Hammer Time!

I’d insert an animated .GIF of MC Hammer doing his thing, but let me try to keep this a bit more sedate.

The Anyang hammer arrived on tuesday. It was supposed to arrive Wednesday but the trucking company called and said “it would be more convenient for us if we deliver it tomorrow.”

Unfortunately, they didn’t have a truck with a lift-gate. So there was a lot of concern on the part of the shipper that we not drop it, tip it over on someone, or whatever. I shared those concerns, but Ken said “We can handle it.” Spoiler: It turned out to be a piece of cake.

Trucking companies are funny. You tell them “need a liftgate” and they send a truck without one. Tell them “please call an hour out so I can assembly my crew” and the driver calls “I’m at your driveway” when you have just gotten out of the shower. Panic! This time the driver called from a truckstop about 5 miles from my house. So I asked him if he’d mind dropping it at Ken’s, two miles closer to him, where the crane and heavy gear are located. “Sure.” Then I did my best “quick! to the Batmobile!” routine and got there just as the semi was pulling up.

The hammer’s case says “Warning TOPHEAVY” all over it. I’m a bit skeptical about that, since a hammer that was actually topheavy would be a lethal threat. I think that what they really meant was “Do not drop this on you.”

Truckers are generally cool and don’t care much so long as the stuff gets unloaded out of the back of the truck so they can drive off. We originally thought we’d back the crane truck up even with the back of the semi, level it with the boom-arms and pallet-jack the box out – but the semi was a lot lower than the crane truck and that idea was off. There was not enough room at the top for the crane boom to fit, either.

In the picture above you can see Ryan M. with his back to the camera, pondering things. The steel pallet is tough and well-marked for lift points.

Picture a great big stork…

We all collectively concluded that with the straps that way, it was not possible for the hammer to flip unless a strap broke. Even the pallet could break and we’d be OK.

The crane lifted the pallet just a wee bit until the hammer swung gently out the back of the truck. The trucker inched forward and Ryan turned the crane and deposited the load neatly next to the wall. It’s going to sit there for a while until the building is done.

That little box weighs 1,500lb. What’s in it, solid metal? Yes, pretty much.


  1. says

    Have you got your Alec Steele subscriber discount :-)?
    Fingers crossed for it workint well for you. I think Walter Sorrels does not use power hammer at all, he only uses hydraulic press. Alec Steele does the exact opposite, he has hydraulic press, but prefers the power hammer a lot.

  2. says

    In the picture the trucker appears to be holding a bottle of Jack Daniels whiskey. It’s not: that’s the back of his handheld routing computer, which looks remarkably like a bottle of Jack Daniels.

  3. says

    Have you got your Alec Steele subscriber discount :-)?

    I didn’t ask for a discount. They Anyangs are already well-priced. I suspect they are pretty inexpensive to buy in China and mostly are tariffs and shipping cost. I wish I could see them being made; the neck looks like a casting, so it’s probably pretty dramatic.

    Fingers crossed for it workint well for you. I think Walter Sorrels does not use power hammer at all, he only uses hydraulic press. Alec Steele does the exact opposite, he has hydraulic press, but prefers the power hammer a lot.

    I’ve been using a press with a lot of success, but there are definitely times when you want to hammer, and the hammer will be valuable. Presses are almost too powerful – they don’t nudge metal around, they mash it like a potato. Hammers let you deliver a range of power; the press applies 20 tonnes always – what you control is how far it gets applied. The hammer applies graduated power. Some hammers like the Little Giant apply the same power always but air hammers like the Anyang are driven by the amount of air you bleed into the release, so you can control the strike.

  4. says

    I may have remembered it incorrectly. Now that I think about it, I think Alec mentioned in one of his videos that if you mention to Anyang that you came to them through his chanel, he gets a share of their profits, not that you get a discount.

  5. kestrel says

    So cool… can’t wait to see it in action. How is the new home of Badger Forge coming along?

  6. says

    How is the new home of Badger Forge coming along?

    It has been raining so much that all the concrete work in the county is backed up. The concrete for the hammer footer is in and cured but the rest of the pad needs to be poured.

    I’m going nuts but whining won’t help.