Dear Women, Have More Babies.

It seems there’s no shortage of white idiots who think the solution to everything is “Moar Babies!” We can add sociopath Paul Ryan to the heap of baby idiots.

“People — this is going to be the new economic challenge for America. People,” Ryan said, in response to a question about entitlement reform.

Alluding to the fact that he’s a father of three, Ryan added, “I did my part, but we need to have higher birth rates in this country. Meaning, baby boomers are retiring, and we have fewer people following them in the work force.”

“We have something like a 90 percent increase in the retirement population in America, but only a 19 percent increase in the working population in American,” the Speaker continued. “So what do we have to do? Be smarter, more efficient, more technology — still going to need more people. And when we have tens of millions of people right here in this country falling short of their potential — not working, not looking for a job, or not in school getting a skill to get a job — that’s a problem.”

Here’s a thought, you dipshit – immigrants. Filling the same old age hole they have always filled in this lost country. The reason we have tens of millions of people right here in this country not working, not looking for a job, or not in school is because of all the “policies” you have helped to implement. The current regime is anti-education, and making it more and more difficult for anyone to get skills of any sort. All manner of jobs now demand a college degree, even if you’re going to be a low level grunt getting paid shit. White people are still being told they will have all the BEST jobs, but those jobs aren’t out there. And you think having more babies will somehow magically fix this problem. We’ll assume you mean [middle class] white babies, because you certainly can’t be talking about all those shiftless types living in poverty, who are desperate for the thinnest of safety nets, now can you?


Ryan isn’t alone among male Wisconsin Republicans in believing that women should have more babies for the good of the economy. On the floor of the Wisconsin State Assembly last month, Wisconsin state Rep. Scott Allen (R) argued on behalf of a bill that would prevent health insurance plans for state employees from covering most abortions, saying more births are needed to spur economic growth.

In November, Mr. Allen went further:

Allen then went on to argue that abortion was wrong for economic reasons, essentially saying that all women should be forced to have babies in order to grow the labor market.

“Labor force shortages are tied to population declines. Labor force shortages are a limiting factor in economic growth,” Allen said. “And limited economic growth poses a problem when government tries to pay for public services and infrastructure. In spite of this Mr. Speaker, ironically, the democrats continue their effort to support the abortion industry.”

Emphasis mine. Y’know, we can talk labour shortages when there’s actual labour to to be done. The small circle of people who have money in this country are terrified of one slim cent slipping out of their overstuffed pockets, so they have moved any required labour out of this country. No one here actually wants to pay workers much anymore, because so far, most Americans aren’t quite ready to agree to intense labour for around ten dollars a week. Probably won’t be long before things reach that point though. In the meantime, I expect you can fully see people with uteruses guarding them ferociously, and deciding for themselves if they do or don’t want to breed. Most people aren’t overly crazy about the idea of breeding with no resources, since people tend to get silly ideas when they have sprogs, like wanting things to be better for them.

The full story is at Think Progress, with video.

Sunday Facepalm.

Scox (also spelled Chax, Shan, Shass, Shaz, and Shax) is a Great Marquis of Hell, and has power over 30 legions of demons on evil horses. He takes away the sight, hearing and understanding of any person under the conjurer's request, and steals money out of kings' houses, carrying it back to the people. He also steals horses and everything the conjurer asks. Shax can also discover hidden things if they are not kept by evil spirits, and sometimes gives good familiars, but sometimes those familiars deceive the conjurer. He should not be bothered too often. Shax is thought to be faithful and obedient, but is a great liar and will deceive the conjurer unless obliged to enter a magic triangle drawn on the floor. He will then speak marvellously and tell the truth. He knows when lies are told and uses these to teach lessons. He is depicted as a stork that speaks with a hoarse but subtle voice; his voice changes into a beautiful one once he enters the magic triangle.

Scox (also spelled Chax, Shan, Shass, Shaz, and Shax) is a Great Marquis of Hell, and has power over 30 legions of demons on evil horses. He takes away the sight, hearing and understanding of any person under the conjurer’s request, and steals money out of kings’ houses, carrying it back to the people. He also steals horses and everything the conjurer asks. Shax can also discover hidden things if they are not kept by evil spirits, and sometimes gives good familiars, but sometimes those familiars deceive the conjurer. He should not be bothered too often. Shax is thought to be faithful and obedient, but is a great liar and will deceive the conjurer unless obliged to enter a magic triangle drawn on the floor. He will then speak marvellously and tell the truth. He knows when lies are told and uses these to teach lessons. He is depicted as a stork that speaks with a hoarse but subtle voice; his voice changes into a beautiful one once he enters the magic triangle.

Today, it’s Lance Wallnau. Again. This time, it’s a call out to eject all leftists. Leftists are bad! Not to be mistaken for lefties, as in left-handed people, but who knows.

“We are going to lose America if we don’t actually mobilize,” Wallnau warned. “We’ve got the people and we’ve got the momentum. I’ll tell you where it starts—I hate to say it, but you have to literally remove every leftist from a position of government influence where they open the door to advance their lawless utopia … We’re going to have to smash that. You start with the political. You have got to take those political offices. You have to because you have to dismantle the apparatus of where power can come in through the top, to the courts and legislation.”

