Texas: Wrongful Births Bill.

(Monkey Business Images/ Shutterstock).

(Monkey Business Images/ Shutterstock).

The Texas GOP introduced yet another anti-abortion bill that would give doctors the right to lie to their patients about their pregnancies. Texas Senate Bill 25, also known as the “wrongful births bill” has made its way to the Texas Senate floor, and would prevent lawsuits against doctors if a baby is born with a disability.

In reality, the bill allows doctors to withhold information about the risk of a disability from the parents, particularly in cases when the doctor thinks the individual might decide to have an abortion if provided with the information.


The Texas Senate Committee on State Affairs passed the bill — which would legislate how much information a woman is allowed to receive about her own pregnancy — to the full Senate on Monday morning.

Right, because why on earth should a woman have the right to know exactly what’s going on in her body? Golly, there are men out there who can decide what’s important, don’t worry your cute little pink brains, women! It might be a good idea for women to find out just how religious their doctor might be, as that might have one hell of an impact on you at some point.

Full story here.

Republican Logic: A Living Wage? No, No.

Rep. Dan Shaul (Facebook).

Rep. Dan Shaul (Facebook).

A Missouri representative is rushing to kill off a minimum wage hike, on the basis that certain jobs weren’t ever meant to provide a living wage, so hey, you can keep paying people shit wages. It’s interesting, if depressing, to read all the twists and turns republicans use to justify being corrupt, villainous assholes, with a pointed interest in keeping people poor. Well, some people.

A Missouri Republican introduced legislation that would stop Kansas City from enacting a higher minimum wage — because he said workers weren’t meant to live on those wages.

Rep. Dan Shaul (R-Jefferson City) wants the statehouse to quickly pass his bill that would prohibit cities and counties from paying a higher minimum wage than what is set by state law, reported the Kansas City Star.

The bill contains an emergency clause that would allow it to go into effect as soon as the governor signs it, and the newspaper reported Shaul’s bill is moving quickly through the legislative process.

“The minimum wage wasn’t meant to be a living wage,” Shaul told the Star. “I’m all for family sustainable wages, and I certainly don’t want a family to have to work two or three jobs to get by. But grocery store baggers and fast food work isn’t where you should be working to sustain your family.”

Right. Because if the jobs you can manage to get might be as a grocery clerk or working in a restaurant, well, you should have known better, you stupid peon! Those aren’t proper jobs! Get a good, white person type job, er, white collar job! That way, you can call it a career, and get by just dandy. All that cost of living jazz, well, that doesn’t mean anything. House payments? Pfffft, get a proper job and you can get a loan! Being in debt up to your neck is the American way, you bet. Or you know, you should have just been born rich. It seems the concept of choice is a rethug Shibboleth.

Full story here.

Healthcare: Republican Hide and Don’t Seek.

CREDIT: Screencap via Twitter.

CREDIT: Screencap via Twitter.

Hide & Don’t Seek, the new rethuglican game with healthcare. They have literally hidden their ACA replacement bill. That makes it clear just how lousy it is, and that it basically only has to do with healthcare in the sense of removing it.

Democratic lawmakers spent much of Thursday wandering around the Capitol in an attempt to find House Republicans’ health care plan to replace the Affordable Care Act. They couldn’t find it.

On Wednesday, House Republicans said they would release their much anticipated plan the next day, but that only House Republicans would be able to see it. Rep. Chris Collins (R-NY) said it would be available in a “basement of an office building that adjoins the Capitol.”

“No one is getting a copy … We can go and read it,” Rep. Collins told the Washington Examiner.

Democratic lawmakers, such as Rep. Steny Hoyer, (D-MD) Rep. Jan Schakowski (D-IL), and Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ) went on an “egg hunt” for the document.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) tweeted that the bill was “under lock and key,” but that he would demand a copy so the American people could see it. Sen. Paul added that it was “unacceptable” that one of the biggest issues before Congress and the American people would be kept secret.

