Water, What Is It Good For?

Oh, who needs clean water, I mean that stuff isn’t good for anything at all, right? It’s not as if life is dependent on it or anything, after all, we can adapt to drinking toxic sludge.

U.S. President Donald Trump is expected to sign a measure on Wednesday aimed at rescinding a major Obama administration water regulation and direct an end to the government’s defense of the rule, a Trump official briefed on the plan said on Friday.

Trump is expected to direct the Environmental Protection Agency to withdraw the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule, which expands the number of waterways that are federally protected under the Clean Water Act.

The rule was finalized by the EPA and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in May 2015, and was blocked by a federal appeals court pending further court challenges.

The rule has faced intense opposition from Republicans in Congress, farmers and energy companies.

Critics contend the rule vastly expands the federal government’s authority and could apply to ditches and small isolated bodies of water. The EPA under President Barack Obama said the rule protects waters that are next to rivers and lakes and their tributaries “because science shows that they impact downstream waters.”

Full story here.

The Trump Regime is also busy attempting to hasten the death of everything in every way possible. Here’s reading:

Former member of Trump’s EPA transition team suggests air pollution doesn’t kill people. 4.2 million people died prematurely from air pollution in 2015.

Trump’s EPA policies risk more Alzheimer’s cases, doctors warn. Two new studies support findings that polluted air causes dementia.

Trump’s allies have some of the worst environmental voting records in Congress.

There’s much more here.

This Is Our Land.

Water Protectors Leave Oceti Sakowin Reluctantly.

‘Absolutely False’: No Contact From Trump Administration, Archambault Says.

NODAPL; The Last Stand © Marty Two Bulls.
No DAPL; Beware the Early Thaw © Marty Two Bulls.

No Lines, Russian Flags, and Bizarre Braggadocio.

Gaylord Hotel and Convention Center (Gabrielle Bluestone/Twitter).

Gaylord Hotel and Convention Center (Gabrielle Bluestone/Twitter).

The Tiny Tyrant’s appearance at CPAC, not all he claimed, to say the least. Here’s the roundup:

President Donald Trump complained the media would not report that crowds lined up for six blocks to hear him speak at the Conservative Political Action Conference — and he’s right.

There were no lines outside the Gaylord Hotel and Convention Center, where the annual CPAC gathering is hosted, because the event is private, reported The Slot.

Via Raw Story.

CPAC attendees wave Russian flags with the word "TRUMP" written on the front (Screen cap).

CPAC attendees wave Russian flags with the word “TRUMP” written on the front (Screen cap).

Russian flags were being waved all over the place during the Tiny Tyrant’s braggadocio, which alarmed CPAC organizers, who had them quickly collected.
Apparently, the flags were handed out beforehand in an act of brilliant subversion. People who prefer obscurantism are so damn gullible. By the way, if you’re unclear about all the latest on the Russian situation, Think Progress has you covered.

Via Raw Story.

Donald Trump (CPAC)

Donald Trump (CPAC)

Lastly, the twitternet exploded over the Tiny Tyrant’s bizzare speech, a mix of bragging and a philippic against media.

Via Raw Story.

People Without Healthcare – It’s A Good Thing!


Anyone else starting to feel like we’re trapped in It’s A Good Life?

A handful of GOP lawmakers are now taking up Klein’s charge — with one of them even claiming that a Republican plan that leads to a higher national uninsurance rate would be a good thing.

“If the numbers drop,” Rep. Mike Burgess (R-TX) said Thursday at the Conservative Political Action Conference, “I would say that’s a good thing.” He went on to argue that more people without health care would be a positive thing for the United States because it would mean that “we’ve restored personal liberty in this country.”

When your only choice is no choice, Mr. Burgess, there’s no liberty, personal or otherwise, involved.

Burgess’ prediction that Republican health plans will lead to a drop in the national insurance rate was echoed by Rep. Dennis Ross (R-FL) in an interview with Bloomberg this week. “Not everybody is going to have health care” under a Republican health plan, Ross said. “Some people just don’t care enough about their own care.”

Oh, all people care about their own [health] care enough. The problem would be more basic, such as not having enough money to afford care, or being stuck in a job with no benefits. And all those corporations who now have a fucktonne of ways to avoid providing benefits such as health insurance? That’s thanks to asshole republicans like yourself, Mr. Ross.