Yeah, so politics as usual. So far, that hasn’t been working out so well for you all. People have been rejecting your candidates, who offer nothing but a rhetoric of hate. People are tired of hate, because hate doesn’t get anything done. Hate doesn’t give a shit. As you note yourself, Lance, it’s all destruction. Not that I’m going to go out of my way to argue against what you’re doing right now, because all your candidates do seem to get people fired up, and get them out to rock the vote. It’s just not in your favour. Yay for us lefties. Leftists.

Wallnau said that President Trump has been anointed by God and is winning over the country by implementing “superior ideas that gets results,” but his critics are “demonically confused” and intent on destroying him. As such, Wallnau said, Christians must “stand in the gap” on behalf of Trump because “you can no longer be in neutral when the Nazis are on the march.”

No, the oil of your fairy psychopath is not dripping down the Tiny Tyrant’s head. Superior ideas that get results? Where? Point me to just one, please. The reason that the Tiny Tyrant now holds an honest record – for the least liked and approved of prez ever, is because he has not done one single thing, outside of fucking up. I’m not demonically confused, Lance, just reality based, but I can see how you would mix the two up. One more time, I just want the asshole out of office, after that, I don’t much care. He can go live on a golf course with his personal McD’s on it. If he was so gosh darn great, you wouldn’t be looking for christians to stand “in the gap”, now would you?

I do agree with you that you cannot afford to be neutral when nazis are on the march, and seeing that you’re the ones, along with the Tiny Tyrant, who embrace nazis as allies, the fight becomes very clear, doesn’t it? Yes, Lance, you are the baddies. (Please, don’t link to the skit, I’ll do it for you.) You christians would do better to go digging for any remnant of a conscience you might still have, along with empathy, and morals.

Via RWW.

Hanging by a thread, from the lunatic fringe.

© Brett Lamb.

We have CNS News editor-in-chief Terry Jeffrey and Family Research Council president Tony Perkins, having a chat about this net neutrality business. Like most of the altwhatthefuckever, they are thrilled by the rollback. Their little discussion runs off onto quite the side road…

Yesterday on “Washington Watch,” Jeffrey joined host and Family Research Council president Tony Perkins to discuss why he believed rolling back net neutrality rules was a good decision.  Like many of his right-wing counterparts, Jeffrey argued that net neutrality never really existed because tech giants like Facebook and Twitter have suppressed conservative voices. He went on to draw out an analogy to self-driving cars.

Okay, all of you fucking idiots out there – net neutrality is not about your personal sense of persecution. People will still be able to shun you. They’ll still be able to ban you. That would be because no one likes you. Go eat worms.

“This may seem an odd comparison, but I think it’s a real one, that we’re moving, Tony, toward automated cars, for example. And in the regulatory world, there’s the debate over how they’re going to regulate these automated vehicles. But you can imagine the control over our lives the government would have if they could remotely control our vehicles, which they may in fact someday be able to do and I think we have to think about that,” Jeffrey said.

“It doesn’t get discussed a lot but it’s going to happen,” Jeffrey said. “Down the road at some point automobiles are going to be automated and someone is going to be in control of the infrastructure that directs how those automobiles move.”

Jeffrey then painted a scenario where the government takes control of self-driving cars to prevent anti-choice activists from being able to transport themselves to protests.

“Imagine that the government is doing something outrageous like legalizing the killing of unborn babies and a lot of people want to go down to the Washington Mall one day a year and make it known they’re sticking up to the right for life, but the only way they can get through to that Mall is by getting on a transportation system that’s controlled by the government,” Jeffrey said.

Last time I looked, Roe v. Wade was still the law of the land, which means abortion is legal. Supposedly. As for the rest of your moronic scenario, Mr. Jeffrey, what is it we have now? There’s no governmental oversight of roads; there’s no licensing system for driving; there’s no speed limit; there are no regulations in place concerning automobiles; no one regulates trains, planes, subways, or traffic, and so on, right? Right? Oh, wait. Yes, there’s a fucktonne of regulation in regard to transport, that’s why transportation has its very own department in the government! Golly, guess you learn something new every day, don’t ya, fellas? So far, transportation systems don’t seem to have interfered with you nosy, judgmental assholes in the least.  Pity.

And then we have self-styled “prophet” Sundar Selvaraj, who is still on Jim Bakker’s show, who has come up with quite the tidbit:

Selvaraj recounted how, a few years ago, “the Lord Jesus appeared to me about the False Prophet who is mentioned in Revelation, chapter 13 and then very simply and very clearly he said, ‘The present Pope Francis is the prophesied False Prophet.’ And then he went on explaining to me the many things the false prophet will do, and then later on, I did some research and I found that whatever the Lord Jesus told me what what exactly Pope Francis has already begun to do.”

Selvaraj said that on the day that Pope Francis met with Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli president Shimon Peres in 2014, “a meteor flew very close by earth and NASA nicknamed the meteor ‘The Beast.’ So that confirmed what the Lord revealed, that the False Prophet—the beast that is mentioned in Revelation 13—is the Pope.”

So, NASA has confirmed Selvaraj, who confirms Jehovah, who confirms that Pope Francis will lead the world into worship of the antichrist, if that lazy dude ever shows up. If Lance Wallnau hears about this, it just might wreck his little crush on Steve Bannon.

Via RWW: Oooh Scary Cars of the Future!  The Pope is Evil, a Meteor Said So!