Paul then reportedly wheeled over a copy machine to make copies of the bill, but was barred from entering the room where it was reportedly being kept. The bill had also been moved from the room before Paul got there, Politico reported.

You can follow all the tweets and the idiotic Republican hiding of healthcare at Think Progress. I think everyone is going to find that when they get to the bill, there is no there there.

“It is a total witch hunt!”


President Donald Trump and the Russian foreign minister used the same phrase to push back against the widening scandal engulfing the White House.


Trump said in his statement late Thursday that Sessions was “an honest man” who “did not say anything wrong” by denying during his Senate confirmation any contacts with Russian officials — despite having twice met with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak during the campaign.

“He could have stated his response more accurately, but it was clearly not intentional,” Trump said in his statement.

There’s a mouthful of double speak. If Sessions spoke more accurately, that would have meant telling the truth. As he didn’t, it was an intentional case of lying, full stop. It’s a simple question: did you meet with so and so? Here’s how to answer that one: yes or no. Could not possibly be more simple. There simply isn’t double speak wiggle room here, regardless of the shit the Tiny Tyrant is pumping out. And if there’s some sort of claim that Sessions just didn’t remember, fine, then that means he’s too damn old for the job, kick him out.

“This whole narrative is a way of saving face for Democrats losing an election that everyone thought they were supposed to win,” the president continued. “The Democrats are overplaying their hand. They lost the election and now, they have lost their grip on reality. The real story is all of the illegal leaks of classified and other information. It is a total witch hunt!”

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov signaled his agreement with Trump early Friday and also denounced the scandal as a “witch hunt.”

“I can cite the media that say all this is very much reminiscent of a witch hunt and the McCarthyism era which we all thought was long gone,” Lavrov said.

This whole narrative is about corrupt liars with Nazi inclinations infesting the white house. This whole narrative is about a puppet regime. This whole narrative, well, this could go on all day. As for this godsdamn witch hunt bullshit, enough! Stop it already. It’s not in the least a witch hunt, has nothing at all in common with a witch hunt. Anyone seen The Inquisition around lately? Seen gibbets with corpses hanging? Stakes with people on fire, greasy oily smoke? No? Then shut the fuck up. Criticism is not a witch hunt. Attempting to find out the truth is not a witch hunt. Asking questions is not a witch hunt. This is the cry of fucking idiots everywhere, and in many cases, the cry of guilty fucking idiots. Oh, and McCarthyism was a commie hunt, just so you know.

Full story here.

A “Normal” Moment.

Trump humps flag. Twitter.

Trump humps flag. Twitter.

It seems that a good deal of media and regular folks are falling all over themselves about how reasonable Trump’s speech was, it was all so gosh darn normal, oh my yes! Except it wasn’t. It was the same old shit, wrapped up in the flag and exceptional Americanism, with a white nationalist filling. Raw Story has a brief article about this, noting the White House surprise at how media pundits were won over by this speech.

President Donald Trump’s address to Congress on Tuesday night got glowing reviews from some pundits on cable news — and it turns out even the White House is surprised by how easily they were won over.

Washington Post reporter Robert Costa tweeted on Wednesday morning that some sources he’s talked with in the White House are “frankly surprised at how pundits are warming to the speech.”

This is particularly surprising to them, Costa writes, because “Trump has not changed” and there is “no big shift in policy coming.”

Think Progress has a longer piece about this piece of bullshit which too many people are swallowing whole. Interestingly, the white supremacist scum are thrilled about it, because instead of paying attention to the bits of trapping, they focused on actual content, which is a gift to Nazis everywhere.

Speaking to a joint session of Congress on Tuesday night, President Donald Trump portrayed the United States as an island of civilization under siege from immigrant cartels and terrorists posing as refugees.

