Belief.net. If you wish to explore the inanity…
Oh, it’s Coach Dave again, this time sobbing and wailing into his bible (or beer), over the horrible crime committed against Roy Moore. Goodness, people didn’t elect him! The worst persecution ever, you know.
“We had an underbelly that was exposed to us last night,” he said. “If you guys don’t think that we’re in trouble—remember when I was telling you that it’s about the destruction of white Christian male? Do you remember that? This whole thing is all playing out that very thing, the destruction of the white Christian male. And the left, the God-haters, the devil has had tremendous influence in the lives of Christian believers, there is no other way to explain that mess that happened down in Alabama.”
Oh now, there are plenty of ways to explain what happened in Alabama. We owe a great deal to all the people of colour who faced tremendous bigotry and oppression and still got their vote out. There aren’t enough thanks for that one. Some white christians managed to find their conscience, and decided that being a liar and a skeevy ephebophile* was not a good thing. Doug Jones is a white male too, Dave.
*To all the people using pedophile in regard to Moore: please, fucking stop it. It’s inaccurate, and it does no good to go the hysterical and wrong route conservachristians are so fond of running down. Take the time to be right, please.
Daubenmire blasted Christians who refused to support Moore simply because he “maybe molested a girl 40 years ago” but were willing to vote for a Democrat “who wants to kill babies.”
So, maybe molesting a girl doesn’t matter? At all? Goodness, you sure are clarifying those christian morals, Dave. Democrats do not want to kill babies, and they don’t in fact kill babies. They do support women, which I realize is a crime in christianity.
“When they weighed those two things in the balance,” he said, “evangelicals said, ‘My faith will not allow me to elect the man that lies or molested a child, instead I’m going to elect this guy here who wants to kill babies.’ Now, folks, I don’t care who you are, that is a delusion right there, that is a strong delusion and it is evidence that we do not love the truth.”
They weighed those two things in the balance, and did the right thing. You don’t need any religious faith at all to shun a man who unapologetically slavered over teenagers. Most people would turn away from such a person, and not see fit to reward such a person. Doug Jones has not killed any babies. Ever. He does support women, and all people who can get pregnant, and stands up for their rights as full human beings, who have the right to bodily autonomy. I like people who recognize that I am indeed a person, a person who should be able to make my own medical decisions in privacy. Given how much you christians always have your nose shoved in other peoples’ crotches, I guess it’s no surprise that you don’t see an adult drooling over teenagers as a big deal.
Thankfully, the christian immorality and delusional thinking did not win the day in Alabama. It was too close for comfort, and all those people supporting Moore should scrub all the filth out of their minds and off their so-called consciences, then perhaps they could actually think. When it comes to delusional thinking, there’s nothing quite like christian thought:
ETA: Oh look, we can add Lance Wallnau to the pile of immoral assholes moaning over Moore.
Wallnau warned the “nut jobs” at the Republican National Committee not to start discounting the power and importance of evangelical voters because of this race, saying that if just a few thousands more Christians had shown up to vote for Moore, the result would have been totally different. But unfortunately, Wallnau said, too many Christians were unable to discern the correct choice “between giving the devil a free pass or working with a flawed sinner, or somebody who was a sinner who is now a saint who doesn’t have the sense to know to cosmetically present themselves to the electorate.”
Erm, what? I hate word salad. Hate to tell you Lance, but lots of christians did show up to vote – black women. Black women, unlike their white counterparts, showed up in strength: and women too were overwhelmingly against Moore (58% of all women, 35% of white women, and 98% of black women). (Via Mano Singham.) Thankfully, all those women of colour had sense and good morals.
“Poor Bannon,” Wallnau said later as he encouraged the Breitbart executive and Moore booster not to be discouraged by Moore’s loss and prayed that he would be “covered in grace and peace and consolation.”
Wallnau said that conservative Christians must stand by Bannon as he “storms the barricades of the establishment status quo” and be prepared to fight along side of him.
:Laughs: You do know Bannon is catholic, right? Since when do evangelicals have anything good to say about catholics? Hypocritical does not even begin to describe you fuckwits.
“We’re going to take on the establishment,” he said. “They’re going to feel the heat people, yes they are … You screwed up, Mitch. Your days are numbered there, Mr. Mitch McConnell. You’re going down, because, after all, we represent 25 million of us out there. We’re not always organized, we are not always coherently motivated, but once we get our crosshairs fixed, bam! When we show up, watch out.”
Taking on the establishment? :falls over laughing: Oh please, you are not the counterculture. 25 million is a minority. You aren’t all that, and as you continue to endorse lying, ignoring sexual assault and a myriad of other unethical, immoral behaviour, I think you’re going to find more people finding their spine and turning away from you all. You’re in favour of fascism. You don’t have a problem with nazis. You hold up a shallow sociopath as a ‘great man of god’. Eeeuch.
Via RWW.
This whole thing is all playing out that very thing, the destruction of the white Christian male.
Fuck it. Yeah, I’m down. Let’s do this thing.
We killed christmas pretty quick. The white christian males might be tougher but mostly they look like whiny crybabies to me. Shall we go left to right and just get this done?
(PS -- unrelated: Lewis Black “the rant is due” about christmas is flippin’ hysterical. Especially since he offers a secular jew’s take on the whole thing. “Fucking war on christmas?! NO IT’S A WAR ON HANUKKAH!”)
