To look for life
is to find death.
To look for life
is to find death.
When humans finally wipe themselves out, they’ll probably do so much splash damage that they take down the entire planetary ecosystem, which means that the other animals – which had nothing to do with causing the disaster – will suffer, too.
… By buying a cheap-crap LED flashlight that was probably made in China!
This is a counterpoint to our lesson regarding the parking pastor. [stderr] [Read more…]
For me, projects proceed in fits and spurts – you clear one obstacle and that reveals the next obstacle. But when it’s a creative project the process is a bit different: you clear the obstacles and suddenly, you’ve got what you wanted and there’s clear roadway ahead. Now it’s all up to you.
This is part of a set of walkthroughs I posted on the knifemaking 101 list on facebook. Since I went to the trouble to do all the photography and editing I thought I may as well keep them here, too, in case anyone ever starts searching for this sort of material.
Did you know that welding is an olympic event? Nope, I didn’t either.
Peter York did a book called Dictator Style in 2006 [amazn], including pictures of Saddam Hussein’s palaces, Noriega’s christmas tree, Caesescu’s bathroom, and other disturbing oddities.
One of The Commentariat(tm) suggested I might want to read Len Beadell’s various works about the times he spent in the outback surveying roads for the Australian nuclear weapons program, and other things. By the time I was a few pages in to Beating Around The Bush [amazn] I was transfixed with a mix of horror and awe.
There is a whole new wave of spam coming in – it’s all about growing your own body-parts from your own body-parts. Presumably this is a set-up for “live forever!” spam, coming to an in-box, soon.