Fiends of Darkness With Dastardly Phrases!

Stanislas de Guaita. Le Serpent de la Genèse: Le Temple de Satan. Paris : Librairie du Merveilleux, 1891.

Stanislas de Guaita. Le Serpent de la Genèse: Le Temple de Satan. Paris : Librairie du Merveilleux, 1891.

C-Fam is all busy “fighting the fiends of darkness with their dastardly phrases”, at the UN Commission on the Status of Women, of course, because where else?

Last year, the Trump administrated invited a representative from Austin Ruse’s C-Fam—which works with some of the world’s most repressive regimes to resist reproductive rights and LGBTQ equality at the UN—to join the official U.S. delegation to the UN Commission on the Status of Women. This year, C-Fam isn’t in the official delegation, but Ruse is fundraising off his group’s advocacy against the inclusion of “dastardly phrases” such as “sexual orientation” and “reproductive health” in commission documents.

Ruse wrote in a fundraising email yesterday (emphases his):

The bad news is that “sexual orientation”, “gender identity”, “reproductive health”, and “comprehensive sexuality education” are all in the CSW documents we have been negotiating at the UN since last Monday.

The good news is that each of these dastardly phrases have been bracketed and are on the verge of being deleted altogether.

We have been working on this literally for months and we are on the verge of a great victory against the fiends of darkness.

As you know,

Sexual orientation and gender identity is code for odious sexual behavior and gender lunacy,

Reproductive health is code for abortion,

Comprehensive sexuality education is a blue-print for kids to lose their lives and their souls.

These wicked ideas are being pushed by hard-leftists at the UN and by diplomats from Europe.

But, they did not count on the pro-life and pro-family coalition!

We have five more days of negotiations before we know whether we have routed the enemy. …

Odious sexual behaviour? Okay, how about we talk about the massive cheating and porn addiction problem in conservative christians? Gender lunacy? Okay, how about we have a little chat about the damaging, rigid stereotypes imposed on children of conservative christians?

Reproductive health is code for reproductive health, you mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging doucheweasel. The ability to terminate a pregnancy successfully is a part of that, whether or not birth is the termination point. Let’s not forget about something else you absolutely loathe: contraception. Contraception goes a long way to keeping a whole lot of people safe and sane, and yes, that includes men. It’s worth mentioning a fact you do your best to ignore: certain contraceptives are often prescribed for specific reproductive health problems, and that is very important indeed to those who suffer such health problems. Pain is not fun.

A blue-print for kids to lose their lives? No, that’s not what comprehensive sex ed does at all. Comprehensive sex ed saves lives by making sure kids engage in sexual activity when they are ready, not before, and that they do it safely. Sex ed also teaches consent, which is vital for all kids to know and understand, which can and does prevent rape, something you asshole christians don’t have much of a problem with. Sex ed also provides answers and security to those kids who are thinking they are all alone in their orientation, and sex ed teaches kids to be accepting to others, yet another thing you asshole christians don’t like, you’re much more at home with intolerance and hate.

Unfortunately, there’s more of this hateful fucking garbage, and you can read it all at RWW.

Yearning for the days of patriotism, Christianity, decency, and Emily Post!

True Motherhood vs Feminist Theme! Being a mother, a vessel, yes, this is the only true function of a woman. It seems that International Women’s Day is quite the thorn in catholic sides; other flavours of christianity too. The brief article extolling the virtues of motherhood is what you’d expect, but I was rather amused by how the comments got quickly derailed into a major moan about how women simply will not wear dresses. Came as a surprise to me, because I always see lots of women wearing dresses. I’ve been known to wear them myself now and then. Here’s a small sample:

I do not understand what the loud-mouthed, vulgar, disgusting, unkempt, disreputable, profane women of today are trying to achieve or prove. When I was in college, the ladies were appetizing, and the gentlemen were appealing. Today, they are slobs. When I attended a medical meeting a few months ago, about 100 people were in attendance. I sat up near the front of the audience. When the speaker finished, I turned to look back at the gathering. I was disappointed and distressed to observe that I was the only lady there who was wearing a dress. The other women wore slacks. How the mighty have fallen. When Billy Graham died, a young woman said foul, shocking things about him, because he didn’t believe in abortion or homosexuality. She was a pretty girl, but to hear such off-color utterances from her was appalling. One day, as I was entering a grocery store, a gentleman approached, at the same time, with a dowdy-looking, plump woman, who was wearing blue jeans. He said something, and seemed to be addressing me, so I inquired a la Robert DeNiro, “Are you talking to me?” He replied, in a wistful, awe-stricken tone, “You’re wearing a dress.” Gee whiz! I hadn’t realized that one of my pet peeves had irked anyone else but me. I was both amused and regretful at his attitude of having found an oasis in the desert. I wondered if his female companion had heard what he said, and if she had, what did she think. However, I did not linger to hear anything more, but proceeded into the grocery store with a polite smile. With all the trash in the movies and on TV today, I am not surprised at the terrible breakdown in morals and standards, resulting in all the shootings. The shooters probably never frequented Carnegie Library or any other library, or had any discussions about morals and standards with their parents. Reading what you have written, I fear sadly and regretfully that we probably are too far out into the swamp to turn back the clock to the days of Mister Rogers. We can yearn for the days of patriotism, Christianity, decency, and Emily Post, but lots of luck! We can only hope and pray!

Mmmph. I grew up during those days. Thankfully, evolving into a happy hippie saved me from the pretentious corsetry of Emily Post. I was raised to be a “lady.” It sucked, and I wanted no part of it, and I much happier for having rejected being an always quiet picture of gentility, keeping my place in the bed and kitchen.

