Epicurus (341–270 BC) wrote:
Death is nothing to us; for that which has been dissolved into its elements experiences no sensations, and that which has no sensation is nothing to us.
Death is nothing to us; for that which has been dissolved into its elements experiences no sensations, and that which has no sensation is nothing to us.
By the way, I have requested that the FtB recirculate any ad revenue from this blog to the rest of the collective.
You’ve all seen the NRA’s imagery of the declining and clueless actor, waving a gun, attempting to reprise his role as Moses the lawgiver. It’s memorable. It’s sad. It’s metaphoric.
More strategy for the tactical team:
It takes a good guy with a gun to stop a bad guy with a gun.
“Baton Rouge police took Alton Sterling surveillance video without a warrant or permission”
“It is inconceivable how the ancients, who cultivated the land as well as we do, could imagine that all the seeds they sowed on the ground had to die and rot before sprouting and producing. It would only have needed someone to pull a seed from the ground at the end of two or three days; it would have appeared fine, a bit swollen, the root below and the earth above.”
The topic is Stuxnet. That’s the “mysterious” virus that damaged computer systems at the Iranian uranium enrichment facility at Natanz, and offlined several critical systems at the German-built 1970s nuclear reactor at Bushehr.
One of my commenters in another posting, asks:
What do you think of the notion, given the incompetence of the government in keeping hackers out of their computer systems, that The Secretary’s private email system might actually been no worse than the State Department’s system, which, apparently, is known to have been hacked into?
As I understand it, the FBI has no evidence that her private system was, in fact hacked but they, apparently, do have evidence that the State Department’s computer system was invaded by hackers (as by the way as has the Pentagon’s).
There are a lot of issues to cover and I’m going to jump on some of them scatter-shot, then see if I can conclude with a summary of my views, along with some supporting facts.*