The hamon-making class is over, and I’m home and digging out from under the things that piled up while I was away.
The hamon-making class is over, and I’m home and digging out from under the things that piled up while I was away.
I know a few people who were home-schooled as kids, and who grew up to be fine, decent people. I even new one who was incredibly precocious and was tutored (in addition to a good private school education) by both father and mother. Everyone in my high school class knew he was going to be somebody in the sciences and, he is! Yay!
Shiro Ishii has died and moved on. The US, predictably, did not really shut down its biowarfare efforts after the Korean War – it just changed them, outsourced some of them, transformed them, and took different approaches here and there. I see no way that Agent Orange, the famous cancer-causing dioxin-based defoliant sprayed all over Vietnam, can be seen as anything but biological or chemical warfare. Either way, it’s “Weapons of Mass Destruction” – that thing the US resolutely rains sanctions down upon, when anyone except us tries to use them. And, we re-define ours so they’re not WMD. Thus, we have the irony of the US invading Iraq in an illegal war ostensibly to take away their WMD, then using WMD on the Iraqi population (White phosphorus and area bombardment). Yes, high explosive is a weapon of mass destruction. It’s one of the tragedies of our historical period that we even need to mention that.
Every time I am using a gasoline can to fill a mower, chainsaw, molotov cocktail, etc., I am annoyed by the safety mechanisms on the pouring spout.
We all hate losing, but we need to keep some kind of realistic perspective on the stakes and the game.
Warning: Discussion of Violence from a Favorable Viewpoint.
This is something I’ve been pondering for a long time, and I have no answers. But it bothers me; I feel like everyone ought to understand the dynamics of power and be able to resist people who seek to abuse the system for their own ends.
I am genuinely disturbed by this. But, I’m not sure what’s going on, really, because the news cameras are turning their eyes away from the topic.
I know some of the people who are working on the system, that’s my excuse. But the real motivator is my profound and passionate hatred of Verizon.
When Julius Caesar was 25, he was temporarily kidnapped by Cilician pirates [brit] who mocked him for his aristocratic airs and youth.
Donald Trump supposedly learned a great deal from Roy Cohn, who was a relentless douchebag and all-around horrible human being.