Regarding the lady named Grace, I absolutely agree with her. Women today now do cross-dressing. I often say to my husband when we are out “nobody is wearing a dress or skirt. When we are told that babies in the womb are not human babies, I ask what are they then? Rabbits, cats, dogs. No abortionist will agree we are human because they wouldn’thave A job to go to. In other words it is about “Money”.

I’ve been wearing jeans for one hell of a long time now. It’s not cross dressing. What about kilts? They’ve been around for just about forever, are those awful cross dressing too?

We have to imitate our BLESSED MOTHER MARY, would she be wearing slacks/trousers? I know of someone who had two pant outfits and the legs of both were slightly wide so that she had them made into skirts!
Especially when attending the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, it’s respect for JESUS, HIS MOTHER, THE PRIESTS and all those around her! Besides, it sets a good example for the younger generation!

Showing leg is respect? Hmmm.

Great idea but unfortunately the dresses one sees in the stores look more like tops instead of dresses. While I’m not one to wear a dress that reaches the ground, it would be nice to see the styles of years gone by.

Depends on where you shop, m’dear. Have you tried thrift stores?

Via Return To Order.

Roe v. Wade: The Movie.

This is not a movie you’ll want to see, given that it’s being made by Brian Brown of the National Organization for Marriage. Not that there’s much worry, it seems people don’t have a great deal of enthusiasm for helping to make this project a reality. At least not the “part with cold, hard cash” enthusiasm.

One of the most horrific tragedies to befall our nation was the U.S. Supreme Court’s infamous decision imposing abortion on the nation in the Roe v. Wade case. Some 60 million unborn children have died as a result of that monstrous decision.

What many people do not know is that the Roe decision is based on a pack of lies, manipulations and outright misrepresentations. Now we have an opportunity to bring the truth behind the Roe v. Wade decision to the attention of the American people with a full-length feature film starring Jon Voight, Stephen Baldwin and Stacey Dash — Roe v. Wade, the Movie.

Imposed? No, Roe was not imposed on anyone, it was simply allowed, legally. Fuck, I hate the way these fanatics twist language, making it sound as if legal terminations were somehow made mandatory. One thing is certain, their little “movie” will be a pack of lies, manipulations, and outright misrepresentations.

You can watch the trailer at the Indiegogo page, if you have the stomach for it. Right now, I don’t. It’s interesting, looking down the very long page of ‘perks’, which go up to $500,000. For that phenomenal sum, you get a speaking, lead role in the film, and you don’t have to pony up for your own transportation cost! Amazing no one has grabbed that one yet. As of today, they have $105,205 out of a two million request, with 22 days left. Uh oh. The quote is from the nom blog, begging people for money.

What A Load of Shit.

Dozens of protesters have gathered outside a London cinema to protest against the cancellation of a screening of a film advocating therapy to "cure" people from being gay.

Dozens of protesters have gathered outside a London cinema to protest against the cancellation of a screening of a film advocating therapy to “cure” people from being gay.

This is a larger River of Shit than what’s been pouring from me the last two weeks.

The British anti-LGBTQ group Christian Concern is getting some press this week after a London theater cancelled a screening it helped organize for a new movie focusing on people “who are emerging out of homosexual lifestyles.” The movie, “Voices of the Silenced,” was promoted in an email this week by the Alliance for Therapeutic Choice, the parent group of the “reparative therapy” organization NARTH.

A 2016 trailer for the movie, produced by the UK group Core Issues Trust, compares those who advocate “ex-gay” therapy and their allies in other fields to enslaved Jewish people in the first century:

‘Voices of the Silenced’ remembers the Jews ripped from Jerusalem in AD 70 and brought to Rome to quarry stone and build the Colosseum. They were now the property of their masters. Filmed in seven countries and over 50 locations, our exploration compares the cultural captivity of the Jewish slaves in towns destroyed by the Vesuvius eruption in AD 79 with that faced by those silenced in the 21st century, people under an imposed state orthodoxy which reaffirms the ancient idea of pansexuality.

Oh, go fuck yourselves. Or someone else, then perhaps you could mind your own damn business. If someone wants to play at being hetero, there’s nothing stopping them, it’s not against the law, y’know. That does not cover up your blatant attempts at trying to squash all queer folk down so far you don’t have to think about them.

You can read the full story at RWW.

Gay Bob: I Think It’s Time For A Comeback.

The Gay Bob doll in all his glory. Harvey Rosenberg/Gizmo/Museum of the City of New York/93.83.A-J

The Gay Bob doll in all his glory. Harvey Rosenberg/Gizmo/Museum of the City of New York/93.83.A-J

I can’t be the only one who remembers Gay Bob. If you don’t remember Gay Bob, perhaps you remember the lunatic reaction, starting in 1978, which Anita Bryant climbed on top of, screaming her hatred of all things queer to the skies.

A 1978 magazine advertisement for the Gay Bob doll. <a href="">Joe Wolf/CC BY-ND 2.0</a>

A 1978 magazine advertisement for the Gay Bob doll. Joe Wolf/CC BY-ND 2.0

I think it’s time for Gay Bob to come out of the closet again, along with his family, and some new additions, as well.

Gay Bob, who was meant to resemble a cross between Robert Redford and Paul Newman, was blond, with a flannel shirt, tight jeans, and one pierced ear. The doll gave anti-gay organizations plenty to fear; intrinsic within it was a celebration of gay identity, evidenced by Gay Bob’s programmed speech. “Gay people,” Bob said, “are no different than straight people… if everyone came ‘out of their closets’ there wouldn’t be so many angry, frustrated, frightened people.”

