“This is a vile fish of no value; therefore cook it the way you want.” ~ Liber de Coquina, a 14th century cookbook.
I’ll admit upfront that I’m a fan of octopuses, when they are alive. I don’t care for them in the least when dead, regardless of the cooking method.
Platina’s Right Pleasure and Good Health, a 15th-century work from Italy, offers these thoughts:
On octopus – The polypus has been named because it has many feet. It uses its gills as feet and hands, and its tail, which is two-pronged and is pointed, while mating. They are very pleased with smell, and they eat the flesh of shellfish. They carry everything into their house and then separate the shells from the red meat. It hunts the small fish which are swimming near the shells. You season a cooked octopus with pepper and asafetida.
Platina also has this to add: Whatever way you cook it, you will say it is bad. Doesn’t seem to much point with such a conclusion.
Meanwhile, The Book of Sent Sovi, a 14th-century Catalan text, gives this recipe:
To Stuff Octopus – If you want to stuff octopus or squid, take the octopus and wash it well, boil it, cut off the arms, and take out what is inside. Chop the arms all together with parsley, mint, marjoram and other good herbs. You can chop another kind of fish if the tentacles are not enough. Put in the best spices that you can find. Make sure that the octopus is cleaned well. Put in the stuffing, and put in raisins and scalded garlic and fried onion. Then make almond milk with the broth that has boiled the fish, and put it in a bowl or a casserole together with the octopus; in the milk you can put a little verjuice and good spices, the best you might have, and oil. You can cook it in the oven or on iron trivet with live coals beneath.
If you’re just dying for medieval cooked octopus, that sounds like an interesting recipe to work out.
Via Medievalists.
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Octopus can be tough and chewy. It can also be made tougher by cooking. I don’t like it’s texture when it’s raw. No crudo or sashimi for me. Grilled octopus can be incredibly delicious, like squid but better. I don’t know how to prepare and grill octopus, so it’s always something that we eat out. The best we’ve had was at a NYC restaurant called Artisanal. They also do a glorious fondue, especially if you like it stinky!
Not for me, I’m afraid. I tried it once, and went never again. :)
The trick with octopus and squid is to either cook it very quickly or for a good long time. Between those extremes it gets tough and unpleasant.
I’ve also had it raw at a sushi restaurant. I liked everything I had there, but I prefer octopus cooked.
I’m always disappointed when it’s only the mantle of squid or octopus that they serve up, often cut into rings or strips. I want the tentacles! That’s how you know it’s an octopus! I take a perverse pleasure in picking the suckers off my teeth.
Callinectes ( or should I say Beautiful Swimmer? ), Artisanal serves a whole grilled tentacle. Huge plate, huge tentacle, beautifully grilled, oh so delicious and tender! Better even than the octopus we had in Venice, which is high praise indeed.
Isn’t this a blapzemy or something?
I never tried octopus and I feel no inclination to do so. But next week I am intendint to try to cook shrimp for the first time.