fallen angel, rebelled with Lucifer, a demon of the 2nd order. He is said to have an inventive mind and came up with the idea to set fire to heaven before he and the other fallen were cast out. He has a bellows as an emblem, but must fan the flames of the abyss with his mouth and hands.

It’s rather interesting that heaven was considered to be flammable. Okay, on with today’s dose of ineffable nonsense. We start with Rick Wiles, who has figured out who is at fault for all those powerful men who sexually assault and harass.

“The left has viciously waged a war against Christianity in America for over 50 years,” he said. “You, the left, you demanded that children not read the Bible in schools. You demanded that nobody in public schools pray to Jesus Christ. You, the left, you demanded the removal of the Christian cross and Ten Commandments from public buildings and town squares and city parks. You, the left, you demanded a godless secular society, void of biblical morality.”

50 years ago is 1967. At that time, I was stuck in catholic school. There was no end of fucking praying, having to go to mass, and of course, having to go to confession three bloody times a week. Christianity in general was still going strong at that time, in spite of no verbal mandatory prayer in public schools. I couldn’t wait to get into a public school. When the time came, there was fight, because it was expected I’d go to Mater Dei HS, but I managed to make my way into a happily public school. I can honestly say that removing mandatory prayer from schools was a great thing. Personal religious beliefs don’t belong in an institution where the aim is to educate. It’s easier having a talk with a stone than it is getting through to you idiotic asses that students can still pray. They can pray all day long, just not out loud. When I was in my public HS, there were student bible studies and the like; they weren’t stopped or stomped on. Crosses and monuments to the 10 commandments don’t need to be in every public building, town square, and city park. FFS, it’s not like people pay attention to them, or bother to obey them much, and that includes christians. You assholes break those things every damn day, and you don’t care about that at all. What you do care about is being able to force all that crap on everyone else. If I want to see that nonsense, I’ll go to a church.

We’re living in a godless, secular society? Where? I’d like to go there. Being void of biblical ‘morality’ is good thing. A very good thing. Have you read that mess? It’s an instruction manual on how to be the very best psychopath you can be. I’ll pass, I have much higher morals than the bible.

Using the news media, the entertainment industry, academia and the internet, Wiles said, the left has “systematically indoctrinated tens of millions of children and teens and young adults to embrace atheism or Eastern religions.”

Goodness me, people using their brains! Yeah, there’s a horror. Choice is not a bad thing. Education is not a bad thing. Being able to communicate easily with people from all over the world can open a person’s mind in wonderful ways. That’s good too. You only ascribe it all to evil because it’s a matter of you losing control.

“You arrogantly mocked on television God-fearing Christians, the Holy Bible and morality,” Wiles said. “You demanded a godless society. Well, you got it. All these allegations of sexual misconduct are the byproduct of your godless society.

Well, there’s so much material to mock. No, we don’t have a godless society, and you damn well know it. But you christians, you can’t manage to breathe without complaining. Sexual assault and harassment are not the byproduct of a godless society (the one we don’t have). You can take a very good look at societies which are truly secular, and they don’t have anywhere near the level of problems we have here in Ustates. Now, it’s beyond fucking wrong to pretend that in the 1950s and 1960s and on that men just didn’t do this sort of thing. They did. There was plenty of harassment, sexual assault, and rape. People had little recourse back then, and that sort of thing was in the “don’t talk about it” category. It’s taken a long time for people to be able to speak out. That does not mean this behaviour is brand new.

When it comes to sexual assault and harassment, there’s been one hell of a lot of christians behind it. Most of the people who did such thing would describe themselves a good, upstanding christians. People still do that sort of shit – Roy Moore. There’s no one who will stand and defend the very worst of behaviour like a white, christian man. Personally, I don’t give a shit about what religion an abuser may or may not embrace; that should not be a focus. Behaviour should be the focus. A great many priests are abusive. Christians get caught with their pants down every other day. Obviously, that biblical morality isn’t so great.

You ripped out of America’s heart her affections for God and His Holy Bible. Why are you now indignant that people are acting like godless heathens?”

