Jack Bennett (@makeuupbyjack) has more than 300,000 followers. He’s 10. Credit Lauren Fleishman for The New York Times.
Linda Harvey, always a delightful bag of poison, is going on about all the worst of the worst of child corruption taking place in 2017, and it will most likely continue! Oh, how absolutely awful it is, to see children treated as more than adults in waiting, to be silent and obedient. Goodness me, they are being treated as if they were people.
10. The mainstream media continue to aggressively sell America on the bizarre and deviant as positive options for kids. The New York Times published a radically irresponsible story, “His eye makeup is better than yours,” about a 10-year-old boy and his Instagram make-up following. Do you want to vomit yet? I do.
No, I don’t want to vomit at all. The NYT is right, Mr. Bennett’s eye make-up is much better than mine. I always did suck at the eye make-up. There’s nothing at all wrong with men wearing cosmetics, they have been worn by men throughout history, and men look just as nice in make-up as other genders do. Why not look nice? Especially if it makes you feel good. I would say the following these young people get is a fair indicator that there are a whole lot of kids out there who are aching to express themselves, and why not do that with the artistry of cosmetics? If this was face-painting at a county fair or something, you wouldn’t think twice about it, Ms. Harvey.
9. Corrupting children in public must be a big turn-on for sexual anarchists. This year, the latest assaults on decency were the “drag-queen story hours” at public libraries, where men costumed in female attire read books to innocent children, with pandering parents as onlookers.
Oh yes, Alex Jones was having a fit about this, too. This is great! Teaches acceptance and provides representation at the same time. Sprogs don’t have a problem with such things, just nasty, bigoted, toxic assholes, especially asshole christians.
8. Movies and TV for children pushed more “LGBT” depravity in their faces than ever before. Disney topped the list of offending producers. Their remake of “Beauty and the Beast” cast one of the males as a homosexual character.
Yes, yes, so the fuck what? No one is going to die because a character is gay. There are gay people everywhere, Ms. Harvey. One side character in a movie isn’t all that much.
TV shows that introduced obscenity and/or homosexual themes to children included Netflix’s “Big Mouth,” and Disney’s “Doc McStuffins,””Andi Mack” and “Star vs. the Forces of Evil.” Does anyone still doubt Disney’s agenda? It is also a major donor to GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network.
Disney does not have an agenda, outside of appealing to as many sprogs as possible. Being inclusive is a big part of that. I don’t know if there’s a queer character in A Wrinkle In Time, but right about now, I’m seriously hoping there is, just so you’ll scream even louder and your tears shall be ever so salty.
7. Some schools allow children to express sexual and gender-defiant identities they conceal from parents. A New Jersey bill passed that guaranteed “confidentiality” for kids engaging in “trans” behavior, because, as we all know, parents are the enemy, right? Similar school policies exist in Maine, Maryland, Hawaii and elsewhere.
Well, Ms. Harvey, for your information, yes, parents are often the enemy. Let’s not pretend that parents are never awful and that abuse never happens. There have been generations of children tossed out on the street because they are queer, and came out to their parents, hoping for love and acceptance. A lot of those remarkably abusive, shitty parents are christian, and they’d rather see their children dead than to be happy, and to be who they are. This is not “gender defiance”. This is simply people needing to be who they are. For all the children stuck in homes with shitty parents, they must have a safe outlet somewhere, or else they will often end up in a very unsafe situation. Caring adults want those kids to be safe. Unlike their shitty parents.
6. Hollywood rushed to give awards to a movie featuring the “romance” of a teen boy being seduced by an adult man (“Call Me by YourName“) while accusations pile up of alleged abuse of boy actors by powerful Tinseltown males. Former child actor Corey Feldman’s long-time allegations are finally getting a hearing.
Oh FFS. Can you asshole christians really not see the difference between a consensual relationship and assault? No wonder you have problems. I had to do some reading about this film, and it involves a fleeting romance between a 17 year old and a 24 year old. I’m sure this comes as an awful shock, Ms. Harvey, but a whole lot of 17 year old people aren’t virgins.
5. Continued promotion in schools of homosexual and “transgender” behavior by GLSEN and the Human Rights Campaign, backed up by the NEA and ACLU, tragically misleads thousands of American youth every year. GLSEN’s propaganda events like the April “Day of Silence” and fall “Ally Week” can hardly be taken seriously anymore. There is no “silence” with this obnoxiously loud agenda.