Love of Porn! Sexual Anarchy!

Frothy fanatic Kevin Swanson has the answer as to why the people of Alabama failed Roy Moore so miserably – porn!

Swanson, who interviewed Moore on his program earlier this year, told his audience that Alabama was among the states where people spent the most time on the website Pornhub in 2016, which lead him to conclude that it was no coincidence that Moore lost because “that state probably has significant sexual problems, especially since Doug Jones is so in favor of sexual perversion, transgenderism and homosexuality. Evidently, the state of Alabama must have a problem with sexuality. It’s obvious.”

Somehow or another, this wasn’t any sort of a problem when you thought Moore was going to win. Doug Jones is so in favour of people. People who come in all shapes, sizes, colours, and genders. Mr. Jones has the radical notion that they are all human, and deserving of the same rights automatically consigned to the straight white male person contingent. It is true that the people of Alabama did, in the end, have a problem with sexuality. Specifically, they had a problem with Roy Moore’s sexuality. It’s interesting how that troubled people enough to get out and rock the vote, but it doesn’t seem to trouble you at all, Mr. Swanson.

“Unless there is a spiritual awakening,” Swanson added, “I think these conservative states are going to become liberal in their moral values within another five, 10, or 20 years. If the fathers are doing pornography, the kids are going to turn into homosexuals. The fathers will hide their sin and the children will come out of the closet with it.

People will come out of the closet whether or not their parents might indulge in porn. That would be because sexual orientation is not caused by, or swayed by porn. Of course, you’re the idiot who thinks Disney movies will turn a whole generation of sprogs gay. (Frozen). Swanson also thinks that the death penalty is appropriate for queer folk.

By the way, the top porn search word in Alabama and Mississippi is ‘lesbian.’ So another indication that the father’s generation is dabbling in porn, the children’s generation will go head over heels for some of the most egregious sexual crimes that men ever engage in.”

Lesbian porn has always been popular. It’s interesting that you focus solely on men, Mr. Swanson. Women and non-binary people watch porn too. As for the most egregious sexual crimes men engage in, that would not be watching porn. It would be things like rape and sexual assault. Like the sexual assault of a 14 year old young woman by a man in his 30s. His name is Roy Moore. Just getting your froth back on track here.

Via RWW.

Speaking of frenzied fanaticism, the Family Research Council has a special prayer going out:

“Lord, you ordained use of ‘the sword’ for national security and police protection a core role of civil government. You created the two distinct, biological sexes as fundamental to life and decreed that sexual anarchy is a serious sin with profound consequences to individuals and society. Lord, intervene! Prevent our military from further weakening and our society from further sexual anarchy via the godless indoctrination of our troops. Guide and govern our leaders in all three branches of government. You are our Judge. You are our Lawgiver; and You are our King; it is You who will save us!”

Sexual Anarchy! That sounds kinda fun.

“Dear white people, have babies.”

Tim Gionet, aka Baked Alaska. Screengrab.

Poor Tim, he’s just stunned by Moore’s loss. And of course, all those people of colour who rocked the vote. The solution? Have babies! (White ones only, please.)

“I don’t mean to be a dick here, but what is going on with the non-white voters? I mean, what is—if you care about MAGA, if you care about Trump, if you care about ‘Make America Great Again,’ if you care about the good MAGA candidates, it’s mostly white people who are voting for these people and the non-whites are, and I’m not saying all, but I’m saying a large, almost 90-percent, are not voting for the MAGA candidates,” Gionet said. “What is going on?”

Sigh. People with actual principles went out and voted. People who thought that being a raving fanatic and drooler over young women was not fit for office. This must be breaking news to you, Tim, but all manner of white people do not care about ‘maga’ or about the Tiny Tyrant, unless you count wanting an impeachment as caring. Trump acts as if there was no choice but for him to endorse Moore, but that’s not true. Any person with an ounce of integrity would have clearly stated they could not, and would not endorse such a person, in spite of party lines.

Gionet agreed with what a viewer named “Joey” posted on the chat server, that the election results in Alabama were “like a black-lash.”

How adorable. :near-fatal eyeroll:

“Dear white people, have babies. This is not working out very well, OK? Just look at it racially—and I agree, judge people by the content of their character—but look at it racially. Look what’s going on,” Gionet said.

Why on earth do idiotic white supremacist scum always resort to this? What do you think that will do? It seems you morons don’t realize that the decision to have children is a serious one, which requires substantial resources, and is a lifelong commitment. All that said, children are people, they aren’t little robot slaves, and they come with minds of their own. Oh my! You’re also advocating moar babies in a perilous time, with job uncertainty, a lack of healthcare, and no safety nets. Don’t be surprised if people don’t run out and start the baby making. Speaking of, Tim, why don’t you have a passel of white babies?

“I like to think that it’s not sad a lot and that, ‘oh, we can all get along,’ but when I see results like this it definitely makes me sad. It makes me think that—I’m going to pull up this map again,” Gionet said, while putting a demographic breakdown of the 2016 election on his screen. “It not only happened here, but it happened in Trump’s election. I mean, you people who are not white honestly should be thanking white men. You should be thanking white people for having Trump into office, because this would not happen without white people.”

That is not endearing me to white people, and thanks is not what I have in mind.