In a cheeky move, the box in which Gay Bob was packaged came in the outline of a closet, so that when he left his box, he was literally coming out of the closet. Gay Bob explained: “It’s not easy to be honest about what you are — in fact it takes a great deal of courage… But remember if Gay Bob has the courage to come out his closet, so can you.”

The affirming message was no accident. The doll’s creator, Harvey Rosenberg, a former advertising executive who developed marketing campaigns for various corporations, wanted Gay Bob to “liberate” men from “traditional sexual roles.” He created the doll soon after a series of shocks rocked his life: in quick succession, his marriage fell apart and his mother became seriously ill. He decided that his next projects would need to be of great personal significance.


Initially sold through mail-order ads in gay-themed magazines, Gay Bob soon expanded into boutique stores in New York and San Francisco. Rosenberg even pitched it to major department store chains, one of which liked the idea (but ultimately did not purchase it). And, it turns out, those consumers who feared the introduction of more “disgusting” dolls were partially correct—Rosenberg soon gave Gay Bob a family of his own, with brothers Marty Macho, Executive Eddie, Anxious Al, and Straight Steve (who lived in the suburbs and wore blue suits), and sisters Fashionable Fran, Liberated Libby, and Nervous Nelly.

If this is all new to you, you can read all about Gay Bob at Atlas Obscura.

Damn Those Meddling, Ugly Women!

Protesters attend the Women's March: Power to the Polls rally at Sam Boyd Stadium on January 21, 2018 in Las Vegas, NV. Roger Kisby for

Protesters attend the Women’s March: Power to the Polls rally at Sam Boyd Stadium on January 21, 2018 in Las Vegas, NV. Roger Kisby for

Sandy Rios, nasty bigot extraordinaire, was ever so concerned about the Women’s March 2018, because it makes those women so gosh darn ugly. Those of us with the fuzzy pink lady brains, well, we aren’t supposed to be doing things like speaking up and thinking for ourselves, it’s ungodly and stuff.

Sandy Rios, a Religious Right radio host and American Family Association figure, said the 2018 Women’s March was “a very ugly thing” and that women who attended it “become ugly” because they “are acting outside of the realm of God’s parameters.”

…“I’m not a guy, so I don’t have to worry about my political correctness. I am ashamed of the women of my generation. I have been for a long time. I just don’t understand their foolishness and I don’t understand why more of us weren’t deeply grounded in not only God’s word, but the principles of God’s word, about the moral behavior that is beneficial to us as well as our daughters,” Rios said.

Uh, “I’m not a guy so…” well, that’s me nonplussed. As for Ms. Rios’s generation, she’s around 68. Me, I’m a fresh 60, and I’m pretty much the antithesis of Ms. Rios. I don’t consider myself to be foolish, nor do I consider women who stand up with their full humanity blazing to be anywhere near foolish. I have no doubt there are a number of women who march who consider themselves to be theists, and as they are all marching against a terrible display of immorality, they are all looking to be on the right side of the moral fence to me.

Once again, you can see that irony has zero impact on the zealots; Ms. Rios is aghast over women taking action and speaking up, yet from what I can tell, Ms. Rios rarely shuts up, always railing on about one group or another, reserving her best hatred for queer folk. If women speaking out is ungodly, well…

“It’s a very ugly thing. It is a very ugly thing when women behave in this way. They become ugly. They don’t become like men with all the privileges. They just become ugly, because they are not—they are acting outside of the realm of God’s parameters. And what God designed is what’s best,” Rios said.

That bible you purport to love, Ms. Rios, has some rather firm stances about women preaching. I guess you think you’re excused from that somehow. Pardon my pettiness here, but Ms. Rios is also a fan of plastic surgery, which, it seems to me, is rather dissing that wonderful design of Jehovah’s, isn’t it? I suppose she gets a point for acknowledging that it is men who get all the privileges. It is truly awful how much Ms. Rios rails on about ugliness, given the toxic, systemic sexism we all live in, where messages still blast out about how beautiful is everything, and women must do this, that, and the other to avoid the ugly™.  To my eyes, all those wonderful people at the march, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! The truth is beautiful. People standing up and speaking out with passion and compassion, beautiful. A shining light on top of the shitheap which is our current regime.

“The women, you know, they have to have that apple. They’ve got to have the whole thing. They’ve got to be able to do everything they want, have sex with as many men in their lifetime, or women, as they can. You know, go for the gusto,” Rios said. “They want the whole apple and it’s not going to turn out well for them or their daughters.”

Seems to me you wanted the whole apple too, Ms. Rios, and pursued it at all costs. There’s absolutely no reason whatsoever that women should not have as much or little sex as they like in their lifetimes. That would be in the category of “none of your fucking business”. Not all women have children Ms. Rios, but from what I’ve seen, women today are doing right by their daughters, instilling them with agency and the belief that yes, they are full human beings, with all the rights therein. Woman have realized they have power, and they are using it, and that, Ms. Rios, is one hell of a great thing. Perhaps you should go home and obey your husband or something, stay out of that limelight.

Via RWW.

Coach Dave: “I Had A Dream!”


Goodness me, Coach Dave had a dream. About traffic. He came to some interesting conclusions.

Daubenmire recounted a dream he had last Friday night in which he was driving to Indianapolis to speak, only to run into a massive traffic jam as he entered the city. As he sat in his car, a police officer pulled up alongside of him and told him that the traffic jam was being caused by all the people who were coming to hear him speak, at which point Daubenmire climbed into the police car and was whisked off to his speaking engagement, where he addressed a massive crowd.

“You know what the Lord was telling me?” he asked. “You know what I know? There are millions dying to hear what I have to say.”