America is not a person. To my 60 year old eyes, people are acting like “good christians”. I’ve always been indignant when it comes to sexual abuse. Again, this isn’t new at all. Been going on since forever. What has changed is that people now have the tools to come out about abuse, and they have support in doing so. That still does not make it easy in any way, shape or form. People who come out with sexual abuse are often hounded and harassed, they receive death threats, and much of that shit comes from “good christians”. You have no high horse, Mr. Wiles. Nor do you have a cross, so get yourself down.

Honestly, reading such shit makes me feel the need to take a shower. Moving on to Lance Wallnau, below the fold…

[Read more…]

Nazi Mind Control! Sabbatean Kabbalists! Druids!

Roman soldiers murdering druids and burning their groves on Anglesey, as described by Tacitus. Wiki.

Oh, so much batshit, so little time. Radical right-wing commentator and unhinged crackpot Sheila Zilinsky recently interviewed fellow conspiracy theorist Dr. Ted Broer on her “Weekend Vigilante” podcast, and things got a little…nuts.

After explaining how fluoridation is really a Nazi mind-control program, Broer warned that America has been “duped” by its corrupt and compromised elected representatives.

When I was growing up, fluoridation was a commie plot.

“They have been compromised because of impropriety with money—with wire transfers, with money transfers, et cetera—pedophilia, human sacrifice, satanic sacrifice, adultery, alcoholism, or drug use,” Broer said. “Over 50 percent of Congress—in my opinion, probably closer to 70 percent—has been compromised or is being controlled in one way or the other. Not all of them, but a large percentage of them.”

Let me guess: everyone except the so-called ‘freedom caucus’. Wow, some of those things on that list aren’t like the other things.

“They have basically given control of the government to the military industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about,” he continued. “They have, in turn, taken this military industrial complex and they have given it over to the CIA. The CIA has given it over to the Sabbatean Kabbalists … These are the Druids, these are the ones that were taught the ancient forms of worship by the fallen angels. These are the bad guys that run the planet and they, in turn, have given over their control to Lucifer to control the energy field around the planet.”

Uhhh, wow. That’s one hell of a mash-up. I think you need to pick your villain and stick with it. Too many villains in the soup, and really, it’s not fair play to blame people who are long dead and had a lot of stupid and nasty stories stuck on them.

“It’s all to control the thoughts and the minds of everybody on the planet,” Broer concluded.

FFS, once more – America is not the world, and we can all be thankful for that. I’d certainly like to know what’s controlling your mind, dude. Those are some serious drugs. I’m tempted to think these people are playing with Belladonna.

Via RWW.

The End Times Shopping Network. Yep.

You all knew this was Jim Bakker, didn’t you? Who else would it be? It’s actually ‘PTL Shopping’.  Jim’s desperation for money, money, money is ridiculous, and it should be ridiculed at every opportunity. For someone who preaches end times nonsense, Jim doesn’t seem to believe in it much. His ‘shopping network’ is hawking all manner of crap, most of which has nothing to do with religion at all, like garden sprayers and camp showers. It all seems to be stuff which couldn’t be sold in the first place, and Bakker is trying to sell it all a cut rate. Mostly. Ol’ Jim is also selling crap like this:

With this special offer you will receive one (1) 16 oz. Activz™ Silver Solution Liquid, one (1) 4 oz. Activz™ Silver Solution Gel, one (1) 3.4 oz. Activz™ Silver Facial Cream, one (1) 3.4 oz. Activz™ Silver Hand Lotion, one (1) set of applicator bottles, one (1) Activz™ Silver Lozenges, one (1) 4 oz. Activz™ Silver Toothpaste Gel and one (1) Silver: Nature’s Natural Healer book along with Unlocking the Keys to an Ageless Body Seminar with Dr. Sherrill Sellman DVD, Patented Nano Silver: Nature’s Healer Seminar with Dr. Sherrill Sellman DVD and The Healing Miracle of Silver DVD.

for $90.00 – anyone who buys this crap will turn a not so lovely, permanent shade of blue gray. To say selling this crap is irresponsible is an understatement. I’d definitely place this in the highly unethical category, but Jim doesn’t care about ethics. Or morals. There’s money at stake, dammit! I doubt he’s stupid enough to take it himself, but at least he’d be more entertaining if he turned blue gray. He’s also selling crap ‘detox’ packages for 60 dollars. Perhaps that’s for people who buy his yuck inna bucket. Someone needs to flood him with this song. Damn near tailor made.