Bloomberg also shares some details about the health policy ideas that are starting to gain traction among Republican lawmakers. While the full contours of the GOP’s “replacement” for Obamacare remain elusive, the details we do know off confirm that yes, Republicans are indeed pushing ideas that would lead to fewer people receiving care.

Oh well, there’s a surprise. Let’s look at some details.

Several Republican proposals would increase the amount that insurers could charge older Americans. A bill would increase the age band from 5 to 1 (above the current range of 3 to 1). … Republicans hope to base tax credits on a person’s age rather than on their income. Such a proposal could simultaneously be wasteful and merciless, since an age-based formula could allow wealthy individuals who can afford to pay their own premiums to still receive a government subsidy — while also denying low-income Americans the assistance they need to purchase insurance at all.

Once again, we see the rethug battle plan, which never fucking changes: everything for the rich, everyone else, eat shit and die, after all, it’s your own fault if you ain’t rich.

Another idea that is reportedly gaining steam among Republicans is a proposal to “do away with the Affordable Care Act’s requirement that all Americans have health coverage or pay a fine, and replace it with rules that let people choose not to buy insurance, instead paying higher premiums or penalties if they need it later.”

Though the details of such a proposal are sparse — just how much higher would premiums be if someone delays buying health insurance until they get sick? — such a proposal risks driving up the cost of care for people who are already insured, or, worse, collapsing entire insurance markets altogether.

The reason why the Affordable Care Act penalizes people who do not carry insurance is because of the risk that people will wait until they are sick to become insured and then drain all the money out of an insurance pool that they haven’t paid into.

Because Obamacare forbids insurers from denying coverage to people with preexisting conditions, insurers cannot simply refuse to cover people with expensive conditions. If the ratio of healthy people to sick people in a given insurance plan tilts too heavily towards people with expensive conditions, however, then the plan will need to jack up premiums in order to cover the costs of its most expensive consumers.

That risks setting off a “death spiral,” where healthy people leave the plan due to rising premiums, which forces the insurer to raise premiums even more, which causes even more healthy people to leave. Eventually, the entire insurance pool collapses.

Obamacare solves this problem by requiring people who don’t carry insurance to pay higher income taxes, thus giving them an incentive to enter an insurance pool while they are still healthy. Republicans reportedly want to eliminate this provision and, instead, charge a penalty to people who wait too long to buy insurance.

It’s far from clear, however, that such a mechanism would be sufficient to ward off death spirals. Imagine a hypothetical consumer, for example, who has to choose between paying $200 a month now, or to pay nothing now — but with the caveat that they will be charged $1,000 a month if they are later diagnosed with a catastrophic illness. Many people are likely to decide that they should pay nothing now and hope for the best, especially since, even in the worst case scenario, they will still have the option to buy insurance when they need it most.

Alternatively, Republicans could set the penalties for remaining insured so high that insurance would be unaffordable for someone who waits until they are seriously ill to buy insurance. That would have the virtue of helping to ward off a death spiral, but at the cost of many people’s lives.

Golly, those rethug ideas are just genius, aren’t they? At this point, I’m surprised they are still pretending to “replace” ACA, when what they actually want is to simply eliminate it with no replacement whatsoever. It does look they are edging closer to admitting that’s what they do want. This is just one reason to keep up the pressure on all the Town Halls these assholes are trying to duck.

Full story at Think Progress.

Irony Explosion of the Day, Oh My.

Compedium maleficarum of Francesco Mario Guazzo, published in 1608.

Compedium maleficarum of Francesco Mario Guazzo, published in 1608.

Lance Wallnau is at it again, more purple in prose than ever, with the assorted demonics, this time with a focus on zombies and witches, oh my! Spoiler: everyone liberal is a zombie, witch, or wombie/zitch.

The media and the left, he said, are working to whip up opposition from among a small percentage of Americans who he said are “wired like zombies” as part of a relentless effort to overturn the will of millions of American voters who supported Trump.

Wallnau said that Christians would not believe “the extent of funding, malice, organization and intentionality behind the protests, the discontent, and the exaggeration and manipulation, mind control and witchcraft that is coming from the media” for the purpose of undermining Trump.

