You all knew this was Jim Bakker, didn’t you? Who else would it be? It’s actually ‘PTL Shopping’. Jim’s desperation for money, money, money is ridiculous, and it should be ridiculed at every opportunity. For someone who preaches end times nonsense, Jim doesn’t seem to believe in it much. His ‘shopping network’ is hawking all manner of crap, most of which has nothing to do with religion at all, like garden sprayers and camp showers. It all seems to be stuff which couldn’t be sold in the first place, and Bakker is trying to sell it all a cut rate. Mostly. Ol’ Jim is also selling crap like this:
With this special offer you will receive one (1) 16 oz. Activz™ Silver Solution Liquid, one (1) 4 oz. Activz™ Silver Solution Gel, one (1) 3.4 oz. Activz™ Silver Facial Cream, one (1) 3.4 oz. Activz™ Silver Hand Lotion, one (1) set of applicator bottles, one (1) Activz™ Silver Lozenges, one (1) 4 oz. Activz™ Silver Toothpaste Gel and one (1) Silver: Nature’s Natural Healer book along with Unlocking the Keys to an Ageless Body Seminar with Dr. Sherrill Sellman DVD, Patented Nano Silver: Nature’s Healer Seminar with Dr. Sherrill Sellman DVD and The Healing Miracle of Silver DVD.
for $90.00 – anyone who buys this crap will turn a not so lovely, permanent shade of blue gray. To say selling this crap is irresponsible is an understatement. I’d definitely place this in the highly unethical category, but Jim doesn’t care about ethics. Or morals. There’s money at stake, dammit! I doubt he’s stupid enough to take it himself, but at least he’d be more entertaining if he turned blue gray. He’s also selling crap ‘detox’ packages for 60 dollars. Perhaps that’s for people who buy his yuck inna bucket. Someone needs to flood him with this song. Damn near tailor made.
ETA: I went back to grab the descriptor of all the silver, and the video started playing (have I mentioned how much I hate autoplay?), and there was Jim, claiming all the silver shit was a daily staple in their house.
Yeah… well, that can end your times, all right.
For some reason I feel like vomiting now.
He’ll do anything for money. I can’t imagine what he’s doing with it all, but I’m sure if I knew, that would make me sick indeed.
Hey, he should try my cadmium bromide tablets!!! (use ONLY as directed)
Teeth all grey!
:snort: That would turn him an interesting colour, at least for a bit.
I’m amused by the Old Glory Throw. Obviously it’s a must-have for when your favourite American fascist (or yourself) needs to be wrapped in the flag, as per specifications.
And as to silver being a staple in Bakker’s house -- better to use it as a staple then as a consumable!