Oh, the religious reich never tires of creating, then spreading Trump fan-fic. They will twist anything into their service, and do. No matter what, he’s wonderful! It’s a miracle! Well, he’s coming to god! What. The. Fuck. Ever.
…We originally posted the story about Begley’s claim because it was a particularly colorful example of a genre we’ve been seeing over the last few years: Trump-finds-God fan fiction.
Throughout Obama’s presidency, the far-right justified their animosity toward him by, in part, claiming that he was secretly Muslim or just not a real Christian. Now, the Religious Right fringes are performing the reverse trick with Trump, justifying their support for a man who allegedly paid tens of thousands of dollars in hush money to cover up an affair with a porn actress by claiming that he has found, or is in the process of personally finding God.
Paul Begley’s insistance that Melania had rid the White House of demons showed how these Trump-finds-God stories have spread through the pro-Trump media and the fringes of the Religious Right. The fact that the far-right media took the story at face value—to the point that the first lady’s office had to rebut it—shows just how much power that narrative has.
RWW has an excellent article up about this nonsense, which, in its inherent silliness, still contains a core of terror, because the Tiny Tyrant has lifted these lunatics to a place where they have actual power.
he has found, or is in the process of personally finding God.
He has! It says “in god we trust” right across the front, does Donald’s god.
I prefer Captain-America-punches-Trump fan fic, but to each their own.