“The left cannot stomach losing an election without having an absolutely visceral meltdown and many of them are so zombified that they’re taken captive by a spirit,” he said. “They have so bought into lies that the lies control them and they have an unreal bubble around their head.”

Liberals “don’t have a filter for their brain,” Wallnau said, and so “they’ve sucked in the toxic poisoning of what they were taught in school, what their friends say to them and what they watch on toxic news channels.”

Holy Projection, Batman! This is such a remarkable case of projection and cognitive dissonance, it should be subject for study. The liberals finally decide to stand up and do something, after one very long hiatus, and the cons just can’t handle this in the least. After more than eight long years of screaming, yelling, the formation of the batshit tea party, attempted legal actions, and so on, over the horror of a black president, but we’re the ones who are evil wombies. Uh huh.

Via RWW.

There’s video at the link, if you can cope.

Quick, Put SNL On or Something!

U.S. President Donald Trump is interviewed by Reuters in the Oval Office at the White House in Washington, U.S., February 23, 2017. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

U.S. President Donald Trump is interviewed by Reuters in the Oval Office at the White House in Washington, U.S., February 23, 2017. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst.

President Donald Trump said on Thursday he wants to build up the U.S. nuclear arsenal to ensure it is at the “top of the pack,” saying the United States has fallen behind in its atomic weapons capacity.

I’m sure that’s going to make us all sleep better. FFS, can’t someone tell him “oh, there’s  terrible skit on SNL” or “oh, Celeb Whatever just sucks, but you’re busy…” and distract this fucking moron? Also on the Tiny Tyrant’s agenda, wiping out every bit of progress made on decriminalizing weed, medical weed, and not locking up every other person in prison for years over weed.

Oh, what I wouldn’t give for a lovely packet of medical weed right now. Fuck.

Rotten Peaches.


Giulio Bernardi

There are reasons some white people are seriously disliked, like oh…being a fucking Nazi. Even non-Nazis, when white and hetero, can be the most oblivious, obnoxious assholes, with their heads buried so far up their privilege they may as well be blind. That tends to put people off. White people can’t become a minority fast enough for me. More Turtle Island, less America. That’s a good thing. As I’ve often said, if some white people are in such an uproar over uStates not being white enough, fine, there are options: emigrate. Go buy an unoccupied island. Whatever, move, leave, go found Naziland and be happy forever, far removed from decent people.

Spencer’s whine goes on for a while, combined with a desperation laced insistence that he and his Nazi buds are the thing, oh yes they are! All the young white dudes just love him! If there’s amusement to be found, it’s in the fact that Spencer was thrilled to be at CPAC, noting that no one was punching him. It didn’t take long, after his being escorted out for him to start trash talking CPAC. CPAC is deserving of trash talk, but not from Nazi Spencer, whose increasing desire to be another Adolf is becoming a an umbrous stench wrapped around his ankles and tripping him up at every turn.

Via Raw Story.

Arizona Goes for Full Protest Suppression.

Women's March on Washington (Photo: Sarah Burris/RawStory).

Women’s March on Washington (Photo: Sarah Burris/RawStory).

The myth of professional protesters continues to be spread by rethugs, and Arizona rethugs have passed legislation which would allow the cops to seize the assets of anyone who attended a protest which turned violent in any way, along with the power to arrest those who planned the protest, although they did not commit any violent acts. The rethugs are extremely unhappy with The Resistance, and are doing everything they can to shut it down. We are all going to have to stiffen our spines and our resolve, and refuse to back down in the face of blatant rights violations.

The Republican-controlled Arizona Senate has passed a bill that would let law enforcement officials seize the assets of people who participate in protests that turn violent — even if those people had nothing to do with any violent incidents.


The bill would allow police to seize assets of anyone who attended a peaceful protest that happened to turn violent, and it also gives cops the power to arrest people who planned the events, even if they did not personally commit violence.

State Sen. John Kavanagh (R-Fountain Hills), who supported the bill, explained to the Arizona Capital Times that it’s aimed at curtailing the activities of “professional protest” groups whose goal is to start riots and damage private property.

“You now have a situation where you have full-time, almost professional agent-provocateurs that attempt to create public disorder,” said Kavanagh, a former police officer.