“If it was just men who voted, it would be overwhelmingly Trump, overwhelmingly conservative. So maybe women shouldn’t vote. I think we maybe need to take away, just take away the vote from women, because here’s what the map looks like for only men and here’s what it looks like for only women and it looks a lot better when it’s only men,” Gionet said. “Either white people are going to have to play more identity politics and group together, not because we don’t like other people but because we need to form some sort of coalition to win. Because we’re the only ones—look at this—we’re the ones that are picking the right people.”

My, my. From where I sit, you’re picking all the wrong people – fanatics who want to illegalize people, who want to usher in end times, are pro nuclear war, deny climate change, and think sexual assault and rape is okey dokey, along with much more. All those people are concerned with personal power and how well their pockets are stuffed, nothing more.  Also Tim, y’know not all white men are conservachristian idiots. You really don’t have much reason to be secure in that assumption.

There’s much more at RWW, including a video of two clips, because as noted: the original broadcast, which lasted more than three hours.

Trump: A Sackcloth and Ashes Doorway.

Cilices were originally made from sackcloth or coarse animal hair so they would irritate the skin. Other features were added to make cilices more uncomfortable, such as thin wires or twigs. In modern religious circles, cilices are simply any device worn for the same purposes. Source.

Given the compleat mess of conservachristians in recent political theatre, all the “prophets” are falling back on their old standby, Trump the Saviour. Today we have Sundar Selvaraj, Jim Bakker, and Mark Taylor.

Slevaraj said that Trump “will sit in sackcloth and ashes” and lead America in repentance “because he is God’s man to stand in the gap for this nation.”

Okay, can anyone picture the Tiny Tyrant in a hair-shirt tunic thoroughly dusted with ash? Perhaps if it was a designer hair-shirt (the softest of hair) with the ashes of his enemies! (The Tiny Tyrant sitting in the ashen fallout of nukes doesn’t count.)

“God has chosen him to stand as like the king of the nation,” he said.

Oooh, King. Has anyone told the Tiny Tyrant yet? He can start planning his crowning ceremony, and lie about the crowds all over again! He can start a war with Britain in an attempt to claim the crown jewels or something.

“And because of his God-fearingness, he becomes now a doorway for God and the angels to come through into this nation for one purpose: to cleanse this nation of all the filth, of all that mess, so that God can pour out His spirit, His Last Days powers of the age to come, upon this nation so that this nation will once again become a God nation.”

So…basically, the Tiny Tyrant will be a sewer for all the godwater? How apt. One thing, are you going with the last days shtick or no? Hard to tell.

Later in the broadcast, Bakker ranted that “we have a hunting program going on to destroy the president of the United States and no one is stopping it! The very person God has given to our nation to save our country is being hunted to be destroyed.”

Given all the gunnuts in this country, I’m sure any hunting program would be advertised half to death. The NRA would be all over it. You mean the investigations, Jim? That’s not a hunting program, it’s an investigation, because your saviour is fucking criminal.

Moving on to Mark “I am too a prophet!” Taylor:

For his part, Taylor proclaimed that God will “clean out the news media” and raise up millionaires and billionaires who will create new media outlets that will “be captivated” by Trump and finally restore truth to this nation, which will result in Trump’s overwhelming re-election.

Lighten up on ass kissing, Mr. Taylor. Millionaires and billionaires don’t need to be ‘raised up’. I’d say media is already over-captivated with the Tiny Tyrant. Many of us are sick to death of seeing that face plastered everywhere, every day. Oh, the truth. I think we can all live without your very Nineteen Eighty-Four version of the truth.

“The army of God will have victory after victory after victory,” Taylor said, which means that Trump’s second term is guaranteed. “When people see the good that the country is coming in to right now—the prosperity, the jobs, the economy, whatever the case may be—there is going to be no doubt he is going to sail right in for a second term.”

The army of god? Okay, are they going to be outfitted in hair-shirts and ashes? Was Moore’s recent loss an example of the victory after victory after victory business? I can live with that kind of victory. Whatever the case may be is about right. Everything and everyone is getting fucked right into the ground, Mr. Taylor, and it’s starting to dawn on even the most idiotic who has brought all this about. I don’t think Holy Hair-Shirt Donny is going to get yet another chance to continue destroying all good things.

Via RWW, there’s video for both: Sundar Selvaraj, Mark Taylor.

The Destruction of the White Christian Male.

Oh, it’s Coach Dave again, this time sobbing and wailing into his bible (or beer), over the horrible crime committed against Roy Moore. Goodness, people didn’t elect him! The worst persecution ever, you know.

“We had an underbelly that was exposed to us last night,” he said. “If you guys don’t think that we’re in trouble—remember when I was telling you that it’s about the destruction of white Christian male? Do you remember that? This whole thing is all playing out that very thing, the destruction of the white Christian male. And the left, the God-haters, the devil has had tremendous influence in the lives of Christian believers, there is no other way to explain that mess that happened down in Alabama.”

Oh now, there are plenty of ways to explain what happened in Alabama. We owe a great deal to all the people of colour who faced tremendous bigotry and oppression and still got their vote out. There aren’t enough thanks for that one. Some white christians managed to find their conscience, and decided that being a liar and a skeevy ephebophile* was not a good thing. Doug Jones is a white male too, Dave.

*To all the people using pedophile in regard to Moore: please, fucking stop it. It’s inaccurate, and it does no good to go the hysterical and wrong route conservachristians are so fond of running down. Take the time to be right, please.