I tend to think that might fall more firmly in the wishful thinking camp, Dave. Especially as I’ve visited your channel a couple of times, and you don’t exactly rack up the views and comments. Going by the sparse comments, it’s tempting to think people tend to simply read the summary (in this case about turning over Roe), rather than watch the video. Tsk. I don’t think there are millions dying to hear what you have to say, Dave.

Inspired by this dream, Daubenmire is now making plans to launch “a nationwide, 30-city, 50-city assault on everything evil” this summer.

Perhaps you should figure out that 30 or 50 thing first.

“We are God’s A team,” he said. “We are the agitators. We’re the provocateurs, we’re the ones who are going to provoke [people] to love and to good works. You say, ‘Coach, you sure are arrogant.’ Well, I tell you, we can do what Martin Luther King Jr. did. We can do that.”

Hahahahahahahahaha. Ah…hahahahahahaha, no. You cannot do what Martin Luther King Jr. did, not at all. You admit to being a shitlord, or at least aspiring to shitlord status; you preach nothing but bigotry and hatred. Now sure, you might pick up the more idiotic wannabe fascists, but I don’t think this dream is going to burn its way through the country, Dave. Just like that creature you call a god, you lack imagination, and there’s zero inspiration there. Stay in your little yootube corner, Dave, it’s a niche made for you.

The whole mess is at RWW.

Feminist Movies: The Mark of a Dying Civilisation.

Kevin Swanson, professional lunatic, was recently ranting about the absolute horror of The Shape of Water, a movie which spelled the end of civilisation as we know it. It seems that wasn’t emphatic enough for Mr. Swanson. There’s another civilisation ender: The Last Jedi. I haven’t seen it, because SW isn’t my thing, but I’ve certainly read enough about it, and I was pleased that at least in this installment, there were women who did more than run after some dude, or end up chained in a bikini. Good for them. That is decidedly not Mr. Swanson’s viewpoint.

“The feminists are head over heels in love with this one,” Swanson lamented. “It’s a bit of a feminist fest with very little artistic story telling involved … It was a great vehicle to continue to educate the world towards feminism, and feminism is ultimately the individuation of the family, the destruction of the family, and the violation of the biblical ordinance that the husband is head of the wife. So that is fundamentally being eroded in the minds of our 13-and 14-year-old girls as they watch these movies.”

Yeah, no. It’s not at all a bad thing, recognizing that the people who make up a family are all individuals, with their own minds and personalities. That’s a healthy thing, because thinking that a ‘family’ is the property of a man is not at all a good thing, and that kind of thinking generally leads to bad acts and a hell of a lot of dysfunction. As for artistic story telling, you think “hey, man owns everyone” is good storytelling, and boy, do I have news for you, Mr. Swanson, that’s a bad story. We’ve had centuries of that plot, and some of humans who happen to be women, we’re damn tired of the same old song.

Who gives a shit if it “violates” a biblical ordinance? That’s only so to a percentage of christians, and as I’m not christian, why would that bit of idiocy matter to me? The bible is one very bad pastiche of very bad stories, many of them stolen and mangled, and I find it beyond silly that I’m supposed to care about anything it contains. All young women do not belong to you, Mr. Swanson, and it’s beyond creepy, this sense of ownership you put out. If you have 13 or 14 year old daughters, then you can use “our”. If they aren’t your children, then no, they are nothing to do with you.

“You can thoroughly expect the unraveling of the Christian family in the years to come if the Christian family is sitting their children at the feet of feminists and receiving the messages,” Swanson said, as he railed against the film for featuring several female characters in lead roles “defending the universe from the bad guys.”

“Friends,” he said, “this is what the last movies produced by a dying civilization look like.”

Hmmm. So it’s much better for the universe to go to utter hell and misery than to have women save the day. That’s ever so nice, Mr. Swanson. What a lovely message you’re sending to young women: you’re good for absolutely nothing except being a baby bakery and obeying a man. Why you’re surprised a lot of young women aren’t interested in that little message, I don’t know.  A movie which features women as full human beings does not spell ‘dying civilisation’. It spells growth and progress, and those are good things, Mr. Swanson, in spite of your desire to regress back centuries in time. We’re moving right past your anachronistic ass, and can barely bother to spare a glance at you.

The full mess is at RWW.

Couriers of the Incremental Apostasy.

The Couriers of the Incremental Apostasy.

The Couriers of the Incremental Apostasy.

David Lane, anti-LGBTQ Christian-nation activist, and pro-Trumpist, was extremely upset over CNN’s new year’s coverage. I think there were people having a good time or something. He wrote a rather long email to supporters, most of detailing the horrible effects of that there reefer madness, which can be read here. At the bottom, there’s this bit:

America was seduced in the last half century, not by the Communists, but by Secularism. Unelected and unaccountable judges have nullified a once Biblically-based public education and culture. CNN is a co-conspirator to the mortal sin affecting America. As a result of secularists replacing a Biblically-based culture with Secularism, George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Robert E. Lee, et al., are no longer advanced as patriots, but decried as backward racists. Their stature is disparaged by fanatical anarchists, such as Black Lives Matter, who deal in the currency of brutality and dissension. Perversion and cultural deterioration are now abetted by spiritually antagonistic network executives and media elites.

Hmm. Everything I can find on Lane has him listed as an evangelical christian, so what’s mortal sin doing in there? That’s a distinctly catholic concept, I know, I heard it about it often enough growing up. At 60 years old now, I have racked up quite the list of mortal sins.