Trump touted a new Department of Homeland Security office that will target “criminal aliens.” He lied about immigration’s effect on the U.S. economy, boasted about sharp rollbacks to the regulatory state, renewed his call for eradicating the Affordable Care Act, hinted at further efforts to privatize the American education system, and offered a strident defense of his administration’s Muslim ban. At no point did he deviate from the “nationalist-populist” ideology his administration has adopted under top strategist Steve Bannon, former chairman of the white-nationalist website Breitbart.

On the other hand, Trump also read off a teleprompter, tossed off a cursory denunciation of “hate,” and wrapped up the speech with some pablum about how Americans should believe in themselves.

Those minor grace points were enough to earn Trump rapturous applause from the usual pundit gaggle, which is evidently willing to embrace a white-nationalist policy agenda if the presentation includes a few Hallmark aphorisms and leaves out any overt racial slurs.

CNN’s Van Jones said Trump “became President of the United States” when he acknowledged the widow of a fallen Navy SEAL, who was sitting in the audience.

Oh FFS, really? Trump acts like a normal person for 10 fucking seconds, and people are tripping over their tongues at how great he is? Jesus Fucking Christ, it’s not enough, it’s just not enough to say we are in trouble here. We are past trouble. There aren’t even words. We’re up to our neck in fascism, but it’s okay, because someone managed to get Trump to read some nice words from a teleprompter. Why didn’t anyone bother to note that Ms. Owens wouldn’t have been a grieving widow if it weren’t for Trump’s ego and need to play war? That Trump doesn’t want to go along with the investigation requested by Owen’s father? No, he’s so very presidential because he addressed a widow.

The vile Nazi scum were elated, but for reasons grounded in reality:

David Duke @DrDavidDuke

Hail to the Chief – No change on policy to deport illegals and on track to CUT major legal immigration necessary to take our country back!

Richard ? Spencer @RichardBSpencer

After the PC bullshit is out of the way, Trump is making a Trump speech.#trumpaddress

So, what’s it going to take for all the non-Nazi scum to see what’s actually being said and what’s actually going on?

Via Think Progress.

Also see:

Trump lied. Right-wing extremists — not foreigners — commit more terror attacks in the U.S.

Trump’s address to Congress was riddled with falsehoods about the energy industry.

Trump was so busy attacking immigrants he barely acknowledged hate crimes.

Trump draws a fake conclusion from a study that actually finds immigration is good for the economy.

Trump’s Blame Shifting: False Flag!

Tucker Viemeister.

Tucker Viemeister.

Trump is worse than a little sprog. Whenever something bad happens, he immediately looks for someone to blame, anyone except who is actually responsible, like white supremacist scum. In regard to the recent acts of anti-semitism, which are increasing, Trump decided to imply that while sad, they could, y’know, be a false flag operation, done to make someone else look bad. Apparently, the Tiny Tyrant hasn’t figured out that no one needs to make the current nazi infested government look bad, they are doing a fine job of that themselves. Not in the least bit surprising, various white supremacists are also spreading the false flag bullshit. Just in case this is needed: the false flag crap is just that, it’s a lie.

President Donald Trump received a lashing online after suggesting that his supporters were being framed for anti-Semitic bomb threats.

Trump on Tuesday suggested to attorneys generals that threats targeting Jewish community centers and attacks on Jewish cemeteries could be false flag operations. When speaking about the acts, which he called “reprehensible,” the president said “the reverse can be true,” according to Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro. “Someone’s doing it to make others look bad,” Trump added.

“He just said, ‘sometimes it’s the reverse,’” Shapiro recalled. “‘It’s to make people or make others look bad.’ He used ‘reverse’ two to three times in his comments.”

The Anti-Defamation League quickly released a statement calling on the president to clarify his remarks.

You can see many of the responses here.

In case that wasn’t enough idiocy, Anthony Scaramucci is trying to pin the blame on democrats, citing Breitbart as his go to source for this claim. Seriously, can we stop the world, I want the fuck off.

A senior adviser to President Donald Trump suggested Democrats may be to blame for dozens of threats recently against Jewish community centers.