I’m in. I can’t take anymore whinging.
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahaha at long last hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha not a moment too soon
all hail the last of the persecuted white christian male. you have done your best to dominate, to subjugate women, to discriminate against the colored person, to exclude the poor and needy , to enrich yourselves. you’ve lied, cheated, stolen, all in the name of christ. there a special burny fiery hot sulfury place in hell for you/ fuck you the horse you rode in on all your spawn and your little doggie too
Grammar, grammar is also oppressing them, as clearly seen by this meme.
Subtract the religious language and you have all the guys going on about Franken on Pharyngula.
Still? I gave up, I can’t stand the Mikes.
Not just the Mikes. Others as well, being very torn, wrestling sooo many conflicts, wondering if their senator needs to be a perfect law-abiding citizen because, you know, not sexually assaulting women is such a terribly high bar…
Yeah, I think they have to be law-abiding, because senate. FFS. Franken’s been replaced by Tina Smith, I expect there will be howls about that one, too.
I get being torn over Franken, he was a good senator, and he wasn’t afraid to pin repubs down, but this is a mess of his own making.
There is no greater form of persecution than losing fair & square.
“Now is not the time to tragedicize these politics”
You are correct that Roy Moore is not, technically, a pedophile. The DSM-5 extends the criterion for prepubescence to age 13. Roy missed by one year. I would submit that that is an irrelevant distinction. At the least, he is a statutory-rapist. However, I am all for accuracy in reporting.
rcurtis505 #11
Thank you. That was very helpful.
Have a nice day.
Bless your heart.
In my pre-sleep shut-down, what with the way the tabs appear, I saw:
The Desecration of the White Christian Male
is that OK with everyone?
@ 11:
Oh FFS. You tempt me to add anal pedantic white mansplainers to the hunting list.
Chigau # 13:
I’m good with that.
As a white man, I find that poster infuriating. Whoever wrote that is fucking delusional. It was written by the sort of person who has their head so far up their ass that they don’t recognize that being criticized for their words and actions isn’t equivalent to being ostracized for being gay, or being demonized for being an immigrant or a Muslim.
That’s what I suspect this fucker thinks constitutes “oppression” against him. He thinks that not being able to discriminate against gay or trans people means he’s oppressed. He thinks being called a racist for saying that immigrants are all rapists means he’s oppressed. He thinks that not being able to display religious symbols in government buildings means he’s oppressed. He thinks that universities having programs to reach out to people of color and correct for educational imbalances means he’s oppressed.
Unarmed black people can be gunned down by cops, or just any asshole with a gun and a made-up excuse, and the killer won’t face any consequences. LGBT people have to deal with shitweasels constantly attacking them for who they love or how they identify themselves. Immigrants who have lived in this country for the majority of their lives have to constantly worry about being taken away from their homes and families.
This shithead think we have “gall” for asking him to reflect on his place in society. That’s not right. I’m disgusted that he has the fucking gall to say that his petty grievances are somehow more important than the hardships that pieces of shit like him put lgbt people, people of color, women, or anyone else who isn’t a cishet white christian male through.
To be fair, white Christian males are responsible for a lot of destruction.
I’m confused -- I thought Moore was the one who wanted to deny children healthcare if their parents didn’t have enough money.
Bannon is neither a True Catholic nor a True Irishman. My late grandmothers, Annie Laurie Molohon and Margaret Mary Glenn, would have been quite happy to explain.
fusilier, who’s hanging up his Associate Professor hat in LESS THAN A WEEK!!!!!
James 2:24
Emergence @ 15:
It’s a good thing you didn’t click the link to that meme -- there weren’t many responses, but most were of the “oh please” variety, except one, which said “the responses prove you are right.”
I’m pretty sure my catholic family would have dismissed him as a poseur too. :D
I hope this is cause for congratulations, because CONGRATULATIONS!
Apropos of absolutely nothing, anyone else noticed a pattern wherein people who hold hateful beliefs will claim in one breath that the opinions they espouse on who does or doesn’t deserve to have basic rights are them, those opinions are their identity, people who criticize those beliefs are attacking their identity, and then in the other breath turn around and lambast the very same people who say their opinions are racist (et al) with “How dare you judge when you don’t even know me!”
It’s like, dude. If you tell everyone that being a racist shitweasel is a core part of your identity, it’s hardly an affront to agree with you that a core part of your identity is being a racist shitweasel.
I’m sure the lectorat here knows that already: I was just reflecting on how, if your aim is to reduce the number of abortions, voting for Jones was actually the right way anyway.
(That is, assuming that simply asking yourself “whose of these two guys would I trust alone in a room with my young daughter” is not enough to decide yourself)
In part because Moore is the type of guy who is directly responsible for unwanted pregnancies
But also because Moore is the type of nutter who will establish policies which will increase the number of unwanted pregnancies, through cuts in social/health services, sex ed, access to contraception…
Uh, that argument is not going to work, isn’t it?
:laughs: I’m afraid not.
Caine @18
Of course one of the responses says that. Ironically, the asshat who wrote that proved my point by thinking that being criticized or facing social consequences for the things you say are the same thing as being oppressed.