Oh, these people with their biblically-based bullshit. (Marcus has an interesting post up today about the replacement of theology with social Darwinism). Why do you never hear them talk about Jefferson’s happy desecration of the bible into something he felt was palatable? There was never a biblically-based culture here, but there was an attempt at that whole ‘freedom of religion’ business. That’s why there’s never been any official religion in America, unlike other countries which do have an official religion. Secularism was always the culture base here.

Let’s look at that list of people: Washington, Adams, Jefferson, and…Robert E. Lee? Excuse me? How did he get into the presidential lists? I guess you have to get in at least a sideways defense of slavery. Oh yes, that’s right, slavery is biblically justifiable.

The people who make up Black Lives Matter, and their allies, are not anarchists, and they aren’t the ones who are brutal, oppressive authoritarians all dressed up in storm trooper gear, with military hardware, you evil fucker. There’s absolutely nothing at all wrong with dissent. America is nothing but one whole long history of dissent. What about the ‘founding’ revolution? The fact that people were revolting (also known as dissent) seems to get skipped over, time and time again. Your “founding fathers”, those thieves and murderers, started out the colonies due to religious dissent, and those dissenting people almost immediately found themselves the subject of dissent by a slightly different flavour of religious people. And so on. Jesus Fucking Christ, this whole mess called ‘America’ is nothing but one long argument.

Perversion and cultural deterioration is in the eye of the beholder, Mr. Lane. From where I sit, people learning to be accepting of those who have always been with us, rather than carrying on a long tradition of bigotry, hate, and oppression, is a good thing. That’s progress. That’s being socially forward. That’s putting the civil in civilisation. Being inclusive is not the same as “spiritually antagonistic”, it’s recognising that not everyone on the planet believes as you do. But there’s little worse than that to you fanatics, is there? I am so damn tired of seeing the word elites tossed around as if it means something. You never ever stop working, for one second, to bring about your theocracy, where you get to be the ruling body, the ultimate judge, the elite. So it would be nice if you would at least shut the fuck up about that. Oh yes, and as to your “unelected” judges, yeah your pos judges, like Gorsuch weren’t elected either. Might want to have a care there, because if you advocate for elected judges only, things might not go your way. Actually, that might not be a bad idea.

Charisma News’s Steve Strang also jumped on the CNN=evil bandwagon, copying Lane’s nonsense about weed, and adding a bit:

There almost certainly won’t be any further consequences. The reason is that morally debased Time Warner—which owns CNN—and CNN president Jeff Zucker are couriers of incremental apostasy as they pump sensuality, self-indulgence and promiscuity into the nation as it falls into moral anarchy.

Apostasy can’t happen fast enough for me, to hell with this incremental business. So, let’s see if I have this one right: CNN is evil, but grab ’em by the pussy is perfectly moral and good. Got it. Oy. You can read the whole mess at RWW.

Speaking of CNN, Alex Jones is frothing at the mouth over them too, in a more specific way. He’s targeted one Brian Stelter as the face of all evil. Apparently, this CNN correspondent runs everything, and he’s going to ruin everything for everyone. I don’t have television, so I don’t watch CNN and don’t have a clue as to who this person is, or why he’s the sudden target of Jones’s ire. Okay, he’s a 32 year old media correspondent.

While discussing the controversy swirling around Michael Wolff’s new book “Fire and Fury” on his show today, Jones compared Wolff’s smile to Stelter’s and speculated that the two are somehow related. This sparked a bizarre rant against Stelter in which Jones told his viewers that Stelter “wants to control every aspect of your life because he knows he is a cowardly, degenerate sack of anti-human trash.”

Oh, similar smiles! I guess you don’t get better evidence of evil intent than that.

“He runs your kids, he runs the schools, he runs the banks—this guy. This spirit. This smiling, leering devil that thinks you can’t see what he is. He is your enemy, period, all the narcissistic devil-worshiping filth. I see you, enemy. I see you, enemy. Enemy! Enemy! You are my enemy and I swear total resistance to you with everything I’ve got. Disingenuous, fake, false, broke-back, twisted, a defiler, a betrayer, a back-stabber. A devil,” Jones said.

Jones continued, “You will pay. You think I don’t see your face, scum? You think I don’t see you, Stelter? I see you, you understand me? I know what you think of me and my family. I see you right back, you understand that? You understand that, Stelter?”

My, my. That’s a hyperbole overdose and a half. Since this seems to come down to faces, let’s have a look at them:


Yeah, it’s not hard to decide which face I would gravitate towards, Mr. Jones, and it wouldn’t be yours. You can see the video and read the whole thing at RWW.

Top Ten Child Corruption Trends! Oh My.

 Jack Bennett (@makeuupbyjack) has more than 300,000 followers. He’s 10. Credit Lauren Fleishman for The New York Times.

Jack Bennett (@makeuupbyjack) has more than 300,000 followers. He’s 10. Credit Lauren Fleishman for The New York Times.

Linda Harvey, always a delightful bag of poison, is going on about all the worst of the worst of child corruption taking place in 2017, and it will most likely continue! Oh, how absolutely awful it is, to see children treated as more than adults in waiting, to be silent and obedient. Goodness me, they are being treated as if they were people.

10. The mainstream media continue to aggressively sell America on the bizarre and deviant as positive options for kids. The New York Times published a radically irresponsible story, “His eye makeup is better than yours,” about a 10-year-old boy and his Instagram make-up following. Do you want to vomit yet? I do.

