Trying to read a story, and completely distracted by the lead photo. Look at that – all these white men, one of them looks like he’s dying, and another looks like he’s having a fine nap. No wonder we’re such a fucking mess. Okay, the story…at least a couple of the white dudes are awake:
Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) on Tuesday tried to force the Republican Party to uphold President Donald Trump’s promise of “insurance for everybody.”
During a House Ways and Means Committee hearing on the Republican plan to replace President Barack Obama’s health care reform law, Blumenauer became the first lawmaker to offer an amendment to the GOP bill.
Blumenauer’s amendment would prevent any of the provisions in the American Health Care Act to take effect until the Congressional Budget Office could verify that the law would provide “coverage for all tax payers.”
Via Twitter.
Democrats said that Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) immediately ruled that the amendment was “not in order.”
Oh, so that’s why he looks awake in the photo. Okey dokey. Rep. Lloyd Doggett was almost on fire over the GOP silence on, well, everything. I hope they were all awake to hear it.
Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-TX) also offered an amendment to force the president to release his tax returns, but that amendment was voted down by Republicans on the committee.
.@RepLloydDoggett condemns GOP "silence" on Trump administration: "Every outrageous statement, every crazy tweet, they are silent."
— ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) March 8, 2017
Via Twitter.
Via Raw Story.