ETA: I went back to grab the descriptor of all the silver, and the video started playing (have I mentioned how much I hate autoplay?), and there was Jim, claiming all the silver shit was a daily staple in their house.

PTL Shop / Faith Based Shopping Network.

A Nod To Lunacy.

Liz “Red Shoes” Crokin is at it again, and oh my. This is a descent into, well, I’m not altogether sure. This morning, PZ posted about a bit of conspiracy laden irrationality from a site called MAGA Pill, which Red Shoes is all excited about as well, because the Tiny Tyrant tweeted this nuttery, which according to her, is a confirmation of all things bugfuck. In a tweet (which can be seen at RWW), she wrote:

President Trump legitimizes Q anon & child sex trafficking! The storm is HERE!!

That left me nonplussed, because I had no idea of what Q anon might be, and of course, her method of writing could easily be taken another way altogether. She’s also quite prone to overusing emojis, which I can’t stand. I’m just going to excerpt a rather small amount here, because there’s only so much batshit I can cope with this early in the day. Or any other time of day. First, some clarification about the Q-anon business:

Crokin said that she had long suspected that an anonymous poster known only as “Q” who posts seemingly insider information about Trump and his administration on 4Chan forum boards may in fact be Trump himself and/or one of his high-ranking advisers. Those who follow Q’s posts are said to be “following the white rabbit” and Crokin excitedly claimed that Trump’s MAGA Pill tweet was confirmation of Q’s insider status and the accuracy of his information.

Ah well, what could possibly be more legitimate than 4Chan? FFS, this level of credulity is near to unbelievable. This is way beyond any sort of honest gullibility, this is the willful embrace of a terrible irrationality. To give an example, some of the ‘insider info’ includes assassination attempts. Maybe it’s just me, but I’m pretty sure journalists would be jumping all over such a thing. Even if you posit a thorough hush hush cover up, does anyone honestly think that Trump would be capable of keeping his mouth shut? The man suffers from severe verbal and twitter diarrhea.

“Here is why this matters,” Crokin said. “I know for a fact that President Trump doesn’t just retweet random accounts. He vets all the people that he retweets, he vets websites that he retweets, he has his people look into these people, he has his people look into these accounts and their websites. There is absolutely no way in hell President Trump didn’t know that @MAGAPILL promotes the white rabbit, promotes Q, has been following Q. There is no way that President Trump didn’t know that MAGA Pill’s pinned tweet was a video of me—sorry, Hillary—talking about Hillary Clinton’s sex tape.”

“President Trump is very thorough,” she continued. “He is very sophisticated and he is very strategic and everything that he does has multiple meanings and he drops clues and messages and hidden messages all the time. That is how he operates, alright?

Holy shit. How does anyone willingly disconnect themselves so much from reality? Trump doesn’t vet a fucking thing. He wouldn’t have the slightest clue how to do that, not properly anyway. He also doesn’t know how to do one damn thing on the net; it’s long been disclosed that Melania does all the net trawling for what people might be saying about him, he doesn’t even know how to use e-mail. He knows how to tweet. On his phone. That’s it.

Thorough? Sophisticated? Strategic? :chokes on tea: Oh, I don’t think so. I’m afraid the Tiny Tyrant is none of those things, and reality based people are well aware of it. He’s a fuckin’ moron. A willfully ignorant one.