No, I don’t want to vomit at all. The NYT is right, Mr. Bennett’s eye make-up is much better than mine. I always did suck at the eye make-up. There’s nothing at all wrong with men wearing cosmetics, they have been worn by men throughout history, and men look just as nice in make-up as other genders do. Why not look nice? Especially if it makes you feel good. I would say the following these young people get is a fair indicator that there are a whole lot of kids out there who are aching to express themselves, and why not do that with the artistry of cosmetics? If this was face-painting at a county fair or something, you wouldn’t think twice about it, Ms. Harvey.

9. Corrupting children in public must be a big turn-on for sexual anarchists. This year, the latest assaults on decency were the “drag-queen story hours” at public libraries, where men costumed in female attire read books to innocent children, with pandering parents as onlookers.

Oh yes, Alex Jones was having a fit about this, too. This is great! Teaches acceptance and provides representation at the same time. Sprogs don’t have a problem with such things, just nasty, bigoted, toxic assholes, especially asshole christians.

8. Movies and TV for children pushed more “LGBT” depravity in their faces than ever before. Disney topped the list of offending producers. Their remake of “Beauty and the Beast” cast one of the males as a homosexual character.

Yes, yes, so the fuck what? No one is going to die because a character is gay. There are gay people everywhere, Ms. Harvey. One side character in a movie isn’t all that much.

TV shows that introduced obscenity and/or homosexual themes to children included Netflix’s “Big Mouth,” and Disney’s “Doc McStuffins,””Andi Mack” and “Star vs. the Forces of Evil.” Does anyone still doubt Disney’s agenda? It is also a major donor to GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network.

Disney does not have an agenda, outside of appealing to as many sprogs as possible. Being inclusive is a big part of that. I don’t know if there’s a queer character in A Wrinkle In Time, but right about now, I’m seriously hoping there is, just so you’ll scream even louder and your tears shall be ever so salty.

7. Some schools allow children to express sexual and gender-defiant identities they conceal from parents. A New Jersey bill passed that guaranteed “confidentiality” for kids engaging in “trans” behavior, because, as we all know, parents are the enemy, right? Similar school policies exist in Maine, Maryland, Hawaii and elsewhere.

Well, Ms. Harvey, for your information, yes, parents are often the enemy. Let’s not pretend that parents are never awful and that abuse never happens. There have been generations of children tossed out on the street because they are queer, and came out to their parents, hoping for love and acceptance. A lot of those remarkably abusive, shitty parents are christian, and they’d rather see their children dead than to be happy, and to be who they are. This is not “gender defiance”. This is simply people needing to be who they are. For all the children stuck in homes with shitty parents, they must have a safe outlet somewhere, or else they will often end up in a very unsafe situation. Caring adults want those kids to be safe. Unlike their shitty parents.

6. Hollywood rushed to give awards to a movie featuring the “romance” of a teen boy being seduced by an adult man (“Call Me by YourName“) while accusations pile up of alleged abuse of boy actors by powerful Tinseltown males. Former child actor Corey Feldman’s long-time allegations are finally getting a hearing.

Oh FFS. Can you asshole christians really not see the difference between a consensual relationship and assault? No wonder you have problems. I had to do some reading about this film, and it involves a fleeting romance between a 17 year old and a 24 year old. I’m sure this comes as an awful shock, Ms. Harvey, but a whole lot of 17 year old people aren’t virgins.

5. Continued promotion in schools of homosexual and “transgender” behavior by GLSEN and the Human Rights Campaign, backed up by the NEA and ACLU, tragically misleads thousands of American youth every year. GLSEN’s propaganda events like the April “Day of Silence” and fall “Ally Week” can hardly be taken seriously anymore. There is no “silence” with this obnoxiously loud agenda.

Sigh. All the obnoxiously loud agenda crap is solely on your side, Ms. Harvey. You fucking assholes never stop shrieking that the sky is falling over this, that, and whatthefuckever. Acceptance, it’s the road to all good things. All those things you have no use for, like peace, happiness, inclusivity, creativity, etc.

4. Radical pro-abortion forces have teamed up with homosexual activist groups to push for more-explicit-than-ever “comprehensive sex education” curricula in schools, where seventh graders are told that vaginal, anal and oral sex are equally valid sex practices, all normal for teens and manageable with condoms (which are demonstrated on plastic models). The sound alternative of authentic abstinence education is dismissed and mocked.

Authentic (?) abstinence education is dismissed and mocked because it is fucking stupid, and not remotely reality based. When you refuse to acknowledge the burgeoning sexuality of young people, they find their own methods of justifying things, like classifying oral or anal sex as ‘not really sex’ sex. Want young adults to be safe, healthy, and not find themselves in need of a termination? Educate them. Provide contraception. There ya go.

3. The sharp rise in child pornography is a huge threat to America’s children. Too many vulnerable children are violated and videotaped for the voyeuristic pleasure of evil adults.

Well, no shit, Sherlock. This is not a new problem, it’s as old as the hills, and yes, all people need to do more to put a stop to practices which harm children. There is no divide here, it’s not a secret cabal of lefties or righties doing such things; unfortunately, there’s no simple way to point a finger. Putting a stop to child sex trafficking and child porn is a big job, and there isn’t an easy way to deal with it.

2. Those who have charge over children are sometimes deliberately directing them away from Christian faith. And brave Christian voices are bullied into silence, like teacher Michael Stack in San Luis Obispo, California, who resigned after his letter to the school newspaper was greeted with outrage from the homosexual community – and a death threat. The letter included passages from Romans 1 about homosexuality, mischaracterized as advocating “death to homosexuals.”

Was it mischaracterised? Let’s look at a tiny bit:

So God abandoned them to do whatever shameful things their hearts desired. As a result, they did vile and shameful things with each other’s bodies. They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the creator Himself, who is worthy of eternal praise! Amen. That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. And the men, instead of having normal sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved.

