Praise the Dogs

When humans finally wipe themselves out, they’ll probably do so much splash damage that they take down the entire planetary ecosystem, which means that the other animals – which had nothing to do with causing the disaster – will suffer, too.

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Give me Fuel, Give me Fire…

For me, projects proceed in fits and spurts – you clear one obstacle and that reveals the next obstacle. But when it’s a creative project the process is a bit different: you clear the obstacles and suddenly, you’ve got what you wanted and there’s clear roadway ahead. Now it’s all up to you.

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Sandy Blight Junction

One of The Commentariat(tm) suggested I might want to read Len Beadell’s various works about the times he spent in the outback surveying roads for the Australian nuclear weapons program, and other things. By the time I was a few pages in to Beating Around The Bush [amazn] I was transfixed with a mix of horror and awe.

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