So I firmly believe President Trump retweeting @MAGAPILL was a nod to MAGA Pill, was a nod to myself, was a nod to literally all the people that go on 4Chan, all the people that have been following the white rabbit, all the people that have been talking about Q, all the people that have been exposing pedogate, Pizzagate, child sex-trafficking, Uranium One, you name it. This was a nod to us, this was a nod to this community, this was President Trump giving us a thumbs-up.”

My, my, my. No. The Tiny Tyrant is, at best, only marginally aware of the larger world, or what’s going on at any given time, if it’s not focused on himself. He tweeted that nonsense because he thought it was about his “accomplishments”, and he’s a sucker for that sort of thing, which has been confirmed over and over and over and over and over again. He’ll swallow any ineffable twaddle if someone labels it “Tiny Tyrant’s accomplishments”, of which, there have been none, unless you wish to count all the destruction he’s wrought. I suppose that’s an accomplishment.

“That was his way of letting us know that Q is real,” Crokin said, “and I also believe that this is his way of letting us know Pizzagate is real, the child sex-trafficking is real and, yeah, those disgusting sex tapes exist.”

There may well be sex tapes somewhere, and they may well concern the Tiny Tyrant. Is his behaviour not disgusting enough as it stands? I’m not exactly happy to have a rapist and serial sexual assaulter in office. The only pizza anything which is real is actual pizza, which is often delicious. It’s no secret that child sex trafficking is real, and that very little is done about it. As to claims that the Clintons are involved, all I have there is a somewhat despairing laugh, that idiots such as yourself are so invested in your beliefs.

This is obviously willful irrationality, but it’s running headlong into willful insanity, with the rush to openly embrace paranoia, delusions, and the most threadbare ‘connections’ in the attempt to create a massive platform of conspiracy. Politics is a dirty game, and that’s no secret either. There’s more than enough bad and fuck ups to go around, without creating this sort of lunacy, and welcoming it, as you plunge headlong down your rabbit hole.

There’s more at RWW, including video, if you so desire.

Sunday Facepalm.

This is from some days back, it’s hard to keep up with the constant stream of conspirashit coming from the conservachristians. Today, we return to Rick Wiles, who for once, has dropped the commie threat he’s so attached to, in favour of the New New Nazis, who are coming to get you, Barbara.

“There is a hatred of Christianity,” Wiles warned. “The homosexuals, the leftists, the socialists, the communists, the deep state in Washington, they hate [the Bible], they’re going to team up with the Muslims, you’re going to have an alliance of God-haters that are coming together to form a new Nazism in America.”

So. Much. Crap. I don’t hate your non-existent Jehovah, dude, or your ghostie trinity and whatever. Who on earth has that kind of time, or is willing to make such an emotional investment? Not me. I wouldn’t care about theists at all if you’d just mind your own damn business. Keep your gods where they belong, in your head, your house, and your place of worship. Keep that nonsense out of government and publicly funded institutions, and we are good. I don’t know how to break this to you, Mr. Wiles, but muslims aren’t god haters. They believe in the same god you do. Abrahamaic religions, y’know. All from the same source. Glad I could clear that one up.

Now, we do have nazis. Mostly hateful, bigoted, incredibly insecure white people, who think Nazism is a dandy idea, no matter how much they try to re-brand it. All the new nazism is on them. Me, I’m anti-Nazi, anti-shite supremacist, and anti-fascist. That goes for all the lefty liberals I know, too.

“Right now, what we are experiencing is what the Jews experienced in the ’30s and early ’40s in Nazi Germany,” he continued.

Oh the fuck you are. Such a vile liar. :spits: You’re privileged out the ass, sir. There speaks the voice of arrogant privilege, that you dare compare yourself to people who truly suffered.

“That spirit of Nazism slaughtered millions of Jews, that spirit in here in America. Let me tell you something, it’s going to be different this time. The Christians are going to be rounded up.”