Anthony Scaramucci, founder of Skybridge Capital hedge fund and a former employee at Goldman Sachs, sent out a pair of tweets questioning the possibility that Trump’s anti-Semitic supporters may be behind the threats, reported The Hill.


Scarmucci, a top Trump fundraiser tapped as White House public liaison to government agencies and businesses, linked to a Breitbart News article Tuesday morning on a Project Veritas investigation of “trained provocateurs” at GOP rallies.

“It’s not yet clear who the #JCC offenders are. Don’t forget @TheDemocrats effort to incite violence at Trump rallies,” Scaramucci tweeted.

A reporter called him out for his baseless claim, and Scarmucci doubled down.

Via Raw Story. Same response here: the only thing making Trump look bad is Trump and his crew of henchtoadies.

Abusive Assholes Might Have A Change of Heart.

Mississippi state Rep. Andy Gipson (YouTube).

Mississippi state Rep. Andy Gipson (YouTube).

Domestic violence as grounds for divorce? No, no, those abusive asses might have a change of heart, y’know. Could happen, right? Wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong. That said, Rep. Andy Gipson really thinks marriage ought to be a prison for abused spouses.

The Republican chair of the Mississippi House Judiciary B Committee this week killed a bill that would have made domestic violence grounds for divorce.

According to Mississippi Today, Republican Chairman Andy Gipson said that he would not take up Senate Bill 2703 before a Tuesday deadline, effectively allowing the bill to die.

The bill would have amended Mississippi law “to create domestic violence as additional grounds for fault divorce.”


Gipson, who is a Baptist pastor, has said that laws should encourage people to stay married.

“At a time I think we need to be adopting policies that promote marriage and people sticking together, I have some serious concerns about opening the floodgates any more than they already are,” the lawmaker explained. “I think the floodgates are already open and this just tears the dam down.”

“We need to have policies that strengthen marriage,” Gipson added. “If a person is abusive, they need to have a change in behavior and change of heart.”

Jesus fuckin’ Christ. You know what I think, Mr. Gipson? I think being christian ought to be a legal bar to being a politician. Especially asshole christians like yourself.

Via Raw Story.

Free People! God Given Liberty! No Healthcare!

Rep. Steve King (R-IA) wants to ensure that no part of Obamacare is “left behind.” CREDIT: CNN.

Rep. Steve King (R-IA) wants to ensure that no part of Obamacare is “left behind.” CREDIT: CNN.

The shameful, craven republicans aren’t even attempting to hid behind their various cowardly excuses anymore. They simply want to repeal ACA, they don’t want to replace it at all. Of course, this is hardly news to people who have been paying attention.

Last week, CNN obtained a draft Congressional Republican bill to replace the Affordable Care Act with a plan that would replace subsidies with smaller tax credits, allow insurance to charge senior citizens more, decimate Medicaid, and cause millions of Americans to lose their coverage altogether.

On Monday and Tuesday, however, a trio of prominent House Republicans made it clear that even this bill was not conservative enough for them. While the bill would mean the loss of health insurance for millions of Americans, they object to provisions in the bill that would help some people remain covered.

Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC), who chairs the House Freedom Caucus (a group of a few dozen of the most conservative Republicans in Congress), announced on Monday that he could not support that proposal because included refundable tax credits to help people pay for health insurance and some tax increases. “A new Republican president signs a new entitlement and a new tax increase as his first major piece of legislation? I don’t know how you support that — do you?” he asked, adding that many members of his caucus would be willing to vote against the leaked draft.

Rep. Mark Walker, another North Carolina Republican and chair of the Republican Study Committee (a group that calls itself the “conservative caucus of House Republicans” and includes more than 170 of the 238-member GOP majority), followed suit soon after.

“The draft legislation, which was leaked last week, risks continuing major Obamacare entitlement expansions and delays any reforms,” Walker said, adding that the proposal “kicks the can down the road in the hope that a future Congress will have the political will and fiscal discipline to reduce spending that this Congress apparently lacks.” He said he would urge colleagues to oppose the proposal.