Since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God, He abandoned them to their foolish thinking and let them do things that should never be done. Their lives became full of every kind of wickedness, sin, greed, hate, envy, murder, quarreling, deception, malicious behavior, and gossip. They are backstabbers, haters of God, insolent, proud, and boastful. They invent new ways of sinning, and they disobey their parents. They refuse to understand, break their promises, are heartless, and have no mercy. They know God’s justice requires that those who do these things deserve to die, yet they do them anyway. Worse yet, they encourage others to do them too.”

No, that’s not mischaracterised at all. Teaching children that your godmonster hates them and that there’s just no choice, no, they have to die, and be tortured for all eternity, for being who they are, that’s really shitty. And abusive. And wrong. You asshole christians are not brave – it doesn’t take bravery to bully children. You’re cowardly asses who shriek “persecution!” every time you’re told no, you don’t get oppress and harm people. There are a lot of great teachers out there, and I’m sure that includes some christian teachers, who manage to put the children first. But if you’re a teacher, and you just have to point out how all the queers are icky and deserving of punishment, you are not a good teacher, and you shouldn’t be around children at all.

1. While the chance to believe in Jesus Christ is the most important opportunity we can offer a child, those who are not allowed to be born in the first place never have that chance. Abortion of the unborn continues to be the biggest preventable threat to children in the U.S., yet is still supported up until birth by many progressives and Democratic Party politicians.

Oh, enough. Go fuck yourself every which way, Ms. Harvey. What I do or don’t do with myself is my fucking business, just as any medical procedures are also my decision.

Blecch. If you want to go read the whole mess, you can do so here. I think I need a shower.

A Heartwarming Moment.

Via Twitter.

The Tiny Tyrant’s Veep is on vacation, and the owners of the house he’s staying in, and the neighbours had a lovely, gay message for the Pence family, on just how to do that MAGA business right. :D

A rainbow flag with the words “Make America Gay Again” was posted at the end of the driveway to both houses, the Aspen Times reports.

The banner was hung by the daughters of the homeowners — and one of their girlfriends.

“You couldn’t miss it,” Pitkin County Sheriff’s Deputy Michael Buglione explained.

Deputy Buglione explained the homeowners brough chili and corn muffins to the deputies and Secret Service agents posted.

“They’ve been really nice to us,” Pitkin County Sheriff Joe DiSalvo.

Now, that’s the way to make friends and influence people! Great job.

Via Raw Story.

Remembering Lysol.

Most people know that Lysol started life as a douche. Fortunately, this was before my time, I just had to live the constant assault of Summer’s Eve and ‘feminine spray’ ads. I always thought it was a shame that no one at Lysol had the thought to market it as an all around marriage aid: “Men, use Lysol’s Intimate Soak for Men! Keep that rod of marriage clean and sweet smelling!”  But no, as with a majority of products at that time, most all of them were pointing out the constant and glaring imperfections and defects of women, and you best pay attention, else you’ll lose that man, oh my. The text in the above ad reads:

Why Does He Avoid Her Embrace?

A. Because he is no longer happy in their marriage, constantly makes excuses to avoid the romantic intimacy of their honeymoon.

Q. What has she done? Is it really all her fault?

A. It is not so much what she has done as what she has neglected…and that is proper feminine hygiene.

Q. Can neglect of proper feminine hygiene really spoil a happy marriage?

A. Yes, and the pity of it is, every wife can hold her lovable charm by simply using “Lysol” disinfectant as an effective douche.

Q. Can this purpose be accomplished by homemade douching solutions?

A. No…salt, soda, and similar makeshifts do not have proved germicidal and antiseptic properties of “Lysol” which not only destroys odor but is effective in the presence of organic matter.

Q. Why does this husband not tell his wife why he avoids her?

A. Because he feels that a woman should know these important facts…and use every means in her power to remain glamourous, dainty, and lovely to love. He resents her neglect of such fundamentals as correct feminine hygiene which is achieved so easily by regular douching with “Lysol” brand disinfectant.

(That ‘organic matter’ eluded to was a way of saying “effective spermicidal”.  You can see more Lysol ads below the fold.

[Read more…]

The Zeta Male.

To be manly masculine man! The text reads: Though she was a tiger lady, our hero didn't have to fire a shot to floor her. After one look at his Mr. Leggs slacks, she was ready to have him walk all over her. That noble styling sure soothes the savage heart! If you'd like your own doll-to-doll carpeting, hunt up a pare of these he-man Mr. Leggs slacks. Such as our new automatic wash wear blend of 65% "Dacron" and 35% rayon - incomparably wrinkle-resistant. About $12.95 at plush-carpeted stores.

To be manly masculine man! The text reads: Though she was a tiger lady, our hero didn’t have to fire a shot to floor her. After one look at his Mr. Leggs slacks, she was ready to have him walk all over her. That noble styling sure soothes the savage heart! If you’d like your own doll-to-doll carpeting, hunt up a pare of these he-man Mr. Leggs slacks. Such as our new automatic wash wear blend of 65% “Dacron” and 35% rayon – incomparably wrinkle-resistant. About $12.95 at plush-carpeted stores.

Yesterday, when I was reading the wailing over the war on christmas at Townhall, another post caught my eye – “The Rise of the Zeta Male.” I’ll admit, I’m not good at keeping up with all the different categorizations of male these days, and I hadn’t heard of this one. I’m rather sorry I know about it now. A lot of it is the standard insulting the hell out of any man who isn’t of the approved Manly Masculine Man™ type, because of course, finding ways to compare men to that most awful of beings – women, is a sign that you’re a Manly Masculine Man™, one who can bully properly! So, a good deal of this nonsense will be at least somewhat familiar, because the repertoire of the Manly Masculine Man™ is on the limited side.

