Meretricious / Vapid / Poppycock
1: of or relating to a prostitute: having the nature of prostitution, meretricious relationships.
2a: tawdrily and falsely attractive. b: superficially significant: pretentious.
-meretriciously, adverb.
-meretriciousness, noun.
[Origin: Latin, meretricius, from meretric-, meretrix prostitute, from merēre to earn.]
“I’ll say you’re right,” said Mark. “Unfortunately, Miss Marple, we didn’t realize that. We wondered what the old boy saw in that rather insipid and meretricious little bag of tricks.”
Adjective: lacking liveliness, tang, briskness, or force: Flat, Dull.
-vapidly, adverb.
-vapidness, noun.
[Origin: Latin vapidus flat-tasting; akin to Latin vappa flat wine and perhaps to Latin vapor steam.]
“His face grim, Conway Jefferson lay remembering and thinking. Before his eyes he saw again the pretty, vapid face of Ruby.”
Noun: empty talk or writing: nonsense.
[Origin: Dutch dialect pappekak, literally, soft dung, from Dutch pap pap + kak dung.]
“And she didn’t care tuppence for Mr. Jefferson. All that play of affection and gratitude was so much poppycock.”
All quotes from The Body in the Library by Agatha Christie.