That “spirit of nazism”? Yeah, it’s being held by white people, in particular, white christians, who want to stomp all over everyone who doesn’t fit their tiny box of “acceptable” people. You’re a loudmouthed, lying, wannabe leader of that spirit of nazism. You fucking christians, with your endless persecution complex. You want people to believe they are being persecuted, so very badly. What you don’t want is to actually be persecuted. It’s all pretend with you. “Oh dear god, people are ignoring us on social media! The persecution!” “Look, social media doesn’t approve of our hateful bigotry! Oh, the torture! Oh, the persecution! All we said is that gay people should be executed! What’s wrong with that?”

Shut the fuck up. Just shut up. Throughout history, christians have excelled at being those who torture, imprison, and execute anyone deemed guilty of heresy, with a side specialty in genocide, like the Albigensian Crusade.

Saint Dominic Presiding over an Auto-da-fe. The whole piece may be seen here.

You christians are dripping with centuries upon centuries of blood. You should be down on your knees in perpetuity, begging for mercy and forgiveness for all your crimes against humanity.

Warning that Christians are going to be ostracized and pushed into a “digital ghetto” as their rights are methodically stripped away, Wiles declared that “the ultimate desire of these people in America right now that are in high places of power in this country, the ultimate desire is to kill you. Listen to what I am saying. They are coming for you, they plan to destroy you, they plan to destroy the church, they hate Jesus Christ, they hate you, they hate your children and they are coming for you.”

Oh, a digital ghetto. Well, that’s different, isn’t it? I’m coming for you? :Snort: I don’t think so. I fully admit, I’d be much happier if you’d all shut the fuck up, and stop trying to stick your nose up everyone else’s crotch, but I do not have time to come after you all, I’m a busy person. I couldn’t be arsed to do so anyway. All I want is for you to mind your own damn business, and deal with the fact that no, not everyone else believes as you do. You christians can’t even agree with one another. There’s something like 38,000 different factions of christianity*, and none of you agree on anything. Get your own fucking house in order, that should keep you all occupied for a few centuries.

I have absolutely no desire to kill anyone at all. Most people are not bloodthirsty like you christians, who project your bloodlust all over everyone else. Why don’t you figure out just why you’re projecting so hard? That one might keep you busy a while. Clutch your bible, and go off and have a think, and please, please be quiet a while. The noise of you being “censored” and shoved into a digital ghetto is one mighty cacophony.

*Here’s a basic list.

Via RWW, there’s video.


Merry Christmas: Outlawed!1!!

Oh, look – christian ornaments! Via Amazon.

Jim Bakker. Again. In light of his latest round of bullshit, I missed this little whiny complaint. Along with screaming for people to buy his yuck inna bucket, he’s also been busy hawking christmas crap, ornaments, cheap gifts for too much money, and so on.

Bakker said that he has been searching for Christmas ornaments that feature Jesus instead of Santa because Christmas “is the birthday of Jesus Christ” and complained that he wants to be able to buy a Christmas tree instead of a “holiday tree.”

“They outlawed ‘Merry Christmas’ a few years ago and you know it,” he said. “You couldn’t even say ‘Merry Christmas” at Walmart and the Walmart greeters told me they weren’t allowed to say it. But we all started writing and what did we do? We changed it. We changed it. We all worked together. You don’t have to lay down for it.”

Uh huh. It’s so easy to prove you’re a liar, Jim. I did a quick search for Jesus ornaments. There’s a veritable fucktonne of them. Interestingly enough, they are listed as available at Wal-mart. So are Christmas trees, the list of which goes on and on. You need to stop lying, Jim, it’s not nice. I think it’s a sin, too.

Saying Merry Christmas has never been outlawed, and you damn well know it. Wal-mart is a private corporation, and their rules do not apply to the whole country, you dipshit. There’s nothing stopping you saying Merry Christmas or whatthefuckever you want. If your big problem is not every single person in Ustates saying merry mixmush, you are privileged beyond belief, and need to shut the fuck up, and help those who are not so unbelievably privileged.

You aren’t remotely concerned with christmas, Jim. All you care about is selling your cheap gimrack, so you can stuff more money in your pockets. You’re all about Giftmas. Your ‘christmas’ tree has nothing to do with your idiotic religion. That’s pagan in origin. What would you being doing with one? And please, shut up about it already, it’s still six days until Brumalia, for pity’s sake.