Daubenmire blasted Christians who refused to support Moore simply because he “maybe molested a girl 40 years ago” but were willing to vote for a Democrat “who wants to kill babies.”

So, maybe molesting a girl doesn’t matter? At all? Goodness, you sure are clarifying those christian morals, Dave. Democrats do not want to kill babies, and they don’t in fact kill babies. They do support women, which I realize is a crime in christianity.

“When they weighed those two things in the balance,” he said, “evangelicals said, ‘My faith will not allow me to elect the man that lies or molested a child, instead I’m going to elect this guy here who wants to kill babies.’ Now, folks, I don’t care who you are, that is a delusion right there, that is a strong delusion and it is evidence that we do not love the truth.”

They weighed those two things in the balance, and did the right thing. You don’t need any religious faith at all to shun a man who unapologetically slavered over teenagers. Most people would turn away from such a person, and not see fit to reward such a person. Doug Jones has not killed any babies. Ever. He does support women, and all people who can get pregnant, and stands up for their rights as full human beings, who have the right to bodily autonomy. I like people who recognize that I am indeed a person, a person who should be able to make my own medical decisions in privacy. Given how much you christians always have your nose shoved in other peoples’ crotches, I guess it’s no surprise that you don’t see an adult drooling over teenagers as a big deal.

Thankfully, the christian immorality and delusional thinking did not win the day in Alabama. It was too close for comfort, and all those people supporting Moore should scrub all the filth out of their minds and off their so-called consciences, then perhaps they could actually think. When it comes to delusional thinking, there’s nothing quite like christian thought:

Via RWW, there’s video.

ETA: Oh look, we can add Lance Wallnau to the pile of immoral assholes moaning over Moore.

Wallnau warned the “nut jobs” at the Republican National Committee not to start discounting the power and importance of evangelical voters because of this race, saying that if just a few thousands more Christians had shown up to vote for Moore, the result would have been totally different. But unfortunately, Wallnau said, too many Christians were unable to discern the correct choice “between giving the devil a free pass or working with a flawed sinner, or somebody who was a sinner who is now a saint who doesn’t have the sense to know to cosmetically present themselves to the electorate.”

Erm, what? I hate word salad. Hate to tell you Lance, but lots of christians did show up to vote – black women. Black women, unlike their white counterparts, showed up in strength: and women too were overwhelmingly against Moore (58% of all women, 35% of white women, and 98% of black women). (Via Mano Singham.) Thankfully, all those women of colour had sense and good morals.

“Poor Bannon,” Wallnau said later as he encouraged the Breitbart executive and Moore booster not to be discouraged by Moore’s loss and prayed that he would be “covered in grace and peace and consolation.”

Wallnau said that conservative Christians must stand by Bannon as he “storms the barricades of the establishment status quo” and be prepared to fight along side of him.

:Laughs: You do know Bannon is catholic, right? Since when do evangelicals have anything good to say about catholics? Hypocritical does not even begin to describe you fuckwits.

“We’re going to take on the establishment,” he said. “They’re going to feel the heat people, yes they are … You screwed up, Mitch. Your days are numbered there, Mr. Mitch McConnell. You’re going down, because, after all, we represent 25 million of us out there. We’re not always organized, we are not always coherently motivated, but once we get our crosshairs fixed, bam! When we show up, watch out.”

Taking on the establishment? :falls over laughing: Oh please, you are not the counterculture. 25 million is a minority. You aren’t all that, and as you continue to endorse lying, ignoring sexual assault and a myriad of other unethical, immoral behaviour, I think you’re going to find more people finding their spine and turning away from you all. You’re in favour of fascism. You don’t have a problem with nazis. You hold up a shallow sociopath as a ‘great man of god’. Eeeuch.

Via RWW.

It’s Best to Lie! It’s Biblical!


Coach Dave is teachin’ and preachin’ – about lying. Like lying for Jesus, lying for Jehovah is right good too.

Religious Right activist Dave Daubenmire said that Roy Moore has no obligation to tell the truth regarding multiple allegations that he pursued sexual relationships with teenage girls when he was in his 30s and that, in fact, it is better for him to lie about it if doing so will help to advance the kingdom of God.

Daubenmire, who has been an ardent Moore supporter for years and even interviewed Moore on his program back in 2013, likened Moore’s efforts to become a U.S. senator from Alabama to using misdirection in a football game, employing subterfuge during a military battle or hiding Jews from the Nazis, saying that deception and dishonesty in such endeavors is acceptable because doing so furthers a greater good.

Lying through your teeth about being a skeevy asshole with a taste for teenagers is not the same as strategy, sportsball or military, and it’s certainly not the same as hiding Jews from Nazis. The finely fucked up morals of a christian, right there. (Yeah, yeah, #notallchristians, but you all still aren’t standing up against these fanatical asses.)

“When I hear people say, ‘Well, Judge Moore is not worthy of the office if he’s lying about what he did,’ I want to grab ’em and I want to slap ’em upside the stinking head,” Daubenmire said. “Judge Moore is trying to infiltrate an ungodly system and the stakes in this campaign are so great for the cause of Christ and Judge Moore is being lambasted by the holier-than-thou Christians who think [the Bible] says we can never lie.”

