I’m not surprised when someone who is 80 dies. But it’s the end of a universe of memories and experiences. Tepper was a big influence on me, and I’m adding “The Gate To Women’s Country” to my recommended reading list. (News on Locus Magazine)
I’m not surprised when someone who is 80 dies. But it’s the end of a universe of memories and experiences. Tepper was a big influence on me, and I’m adding “The Gate To Women’s Country” to my recommended reading list. (News on Locus Magazine)
From “Applied Eugenics” by Paul Popenoe, 1918 (MacMillan)
The United States birth-rate may, on its face, appear high enough; but its face does not show that this height is due largely to the fecundity of immigrant women. Statistics to prove this are given in Chapter XIII, but may be supplemented here by some figures from Pittsburgh.
Baudelaire by Manet
Baudelaire’s poetry was fuelled by opium and alcohol (what, did you think they were just dissolving sugar in their absinthe?) and he led an appropriately decadent life for an artist. [Read more…]
Because he was a Hugo Award nominee, I decided to get a few books by some of the authors on the list that I hadn’t seen before. So I went over to amazon.com and found a book by Chuck Tingle.
(Not Safe For Work below the line)