Via RWW.

The Terror of…SOY!


The things which go on while I’m under my rock. Perhaps it’s just me, but none of the men in the above look to be lacking in masculine qualities. This, of course, calls into question as to what those ‘necessary masculine qualities’ might be, and I’m not sure I want to know. The concepts of masculinity and femininity are, for the best part, damn silly, and for the worst part, terribly toxic and harmful. We aren’t extruded bits of plastic labeled Ken and Barbie. We come in a wide variety of everything. Ah well, on with the show.

Popular figures among the alt-right and users of right-wing internet forum boards such as 4chan frequently used the term “soy boy” to attack their liberal critics, using the term to label their targets as politically or physically weak. Alt-right YouTube pundit James Allsup claims to have invented the term “soy boy,” which experienced brief mainstream exposure through right-wing pundits such as Mike Cernovich.

The weakness, it is argued, comes from increased estrogen levels experienced when consuming soy products and the alleged resulting feminine behavior.

Oh for pity’s sake. Soy has to be one of the most studied and investigated plants on the planet, considering its versatility and utility. There are no studies which show that soy consumption “effiminizes” the poor menfolk. For most people, soy is quite beneficial, and no, it has no impact on those precious testosterone numbers, dudes. Your testosterone is safe with soy.

In a video uploaded to his YouTube account yesterday, Paul Joseph Watson, Infowars editor, attempted to explain how the consumption of soy products is to blame for decreased testosterone levels and lower sperm counts in men, resulting in depression and feminine behavior.

“Men with high estrogen take on feminine traits. They find it harder to handle stress. They become less assertive. They become low energy. Their voices get higher. Their genitals shrink. They lose muscle tone,” Watson said.

Goodness me. You’d think there would be panic in the streets! Media would be wall to wall coverage of the great penis shrink of 2017. Talk shows would have sobbing men behind screens, talking about the horrible degredation of testicle loss and puberty voices. Interestingly enough, there have been a high number of men lately who have not handled stress well at all. These are ‘masculine’ men, too. The ones who have histories of abusive, assertive, nay, aggressive behaviour. They tend to take out their problems with a gun, which ends up with many dead people, including themselves. I think I’ll stick with the men who aren’t terrified of soy.

Later in the video, Watson attempted to correlate increased sales of soy products in the United States to unrelated articles that detail a “substantial drop” in men’s testosterone levels in the United States and “otherwise healthy and lean” young men developing enlarged breasts—or as Watson describes them, “bitch tits.”

Bitch tits. Gosh, that must be one of those necessary masculine qualities, denigrating anything deemed female. I think we can all live without that one. One of these days, you manly menly dudely types are going to have to deal with the fact that yes, men have breasts. By the way, you should be doing regular checks for lumps, just like you do for those precious testicles, because men get breast cancer too. They come in many different shapes and sizes. A lot depends on diet, true, and whether or not you work out. If you’re eating a trash diet, you’re probably gonna have hairy man teats. Have you all taken a good look at your idol Trump when he’s in his golf clothes? Yeah. He could probably do with laying off the McD’s. Going back to the image above, none of those men look like they are sporting a healthy rack.

In his pseudo-scientific explanation, Watson even claimed that soy found in infant baby formula is making children liberal “from birth.”

“Rather than people with already pre-existing left-wing beliefs being attracted to vegan-style tofu soy diets, we’re actually creating an army of soy boys from birth,” Watson said. “What a terrifying thought.”

:Cough: Excu…hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha *gasp* hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha *thud*

Okay. I’m a bleeding heart liberal, a compleat lefty. I did not grow up on soy products, because they weren’t a big thing way back when. I don’t eat much soy now. That has not affected my leftiness in the least. I’m pretty sure you can’t get leftiness in bottle. That would be rather big news. Why do I get the idea you idiots think this is just like the “commies are behind flouridation” business?