Golly, such language! Tsk. Infiltrate? He’s running for senate, not trying to pass a super secret seal test or anything. Any idiot can run for the senate. You’d think there’d be requirements or something, but no. (You have to be 30 years old, been a citizen for at least nine years, and live in the state you wish to represent, that’s it. That would be why so many lying idiots.)

“It’s best to lie if it advances the kingdom of God,” Daubenmire stated. “There, I said it.”

Yes, you did, and thanks, Coach Dave, for having the spine to admit that, unlike most christians, who believe firmly in lying, but always deny that.

Via RWW, there’s video.

Okay, Is Everyone Upset?

Fonts used: Blasphemy, Black Cow, Zazen Matrix, Zombified. © C. Ford.

According to the Family Research Council, all of us secular liberal types are all upset, reallytrulyseriously upset, because merry christmas. Going by them, it’s a type of wolf’s bane – now you too can ward off those evil and scary secular liberals, by saying merry christmas! Yes, it’s that easy! Just three easy payments of $29.95, and we’ll show you the secret to… :cough: Sorry about that.

In an email yesterday on behalf of FRC’s political arm, FRCAction, Boykin wrote under the subject line “Finally, a president who celebrates Christmas!”:

This Christmas, President Trump is further separating himself from the left-wing legacy of Barack Obama, who famously wanted a “non-religious” Christmas.

The Trumps are highlighting a larger-than-life nativity scene and displaying a wealth of beautiful decorations celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.

They are wishing Americans a “Merry Christmas” in the White House, on social media, and even on their beautiful Christmas cards.

While the White House may be celebrating Christmas, secularist liberals around the nation are upset that our president is honoring this blessed time of year. They are more determined than ever to strip away our rights to celebrate our faith — and the true meaning of our most treasured and joyous holidays — in the public square.

I don’t give a shit what people do on their own property, but promoting one particular religion has no place in any publicly funded building or institution. Y’know, separation of church and state, all that. The Tiny Tyrant is a fucking idiot, who is tossing this to all the other idiots, like it means something.

We are a nation that was founded on the freedom of religion.

Yeah. It would be really nice if you fucking christians figured out that doesn’t mean freedom of christianity only. That’s what you want it to mean, but that doesn’t make it so. FFS, you morons worship the damn constitution more than your psychopathic god, and you still can’t get anything right.

Now, we are fighting to preserve those very rights that the Founding Fathers gave us in the Constitution.

When President Obama was in office, his hand had to be forced to include images of the nativity in his decor. He downplayed Christmas at every opportunity.

For eight years Barack Obama avoided mentioning Christmas whenever possible and instead used terms such as “Seasons Greetings.”

There are millions of Americans who share this same secular sentiment with the former president, and they don’t want to see President Trump so openly and publicly celebrating the birth of Christ during this blessed season.

Quite honestly, I don’t care what the Tiny Tyrant does, I’m really trying to not pay attention, else I’d just be a big stain on the wall. The Fucking Idiot can pretend to be a christian all he wants, and you idiots are free to swallow it whole.

They want to stop you and me from publicly living out the principles of our faith during Christmas, or at any time of year!

Yeah, ya see, the sticking point is that publicly business. Say merry christmas all you want, and you’ll see exactly no one upset about it. Weigh yourself down with instruments of execution, sing your hymns, wear a nativity scene on your head, whatever. Who cares? It’s just that you don’t get to claim public buildings, in which all society is served, to be exclusively christian. Get it? You have to share the religious stage, oh my.

That’s why brave Christian brothers and sisters are in court all around the country right this minute, fighting to defend our right to the freedom of religion. It’s why activists just like you are working through their churches and in their communities to keep Christ in Christmas.

Oh FFS. And us godless types are the ones who are supposed to be upset? Have a cup of eggnog or something, and relax a bit.* You won’t fucking die if other people celebrate in whatever fashion they see fit, and try to figure out why being exclusionary bigots isn’t working out for you.  Me, I’ll carry on with my Brumalia, and Saturnalia is right around the corner! Good times.

*Next year, think about indulging in Krampusnacht, that’s on December 5th. You can start celebrating early! There’s more to life than your psychogod.

Via RWW.

Nag, Nag, Naggin’ into Government.

Remember Carl Gallups and Mike Shoesmith, those valiant conservachristians who railed about “Chemical Sexual Assault“? They’re at it again, with a somewhat narrower focus. Seems they are convinced that Michelle Obama will run for president in 2020, which naturally scares the shit out of these brave men. This speculation is based on a World Nut Daily article, which is a whole post of its own. I will note this one small excerpt from the WND article:

4. It’s smart to play hard to get – and that’s what she’s doing:It’s way too early for any serious candidate to throw his or her hat into the ring. Any candidate who does so now is not a serious candidate.

Uh, if that makes a candidate smart, considering that the Tiny Tyrant started campaigning for ‘020 within weeks of the election, and is still doing so…

Okay, on with the scared man show:

Shoesmith said that the recent wave of sexual misconduct allegations against powerful men is being orchestrated by a modern-day women’s suffrage movement akin to the one in early 1900s “which guilted men into giving the women whatever they wanted.”

“Women were withholding sex from their husbands,” he griped. “They nagged their way into government, into politics.

