Fall Colors 2018 – #2

This is turning out to be one of those dumb ideas.

Because – I won’t be home for a couple of days and the trees will probably turn and change and shed all their leaves behind my back.

It’s also a bad idea because I don’t control the lighting. It doesn’t look anything like the same, at any given time of day. So capturing the change would only make sense if I did a time-lapse using a static camera on a tripod. Which, come to think of it, I have the technology to do. But since I’m not going to be here maybe that’ll be a job for next year.

Since Palm (remember them?) went under, I have been using Google calendar (because it used to be able to import a Palm Pilot’s calendar database!) so it’s just a matter of a few clicks to position a reminder for my next-years’ self to think about photographing the fall colors. I wonder what then-Marcus will think of now-Marcus’ idea? Now-Marcus mostly will be happy if there is a then-Marcus at all.


  1. rq says

    The leaves do this, and it is very annoying. They have some sort of collaboration treaty going on with surprise autumn windstorms, too. For those perfect last-minute sightseeing plans you’ve made for ‘tomorrow’.