Sigh. All the obnoxiously loud agenda crap is solely on your side, Ms. Harvey. You fucking assholes never stop shrieking that the sky is falling over this, that, and whatthefuckever. Acceptance, it’s the road to all good things. All those things you have no use for, like peace, happiness, inclusivity, creativity, etc.
4. Radical pro-abortion forces have teamed up with homosexual activist groups to push for more-explicit-than-ever “comprehensive sex education” curricula in schools, where seventh graders are told that vaginal, anal and oral sex are equally valid sex practices, all normal for teens and manageable with condoms (which are demonstrated on plastic models). The sound alternative of authentic abstinence education is dismissed and mocked.
Authentic (?) abstinence education is dismissed and mocked because it is fucking stupid, and not remotely reality based. When you refuse to acknowledge the burgeoning sexuality of young people, they find their own methods of justifying things, like classifying oral or anal sex as ‘not really sex’ sex. Want young adults to be safe, healthy, and not find themselves in need of a termination? Educate them. Provide contraception. There ya go.
3. The sharp rise in child pornography is a huge threat to America’s children. Too many vulnerable children are violated and videotaped for the voyeuristic pleasure of evil adults.
Well, no shit, Sherlock. This is not a new problem, it’s as old as the hills, and yes, all people need to do more to put a stop to practices which harm children. There is no divide here, it’s not a secret cabal of lefties or righties doing such things; unfortunately, there’s no simple way to point a finger. Putting a stop to child sex trafficking and child porn is a big job, and there isn’t an easy way to deal with it.
2. Those who have charge over children are sometimes deliberately directing them away from Christian faith. And brave Christian voices are bullied into silence, like teacher Michael Stack in San Luis Obispo, California, who resigned after his letter to the school newspaper was greeted with outrage from the homosexual community – and a death threat. The letter included passages from Romans 1 about homosexuality, mischaracterized as advocating “death to homosexuals.”
Was it mischaracterised? Let’s look at a tiny bit:
So God abandoned them to do whatever shameful things their hearts desired. As a result, they did vile and shameful things with each other’s bodies. They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the creator Himself, who is worthy of eternal praise! Amen. That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. And the men, instead of having normal sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved.
Since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God, He abandoned them to their foolish thinking and let them do things that should never be done. Their lives became full of every kind of wickedness, sin, greed, hate, envy, murder, quarreling, deception, malicious behavior, and gossip. They are backstabbers, haters of God, insolent, proud, and boastful. They invent new ways of sinning, and they disobey their parents. They refuse to understand, break their promises, are heartless, and have no mercy. They know God’s justice requires that those who do these things deserve to die, yet they do them anyway. Worse yet, they encourage others to do them too.”
No, that’s not mischaracterised at all. Teaching children that your godmonster hates them and that there’s just no choice, no, they have to die, and be tortured for all eternity, for being who they are, that’s really shitty. And abusive. And wrong. You asshole christians are not brave – it doesn’t take bravery to bully children. You’re cowardly asses who shriek “persecution!” every time you’re told no, you don’t get oppress and harm people. There are a lot of great teachers out there, and I’m sure that includes some christian teachers, who manage to put the children first. But if you’re a teacher, and you just have to point out how all the queers are icky and deserving of punishment, you are not a good teacher, and you shouldn’t be around children at all.
1. While the chance to believe in Jesus Christ is the most important opportunity we can offer a child, those who are not allowed to be born in the first place never have that chance. Abortion of the unborn continues to be the biggest preventable threat to children in the U.S., yet is still supported up until birth by many progressives and Democratic Party politicians.
Oh, enough. Go fuck yourself every which way, Ms. Harvey. What I do or don’t do with myself is my fucking business, just as any medical procedures are also my decision.
Blecch. If you want to go read the whole mess, you can do so here. I think I need a shower.
I haven’t watched Big Mouth yet, but I can tell you that just because it’s animated doesn’t mean it’s for children. Teens and up, Linda. Teens and up.
Asshole christians stuff everyone 0 -- 18 in the children category. They don’t have much use for understanding how different ages work, or that kids are individual people, and so on. If they don’t like it, it’s bad for the childruuuun!
An obsessive preoccupation with other people’s sex-lives.
More seriously, I note that in that whole article, Ms Harvey never once attempts to show why any of the things she lists are actually bad. It’s just taken as a given, as always, that anything the speaker doesn’t like and/or understand should be defined as immoral.