Considering how most women were treated sexually in the 1900s, there may have been all manner of reasons for not wanting to engage in sex; that said, you don’t know that, you idiot, you just assume it, because you think that’s the only power any woman has, no possibility of women using their minds or anything.  And yes, women had to fight for basic rights, a fight which has been going on for well over a thousand years (frinst., Lex Oppia), and we’re still fighting. It’s beyond asshole behaviour to trivialise what Suffragists went through. Once again, women were treated as little more than animals.

Say what you want about that, but men need to stand up for the muscular, masculine aspect of what the country needs as a whole. Women are running everything now—it’s okay that women have a say, in my mind, but they can’t run everything because now we have legalized abortion, legalized gay marriage; it’s all about feelings and emotions with these women. So men need to be a balance to all of this, but men are being shoved to the side—Matt Lauer, all of these guys—they are all being shoved to the side and the women are stepping in to take over and I believe that Michelle Obama will be the spearhead of a new women’s suffrage movement to just fully take over government in America.”

:violent headdesk: First of all, you fucking idiot, suffrage means the right to vote. We got that one, so there won’t be a “new womens’ suffrage”. Christ. You muscular masculine types have been running things, forfuckingever. You’ve made one hell of a mess out of everything, too. Now you spend all your time with muscular masculine moaning. We supposedly have the right to bodily autonomy and choice, but it seems you haven’t been paying attention to just how effing difficult it is to get a termination these days. Well, I guess you muscular masculine men wouldn’t have any particular reason to pay attention. As for same sex marriage, I don’t know how to break this to you, dudely dudes, but a whole lot of people involved in that one were *gasp* men! A person might conclude that men have feelings too. People like Matt Lauer and “all of these guys” are being “shoved to the side” because they are abusive assholes who have committed crimes for an appallingly long time.

Gallups shared Shoesmith’s “angst” about a Michelle Obama candidacy, saying that he knows “so much” about the corruption within the deep state thanks to his role as a “special deputy” on disgraced sheriff Joe Arpaio’s “Cold Case Posse” investigation into President Obama’s birth certificate that he is “terrified that Michelle Obama will be the next president” due to massive electoral fraud.

None of you assholes know one damn thing. You pull shit straight out of your asses and treat it like absolute truth. The only electoral fraud going on is illegal voter suppression, which white male conservachristians are wholly in favour of, because women, people of colour, oh no!

To make things worse, Gallups and Shoesmith agreed that Michelle Obama would also benefit from the “demonic forces at work here” that want to see her back in the White House.

Oh yes, demons. Of course, demons. Okay, today, we have Orobas:

Orobas is a powerful Great Prince of Hell, having twenty legions of demons under his control.
He supposedly gives true answers of things past, present and to come, divinity, and the creation of the world; he also confers dignities and prelacies, and the favour of friends and foes. Orobas is faithful to the conjurer, does not permit that any spirit tempts him, and never deceives anyone. He is depicted as a horse that changes into a man under the conjurer’s request.

Via RWW.


View and Plan of Jerusalem.--Fac-simile of a woodcut in the "Liber Chronicarum Mundi" large folio, Nuremberg, 1493. <a href="">Source</a>.

View and Plan of Jerusalem.–Fac-simile of a woodcut in the “Liber Chronicarum Mundi” large folio, Nuremberg, 1493. Source.

RWW has the full rundown on all the christians who have been pushing for the Jerusalem move, and how excited they are over finally having a puppet who gave them what they most desire: the apocalypse. The apocalypse they want so very much won’t happen, but a different sort might, given this unbelievably bone-headed decision. Christians do excel at coming up with batshit nonsense to shore up their position on anything, and this is no exception:

Anti-BDS activist and filmmaker Laurie Cardoza-Moore, reportedly considering a run for Congress from Tennessee, contributed a column to Haaretz welcoming “Trump’s obedience to God’s word on Jerusalem.”  “We as a Judeo-Christian nation have a responsibility to uphold the word of God” she had said earlier this month, urging Trump to act.

Cardoza-Moore told Gordon Klingenschmitt that people often ask her where the United States is in the End Times, and she always tells them, “Look at the English spelling of the word Jerusalem. What are the three letters in the center of that word? U.S.A. … That is our prophetic place to be.”

Oh look, there’s the USA! It’s right there, in another word, must be a god! Only in the English spelling mind, because Amerikan English is the one true language of Jehovah.  I might not mind this bonnaconshit so much if it weren’t for the mind-numbing stupidity. We really don’t need people thinking we are that stupid. It’s so embarrassing.

RWW has the full, depressing story.

ETA: Bannon is also speaking about this:

“Isn’t this really showing the muscle of the evangelical community? Because President Trump, one of the reasons he did this, besides the reason that he knew was the smart thing to do and the right thing to do, was the fact that his base, right, particularly that part that’s evangelical Right, which is a huge part of his base, really has been demanding this for quite a while,” Bannon said.

Full story here.

Trumpy Bear, The Real Red Pill, & Snowflakes.

These are, sad to say, real products, which you can purchase at over-inflated prices.

At the Values Voter Summit earlier this year, President Trump declared that he will be “stopping cold the attacks on Judeo-Christian values” and that Americans will finally be “saying Merry Christmas again” after avoiding the phrase because “it’s not politically correct.” Now that the shackles of politically correct culture have been unlocked by our president, Right Wing Watch can finally release its 2017 annual gift guide for the holiday Christmas season.

