Fox news got wind of the proposal for a National Day of Reason, and the stupid is on tap.
Two congressional representatives are sponsoring a resolution to create a secular alternative to the National Day of Prayer. No big deal right? Wrong! The nice Fox News Christians on Outnumbered say that this is another attempt, by “mean” atheists, TO DESTROY OUR CHRISTIAN AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE!
Sandra Smith continued to pimp the patented Fox anti-atheist agitprop: “Can’t they just leave our National Day of Prayer alone?” Doing some concern trolling, Harris Faulkner that her “biggest problem” is that this “causes a day of judgment” because it causes folks to ask others “why aren’t you into the Day of Prayer, why are you only into the Day of Reason.”
When Baker quipped that he liked her idea of a day for judging, Andrea Tantaros, with her comment about how “every day is a day for judging,” actually described Fox News! She “joked” that it is “rich” that those in Washington are calling for reason. Devout Christian Tantaros worked in the propaganda coup-de grace: “I think atheists in our culture have caused this culture to become so secular, so coarsened, and so godless. I think the atheists have won a lot of battles and they get most days in this country. Let the Christians have the National Day of Prayer, I mean really.”