Watson warned that “soy is the silent killer” of masculine behavior and that the world is “losing an entire generation of young men to soy.”

At the end of the video, Watson issued a warning to his male viewers: “Men, if you don’t want to develop a bunch of retarded beliefs about how inviting in millions of rapey migrants is a good idea, about how anyone to the right of Michael Moore is literally Hitler, about how fantastic communism is, or about how being a white male is shameful and wrong, while literally growing tits and seeing your penis shrink at the same time, when it comes to soy just say no.”

Hahahahahahaha. My my. I look forward to the intense, saturated, “Just Say No…to Soy!” campaign. The War on Soy. Maybe that could put an end to the idiocy of the war on drugs. Okay, probably not. You fellas don’t need to be concerned with ‘rapey’ immigrants. You should be concerned with all the homegrown rapey men, y’know, the ones who tend to put all kinds of emphasis on being masculine.

Such privilege, that you literally have nothing more to do than to sit around and make up such shit. I wish I had that kind of free time. The whole mess, including video, is available at RWW.

Red Shoes? Let’s Dance! Oh. Nevermind.

Red Shoes! Red Shoes! Illuminati! Squuuuaaaawk! Oh yes, uh, satanism, child abuse, child sex slaves, all that.

Making a second appearance on a program hosted by one-time “Survivor” contestant Anna Khait that was streamed on Mike Cernovich’s Facebook page last Thursday, Liz Crokin continued on her mission to expose the supposed fact that leading government, entertainment and business leaders are involved in a massive satanic pedophile cult by linking Podesta’s choice of shoes to Illuminati mind-control.

“Tony Podesta is obsessed with his red shoes,” Crokin said. “There is symbolism for red shoes in the occult and it’s also tied to satanic ritualistic abuse and the trafficking of children.”

Or, you know, Mr. Podesta might really like the colour red, and he might really like those shoes. Perhaps your obsession with someone else’s shoes isn’t terribly healthy, Ms. Crokin. I have a fair number of red shoes m’self. What’s not to love? Do blue suede shoes get in on this at all?

“The Illuminati, the elites, they use ‘The Wizard of Oz’ to mind control child slaves,” she added. “They use certain films to program children and part of the programming is having them watch these films

Uh huh. I did not like The Wizard of Oz in the least when I was sprog. Bored me silly. Whether or not sprogs like the film, it’s not at the level of oooOOOOOoooOOooo mind control. Now, out of this one movie, you’re focusing on the ruby slippers? Really? Oh, you christian conservatives are so void of imagination. There’s a lot of material to work with there, and you go with shoes.

and they also sexually abuse them and they physically abuse them because the abuse splits their personality and creates different personalities, so then they are able to program them and control them and they virtually become MK-Ultra programming.”

That one merits you one universe worth of Shut the Fuck Up and sit down, Ms. Crokin. A whole lot of kids suffer terrible abuse, and they do not end up with “split personalities” which make them ideal “agents” in one of your idiotic scenarios. You can leave all of us who have suffered abuse the hell alone. I’ll add that christian conservatives are high up there when it comes to abusing children. Look to your own house, you vile bag of poison.

“This is a known thing,” Crokin insisted. “They use ‘The Wizard of Oz’ to mind control these child sex abuse victims. Well, what does Dorthy wear in ‘The Wizard of Oz’? Red shoes!”

No. It. Is. NOT. A. Known. Thing. It’s something you made up, and you’re pretending that red shoes make this nefarious connection between whatever and whatever. I’ll be heading into town today, and already have my outfit ready, which includes brown boots. I am so tempted to change everything so I can wear a pair of red shoes. Everyone should wear red shoes! They’re festive and cheerful! And, it’s the right time of year for that, too.

Via RWW, where there’s video.

There’s Always A Loophole.

BCD means – Bad Conduct Discharge.

Most people are aware of the Sutherland Springs, Texas shooting. The man who did the shooting, Devin Kelley, had been discharged from the USAF for domestic violence against his wife and child. After the court martial and a brief amount of prison time (1 year), Kelley was given a bad conduct discharge, which allowed for him to still own and purchase guns. A dishonorable discharge would have barred him from owning or purchasing guns.