You can see and read more at RWW, with full links to all the conservachristian goodies. You might want to put off any eating until after you peruse the gift guide. Lots of gag worthy stuff to behold.

The Most Prayingest Prez Ever.

Flauros is a strong Great Duke of Hell, having thirty-six legions of demons under his rule. He gives true answers of all things past, present and future, but he must be first commanded to enter a magic triangle for if not he will lie, deceive the conjurer, and beguile him in other business. But if he enters the triangle he will answer truly, and gladly speak about divinity, the creation of the world, himself, and other fallen angels. He can also destroy all the conjurer's enemies by burning them up. If the magician requests it, he will not suffer temptations from any spirit or in any form. Flauros is depicted as a terrible and strong leopard that under request of the conjurer changes into a man with fiery eyes and an awful expression. Flauros can also supposedly be called upon when a mortal wishes to take vengeance on other demons. This is likely included in his capability to destroy the conjurer's enemies.

Flauros is a strong Great Duke of Hell, having thirty-six legions of demons under his rule. He gives true answers of all things past, present and future, but he must be first commanded to enter a magic triangle for if not he will lie, deceive the conjurer, and beguile him in other business. But if he enters the triangle he will answer truly, and gladly speak about divinity, the creation of the world, himself, and other fallen angels. He can also destroy all the conjurer’s enemies by burning them up. If the magician requests it, he will not suffer temptations from any spirit or in any form. Flauros is depicted as a terrible and strong leopard that under request of the conjurer changes into a man with fiery eyes and an awful expression. Flauros can also supposedly be called upon when a mortal wishes to take vengeance on other demons. This is likely included in his capability to destroy the conjurer’s enemies.

Today, we have self-styled prophet Mark Taylor (again), and Carl Gallups. We’ll start with Mr. Taylor, as he provided the subject line for this post.

Taylor told host Perry Atkinson that Mary Colbert, with whom he authored his book “The Trump Prophecies,” is a part of Trump’s evangelical advisory board and that Trump recently told this group that “when he leaves office, he wants his legacy to be that he wants to be known as the most praying president in American history.”

Has anyone seen the Tiny Tyrant praying outside of a few photo ops? It’s very difficult for me to imagine Trump saying that, close to impossible, really. I doubt Trump wants a legacy of appearing to be submissive to a god.

Taylor went on to assert that Trump’s name-calling and personal attacks on his critics are no different than what Jesus did.

“I’ve seen evangelicals attack this man over how he attacks people or how he speaks to people or he’ll call people names,” Taylor said. “Well, read your Bible folks, the Lord Jesus himself called people names.”

Yes, Jesus had his moments, mostly with hypocritical, corrupt assholes. Wait…

Taylor said that America is in such “a huge mess” that God realized that it was going to take someone “with a very heavy hand” like Trump to turn things around, which means that those who are criticizing Trump are actually criticizing God.

“God himself is using Donald Trump,” Taylor said. “It’s God that is doing it, He’s just doing it through Donald Trump.”

No, I’m afraid ol’ Yahweh isn’t doing shit, Mr. Taylor. This is magical thinking in action. Until you folks can point to something which is obviously, unequivocally the work of a god,* I can’t be arsed to pay much attention. (Then you have to figure out which god, out of the thousands. Fun times!)

Moving on to Carl Gallups, who is sticking with old school: birtherism. I still can’t believe that’s a word.

Carl Gallups, a right-wing pastor and conspiracy theorist who spoke at Trump campaign rallies during the 2016 election and who served as a “special deputy” on disgraced sheriff Joe Arpaio’s “Cold Case Posse” investigation into President Obama’s birth certificate, said last night that President Trump is “getting his ducks in a row” to finally expose Obama’s phony birth certificate, despite efforts by the “deep state” to intimidate him into silence with the Russia investigation.

Appearing on “The Hagmann Report” last night, Gallups said that Arpaio’s contempt conviction earlier this year was nothing more than an effort to discredit his birther investigation but Trump is “now in the White House, he now holds the power, he now holds the reins” and so he pardoned Arpaio because he is getting ready to blow the lid off the “earth shattering” scandal.

Why don’t these people ever get tired of this shit? Apparently, they have no problem with being bored to death, or boring others to death. Trump pardoned fellow sociopath Arpaio because he thinks Arpaio is a good guy, a fine person, like all those nazis. It’s not because there’s an “earth shattering” revelation in the offing. Even if you posit this nonsense as trufax, what would be the point? You can’t rewind the last eight years, and the Idiot King has already wrought devastation on most of the good policies which were in place. So really, who would care?

“I’m convinced that Donald Trump is probably getting his ducks in a row to bring this to the forefront,” Gallups said.

Donald. Getting his ducks in a row. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Has anyone drawn Trump as Donald Duck yet? Oh, yes!

That was a nice distraction.

“All of these sham investigations that they have going on on him—there is no evidence that he did anything with Russia to sway to sway our election, but I’m telling you, it’s all a big smokescreen and shots across his bow to say, ‘Don’t you touch this birth certificate.’”

Oh FFS. There’s a mountain of evidence, and it keeps getting bigger and bigger. One might say Yuuuuuuuge or Bigly! On top of the evidence, the fucking idiot keeps incriminating himself, with help from his idiotic spawn.

Via RWW: Taylor, Gallups.