Bald-faced fucking liar. :spits: I’d like to see this flaming asshole address all the violence at Black Lives Matter protests, as the violence was all perpetrated by cops. I’d like to see this asspimple address the overwhelming violence committed by cops against all those at Standing Rock. Fuck you, Kavanagh. People are marching and protesting and protecting because it’s the only recourse we have. It’s not like we can look to our government for help.

Via Raw Story.

Where Have All The Flowers Gone?

Show that you’re a person who has learned, and sign the letter, please! We must resist, we must make our voices heard. This is an easy way to help.

Where have all the flowers gone, long time passing?
Where have all the flowers gone, long time ago?
Where have all the flowers gone?
Young girls pick them, every one
When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn?

Where have all the young girls gone, long time passing?
Where have all the young girls gone, long time ago?
Where have all the young girls gone?
Gone to young men, every one
When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn?

Where have all the young men gone, long time passing?
Where have all the young men gone, long time ago?
Where have all the young men gone?
Gone for soldiers, every one
When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn?

And where have all the soldiers gone, long time passing?
Where have all the soldiers gone, a long long time ago?
Where have all the soldiers gone?
Gone to graveyards, every one
When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn?

Where have all the graveyards gone, long time passing?
Where have all the graveyards gone, long time ago?
Where have all the graveyards gone?
Gone to flowers, every one
When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn?

– Pete Seeger.

Marriage Equality Reduces Teen Suicides.

CREDIT: AP Photo/Seth Wenig.

CREDIT: AP Photo/Seth Wenig.

A new study reveals something remarkable: marriage equality cuts down on teen suicide. This shows just how much social justice issues matter, and that they can be, all too often, a matter of life or death. LGB teens are prone to suicide, given that they often find themselves with no support system, no safety net, and see a bleak future in which they can all too easily envision never being accepted, and never having the same human rights as other people.

A new study found some stunning results: After same-sex marriage became legal on a state level, the rate at which young people attempted suicide in that state dropped significantly.

Published this week in the journal JAMA Pediatrics, the new study used data from the hundreds of thousands of students who participated in the CDC’s Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) between 1999 and 2015. Researchers from Johns Hopkins University, Harvard University, and Boston Children’s Hospital looked at 32 different states that legalized same-sex marriage in that span of time and found a consistent drop in teen suicide attempts in each state after marriage equality arrived.

Overall, the suicide rate attempt among all high school students dropped 7 percent in the year after marriage equality arrived in a state. For students who identified as gay, lesbian, bisexual or who were still questioning their orientation — a group whom the suicide attempt rate is much higher — the drop-off in suicide attempts was 14 percent after the arrival of marriage equality.

Because the effect was specific to each state as it legalized marriage equality, it cannot be dismissed as mere correlation. In fact, during the same span of time, suicide rates in the country were actually increasing across almost all age groups.


Regardless, the study offers a profound addition to the wealth of research already documenting the impact of what psychologists call “minority stress.” For example, a study published earlier this month in Australia found that LGB people who had strong social support and affirmation had normative rates of depression and anxiety, while only those who experienced rejection or had past experiences of trauma experienced higher rates. Several other studies in the U.S. have found that simply living in more conservative communities can have a negative impact.

Republicans, who so often tout themselves as being so very “pro-life”, but could not care less about the lives or health of women, and support the death penalty, are also staunchly against marriage equality. The fact that equality helps to maintain life is one which will, no doubt, not sway them in the least. For all their claims of pro-lifery, they don’t seem to be the least bit concerned with LGBT people dying. It’s rather difficult to not get the feeling they are cheering behind closed doors, so I imagine this news will be met with a renewed determination to kill marriage equality. Seeing as the Trump Regime is all set to rescind the Obama administration’s guidance protecting transgender students, which is little more than a license to harass and bully transgender kids, I’m sure an uptick in violence against transgender people and suicides will be seen. This is not a good. This is evil, absolutely evil, repulsive behaviour that any decent person should be ashamed of, and be willing to fight against, tooth and nail. Once again, the rethuglicans prove they are people who are pro-death, and they will go to any length to ostracize those they deem subhuman, and hope they will be driven to death, one way or another.

Full stories at Think Progress: one, two.