Daz, yep. Treating children like individuals? Bad! Realizing that yes, children are people too? Bad!
My son objects strongly to “Call Me by Your Name“ -- he finds the age difference inappropriate. I think it comes from growing up with a different standard for age of consent. I grew up with 16, he with 18.
I got news for you, lady. I taught sex ed to 6th graders. They knew all about what you can stick where. What they needed was indeed education on consent, safe practices and basic biology.
Why is a boy with eyeliner abnormal but a man with a comb-over isn’t? Why is rouge bad and spraytan manly?
It’s a need to have a box with a clearly delineated list of ‘masculine’. Just one of the interesting aspects of reading Manhood In America: by Michael Kimmel was the increasing fear of being ‘feminised’ in the 19th century. Women were no longer confined to the home, and the massive reaction to that is something we’re still suffering from.
Masculinity has never been a set of characteristics etched in stone; it’s a fluid concept, just as femininity is. You can go through past centuries of societal fashions, from one society to the next, and find cosmetics, wigs, high heels and pretty clothing all part and parcel of masculinity. This is once more breaking out into male fashion, albeit in a very small way, it’s hardly normalised as it was in past centuries, but unlike past centuries, there’s a mass over-reaction to it all.
I’m guessing Linda Harvey is old enough to remember the ’70s and ’80s, so the sight of a young man wearing makeup shouldn’t be something new to her. Hopefully she brings along some Pepto Bismol if she goes to certain places abroad, as I’m sure seeing men wearing robes or skirts also makes her nauseous.(I’m probably being silly, as Harvey probably doesn’t go abroad. Too many foreigners in those places.)
Shit like this was pounded into me, growing up. I’ll never forget the time my dad grabbed me by the throat and screamed in my face: “I own you!” It was such a perfect encapsulation of the way people like Harvey think- children aren’t people, children are property of their parents. They’re things that parents can do whatever they please with and to. And if the parents’ toys don’t obey them, then parents have the perfect right to break them, or to throw them away.
Treating children like things- that’s the shit that poisons children. Many, perhaps even most, of them grow to be awesome human beings in spite of all the hell their parents put them through. Some of us grow up to be a mess of scars and bitter anger who are terrified of the thought of having children, even though we want to, because we’re afraid we might turn out like our parents. Some just plain don’t survive long enough to grow up. Worst of all, some of them turn out just like Linda Harvey, and the cycle goes on.
Still, two things make me feel better: 1.) the ads on the website hosting her article for gay cruises and 2.) the song I listen to as an antidote to this kind of toxic garbage (lyrics below):
“Vorvolaka” by Die So Fluid
All the abuse I’ve seen
Has crept into my dreams
Petrol on broken wings
Sheets torn for making slings
Is this my heritage?
I can’t begin to live
With these dark memories
Holding me back for years
A demon seed lives in me
Exercise what’s driving me
In every thought and habit
‘Til now I’d barely controlled it
Seeping from every pore
Always demanding more
A demon seed lives in me
Exercise what’s driving me
I can feel the ashes falling down like autumn leaves
Tunneling towards the shards of light above the leaves
She would have me rest in shadows deep
Wolves come run with me
all through the forest branches
Scratch and tear your skin
But we are all in trances
Wolves come run with me
all through the forest branches
Scratch and tear your skin
But we are all in trances
Vorvolaka Vorvolaka
She flickers and she dances
See how she pulls your puppet strings
But I must take my chances
Yes, yes, yes. I’ve had that “I own you” shit too, and it leaves one bitter, deep, gaping wound. It’s beyond infuriating that people like Harvey puff themselves up with self righteousness for backing up shitty, abusive parents. People like this are utterly anti-life.
Thanks for the music, good stuff that.
Treating children like things- that’s the shit that poisons children.
Tupac’s THUG LIFE tattoo supposedly stood for:
“The Hate U Give Little Infants Fucks Everybody”
Even entering my thirties didn’t make my mother feel any less entitled to commanding me to scrape the polish off my toenails before wearing sandals in public. I’m glad children these days are more confident in expressing themselves and have entertainment that isn’t as restrictive as what was available in my childhood. In fact, I think I’ll watch some cartoons tonight.
> TV shows that introduced obscenity and/or homosexual themes to children included Netflix’s “Big Mouth,”
Which is… not a children’s show,