Domestic violence and guns are deeply intertwined in America. The reason that at least one sensible restriction against gun ownership cannot be enacted, domestic violence conviction – no guns, is because it would strip too many cops of the right to carry a gun. The gun madness in this country is deep, and I don’t know how in the hell we can stop it, let alone change it. Especially when we have the Idiot King saying that more guns are needed, yes, more, more! The fucking idiot also went on to tar all people with mental illness, saying the shooter was deeply mentally ill. He wasn’t, he was angry.  The Tiny Tyrant is tweeting this utter crap from Japan, a country with very strict gun control, and guess what? Hardly any gun deaths at all:

In 2014 there were just six gun deaths in Japan, while there were 33,599 in the United States.

I’ll just let that sit there.

Via Raw Story, one, two.

In the meantime, a Fox Idiot said church is the ideal place to be shot dead:

Fox News host Ainsley Earhardt asserted on Monday that the dozens of people killed at a church in Sutherland Springs, Texas had gone to the right place to be shot because they were close to Jesus at the time of their death.

The War on Giftmas Begins.

The AFA (American Family Association) has already begun working on their annual  manufactured war on xmas.

This Christmas season I am asking our AFA family to stand for the Christian faith by wearing and sharing our new “Keep Christ in Christmas” wristband. These wristbands are great conversation starters. In fact, I want to send you a wristband absolutely free just for asking. We also invite you to order more wristbands (at discounted prices) to share with your friends and family or even your entire church. And since they are so inexpensive, you’ll want to give one to anyone who asks about them.

Oh, that FREE business, always comes with a catch, doesn’t it. It’s getting to be that it’s quite rare to find christians without a hand being held out for money.

You might ask why we think this is an important battle. Well, secular liberals in our nation are bent on minimizing and even removing any mention of Christianity from the public square. And no other time of the year reminds people of Jesus Christ and America’s Christian heritage more than the Christmas season. For this reason, politically correct forces want to use their influence to distance our culture from anything that would remind people of the Savior – even Christmas.

You can mention christianity all you want, I’m not obligated to listen. This is not a christian country, it’s a secular one. Or it’s supposed to be, anyway. Keep your religion out of government and publicly funded institutions, and I don’t really give a fuck what you blather on about. I’m also not interested in distancing anyone, while I am interested in being as inclusive as possible. Might be nice if you folks just spit out the truth of the matter – you want to be exclusive and divisive. Lovely holiday sentiments, I’m sure. Every year, people say ‘Merry Xmas’ to me, and I reply with a cheerful ‘Merry Giftmas’, which always gets a laugh. Most people aren’t terribly hung up about it, and exchange and express all manner of greetings with good cheer and acceptance. If there’s anything which defies the notion of a loving god, it’s christian assholes who invent nonsensical ‘wars’ and snarl at anyone who lets slip with a ‘happy holidays’, ‘season’s greetings’, or ‘merry solstice’. Truly, holiday greetings are no skin off your collective noses.

Every year, when this bullshit surfaces, it’s always explained, every.single.time. that good, bible believin’ christians shouldn’t be celebrating xmas anyway. Personally, I don’t care if you do, but when you’re celebrating the same commercial and traditional stuff (trees, decorations, gifts, Santa, all that) as everyone else, you hardly have the high road, y’know.

And as you request your free wristband or order more, please remember that your prayers and financial contributions keep AFA in the battle to restore Christian values in America.

Yes, I knew money was going to be mentioned again.

May God bless you and your family during this wonderful time of year as we celebrate the God who came to earth as a child.

No. Even if you want to posit that Jesus was real and all that, the little tyke wasn’t born in December, and not on the 25th. That was just the church co-opting other festivals and rites. You’re celebrating the Winter Solstice and Saturnalia. So Happy Solstice Celebrations to you!

Via AFA. There’s video, if you wish.