No Home Alone for Donny.

Toddler Trump, by Sham.

Toddler Trump, by Sham.

“He saw there was activity, so he didn’t feel like he had to respond,” the former campaign official said. “He sends out these tweets when he feels like people aren’t responding enough for him.”

The in-person touch is also important to keeping Trump from running too hot. One Trump associate said it’s important to show Trump deference and offer him praise and respect, as that will lead him to more often listen. And if Trump becomes obsessed with a grudge, aides need to try and change the subject, friends say. Leaving him alone for several hours can prove damaging, because he consumes too much television and gripes to people outside the White House.

Part of the current problem is Trump is still adjusting to his new circumstances and has plenty of time to stew over negative reviews as he spends time alone in the evenings and early mornings as his wife, Melania Trump, continues living in New York while his youngest son, Barron, finishes the school year.

The above excerpt is from way down in the article at Politico. I just don’t have the heart for more, the stupid today has already been too much to bear, and reading about how the Fucking President of the United States has to be hand fed planted stories from Breitbart, Washington Examiner, Infowars and the Daily Caller so he can feel validated, I, I…just can’t. Jesus Fuck, maybe conservatives ought to start being very concerned over the fact they put a two year old in charge. I suppose we at least know why the Tiny Tyrant is busy picking peoples’ pockets for millions of dollars every month so he can hang out in Florida.

The Stupid Is A Fiery Inferno of Unending Torment.


The CPAC Schedule is out, and if you value things like the integrity of your gut, you won’t go reading it. If you do decide to go look at all the things they have scheduled, you have been warned. There is one panel scheduled which is delighting the Twitterati, who are having all manner of fun with it:


If Heaven Has a Gate, A Wall, and Extreme Vetting, Why Can’t America? Moderator: Rep. Bob Beauprez (CO-10). Rep. Andy Biggs (AZ-5), Rep. Ken Buck (CO-4), Mike Gonzales, The Heritage Foundation, Helen Krieble, Vernon K. Krieble Foundation.

You can read some of the responses here. You’ll have to excuse me, I’m just going to go pound my head into a wall or something. Maybe I should go find a nuke so I’d have some weed to smoke.

Genius! A La Wile E. Coyote.


This is a nuclear weapon. Note the size.


These are bales of weed. Note the size.

So, you’re a superuberbad villain, with deeply maleficent intent. You just need a genius way to smuggle a nuke into the States, so you can conveniently get it to your chosen location and detonate it. No need to trouble yourself with the specifics of how this villainy could be carried out, Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ) has you covered! See, you just need to hide the nuke in a bale of weed, then sail right through those incredibly porous borders! Why no one would ever think to check that out, no. Honestly, what in the fuck is wrong with people, that they freely elect such compleat idiots? FFS.

Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ), whose district is just over 100 miles away from the U.S.-Mexico border, referenced the illicit drug trade in a discussion Wednesday with CNN’s Brianna Keilar on President Donald Trump’s proposed border wall.

“The reality, Brianna, is that we have to measure all of the costs, ancillary and otherwise, and make the best decision that we can. But I can suggest to you that there are national security implications here for a porous border,” Franks said. “We sometimes used to make the point that if someone wanted to smuggle in a dangerous weapon, even a nuclear weapon, into America, how would they do it? And the suggestion was made, ‘Well, we’ll simply hide it in a bale of marijuana.’”

Pretty sure most smugglers are considerably smarter than Mr. Franks and whoever made the “hide it in weed!” suggestion. As for weed, eh, given the sheer amount of domestically grown weed, why bother with the imported stuff?

This was not Frank’s first reference to a nuclear weapon traveling across the border in a bale of marijuana. In fact, he raised the possibility on the floor of the U.S. House during an Aug. 2, 2012 speech, according to his website.

“Specifically imagine for a moment, Mr. Speaker, the scenario of Hezbollah, one of Iran’s terrorist proxies, gaining possession of just two nuclear warheads and bringing them across the border into the United States concealed, say, in bales of marijuana,” he said, “then transporting them into the heart of two different, crowded, unnamed cities. Then calling and telling the White House exactly when and where the first one will be detonated, and then following through 60 seconds later.”

Right. That’s Wile E. genius if I ever heard it. Via TPM.