There’s a possibility our species will, in the not-too-distant future, be wiped out. Not by a meteor, but by simply no longer reproducing. Sterility won’t be the culprit, it will be the rise of the zeta males. … there is a new, disturbing option emerging that may, and maybe should, mean the end of all human reproduction: the zeta male.


So, what is a zeta male? They aren’t just “woke” feminists, thought they are certainly that. They are biological men for whom a urinal holds no meaning, they always sit.

My partner sits. So what? It’s relaxing and clean. That you think, Mr. Hunter, that standing splay-legged with a penis in your hand is somehow uber-manly, well…

More than that, they are exemplified by a recent op-ed in the Harvard Crimson, the student newspaper of America’s most over-priced college.

The piece, entitled, “The Harvard Community is Responsible for Sexual Assault,” is a progressive diary entry on the fall of western civilization.

The headline is typical leftist pap – blaming everyone for the actions of a few so as to alleviate personal guilt. But the source of the personal guilt in this case is the issue and the evidence.

Oh, so wrong. This is not about placing blame on everyone. It is about seeing how, societally, we enable and reinforce attitudes and behaviours which cause harm to people.


So what was this horrible offense; this sexist, sexual assault enabling action he took? He acted like a normal guy, quite possibly for the first and only time in his life.

How? I’ll let him explain:

“During Orientation Week in August of 2016, I was out late drinking in Harvard Square with two classmates. The topic switched to the women in our class. Over the drunken hum of the bar’s collective conversation, one guy proposed the ‘hottest’ girls in our class. The other did the same. They both then asked me to rank the girls in our cohort in the order I wanted to get with. My alarmed heart bolted blood to my cheeks. I crossed my arms, unable to speak. ‘Are we making you uncomfortable?’ one asked me. I cannot remember my exact response. But it was not: ‘Yes. Objectifying women, even though it seems harmless to you, demeans them and creates an environment that makes sexual assault more likely.’ Instead, I uncrossed my arms, I shook my head, and yes, I discussed which girls were hot.”

We no longer have a need for The Onion, real life has become a parody of itself.

All they were basically doing is talking about the women they find attractive, something every normal, healthy, heterosexual man since communication was invented has been doing, but now it’s just one step down from Harvey Weinstein. Maybe only a half-step.

This is as insane as it is hilarious, a eunuch’s love letter to a lonely future.

Crispy Christ, you’re an idiot, Mr. Hunter. A willful one. No, those young men were not talking about women they find attractive – they were ranking them, which is quite different than saying something like “wow, that’s a nice looking group of women!” or “Sally is really pretty.” When you turn around and rank people in order of who you would fuck first, that’s not harmless talk. That’s objectifying people into sex aids. It’s demeaning. It’s a way of encouraging young men to never consider women as actual human beings.

The zeta continued, “At the time, it was easy for me to discard my act of cowardice as inconsequential. The desire to be included made the risk of speaking up too great. During many similar ‘inconsequential’ comments at the pub and locker rooms throughout my life, I know I’ve taken the easy way out.”

I didn’t realize competitive knitting had locker rooms.

Amazing that you think your lame comment about knitting makes you a Manly Masculine Man™,  Mr. Hunter. I’ll take a man who is unafraid of thinking any day, like the young man at Harvard. He is absolutely right. Given how important the homosocial sphere is to men, the only way to make true change is for men to have the courage to speak up, and that does take much courage, given the sheer assholism of all you Manly Masculine Men™. You assholes are so damn insecure, it’s pitiful. On the other hand, the young man from Harvard, he’s not only capable of thinking, he displays empathy, and he is secure enough in his own self to own up to making a mistake, and how this all too common mistake makes our society a worse place. Not just for women, Mr. Hunter. This insistence of Manly Man Masculinity™ stuffs all men into tiny, claustrophobic coffins, where they are not allowed to simply be people. That’s not healthy. That’s not good.

The confession of this student (a graduate student, no less) is a prime example of what happens when you accept as moral arbiters people who insist gender is a social construct and a person can switch from one to the other at will.

:Near-fatal eyeroll: Gender is a social construct, just like “masculine” and “feminine” are social constructs. Different societies throughout history provide many examples. This is not about “switching gender at will” you flaming dumbfuck. I am so tired of hearing that. Transgender people and non-binary people are not the result of a sudden whim.

Men finding women attractive, and vice versa, is why we’re all here.

No it isn’t. Evolution is why we’re all here. And yes, like all animals, some of us breed. Golly, how revolutionary.

Talking about it, and everything else, with friends, even in crude terms, is perfectly normal human behavior. But now it’s pre-rape and needs to be confessed.

Yes, talking about women as objects to be demeaned is all too common. That needs to change, which thankfully, more and more men are realizing. No one said it’s “pre-rape”, it’s simply bad behaviour which causes harm throughout a person’s lifetime. If you don’t see others as human beings, then helping yourself to them doesn’t seem like a big deal. That’s why sexual harassment is so standard and widespread, because you have a fucktonne of men who think they are entitled to any body they find attractive. They don’t give one tiny shit about the person they are assaulting. It’s a toxic way of thinking, one which insecure men hang on to with a death grip, because they fear a loss of power – the power to objectify, the power to demean, the power to humiliate.

Hopefully, Mr. Hunter, you and the rest of the Manly Masculine Men™ will find themselves increasingly isolated, sitting in your lonely corner, while the rest of us get on with lives outside of your categorical coffins.

You can read the full toxic stew here.