On Tuesday, Rep. Steve King (R-IA), joined the pile-on. He told CNN’s Chris Cuomo that he presumed the leaked plan did not include entirely “hard facts,” but said the he wants to see only “a full, 100% repeal of Obamacare.” “I don’t want any of it left behind,” he explained, because “a free people that are the recipients of God-given liberty… have had our health taken over by the federal government.”

Think Progress has the full story, and video, if you can stand to watch the smug and stupid King.

A Tiny Trump Tantrum.


Our terribly thin-skinned temper tyrant has declared he will not attend the White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner. The tweet was uncharacteristically restrained, I suspect a staffer tweeted while Trump was raging a tantrum in the hallowed halls. Perhaps Alec Baldwin can host, or our former President, who recognizes fun when he sees it, and who owned his performance:


Yes, please do! I don’t think Mr. Obama dare do that though, people would most likely not let him go.

No U.S. President has missed the White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner since 1981. But one day after major news outlets were banned from a briefing with Press Secretary Sean Spicer, President Donald Trump announced that he’s breaking the 36-year streak.

The dinner, which dates back to 1921, is a time for the president and press to exchange jokes about one another, while reaffirming the important role that news outlets play in a democracy. On Saturday afternoon, Trump tweeted that he’s skipping the annual event.


Just one day before Trump’s announcement, Press Secretary Sean Spicer prohibited CNN, the New York Times, BuzzFeed, and Politico from attending his daily briefing. He reportedly handpicked the news outlets allowed to attend, including well-known conservative organizations like Fox News, Breitbart, and the Washington Times. The Associated Press and Time decided to boycott in solidarity with the banned reporters.

The outright suppression of the press followed weeks of Trump claiming reputable news organizations report “fake news.” Earlier this month, he tweeted that news media is the “enemy of the American People” — similar to the type of propaganda used to discredit the press in Nazi Germany.


Trump’s attacks on the media have coincided with damning reports about members of his administration colluding with Russian officials. His decision to skip the annual dinner is just the latest symbol of Trump’s authoritarian leanings.

Full story at Think Progress.

Sunday Facepalm.


Did you know the latest Lego Batman flick promotes the …. Gay Agenda!?! It does. Even worse, it promotes gay adoption, oh no! I haven’t seen the latest Lego superhero flicks, but I’ve seen the others, and they are nice, lightweight fun. I even have a little Lego Batman somewhere. It’s possible Batman met the rats and lost. Anyroad, John-Henry Westen of Life Site is a tad upsetty over all the homo queerness infecting Lego Batman.

It was chock full of pro-gay propaganda. Think the sexual innuendo of the Flintstones minus the real humor. It seemed the creators were so anxious to subtly indoctrinate the little ones into the gender ideology that making it humorous came as a distant second thought.

You watch The Flinstones for sexual innuendo? And humor? Really. I think some xians should simply not be allowed to watch television or movies. That stuff isn’t mentioned in the bible, anyway. Mr. Westen couldn’t actually be bothered to be specific about what bothered him, or provide examples of that chock fullness of the gay. Instead, he quotes a rambling, rather strange review by Michael Hamilton at PJ media, who apparently had a really difficult time with a few “my two dads” references, along with Batman and The Joker resolving their relationship into one of happy hate, realizing that a superhero will always need a villain, and I guess in this case, The Joker really needs the attention of a superhero, or else it’s just not fun. I’m sure I’ll see this at some point, and enjoy it in the same way as the others. They all fall a little flat here and there, humour wise, but I’m not a sprog, either, so what do I know about what they might find screamingly funny? Mostly, the latest Lego effort is about the importance of family, even for stoics like Batman, and sometimes, you have to make that family yourself. That seems a good message to me.

I have to wonder if either of these men watched the 1960s Batman, because I did, and that was one of the most flamingly camp shows ever. I loved that show, and I can guarantee it had a hell of a lot more innuendo than a slew of Lego movies will ever have. To the Batpoles! And as far as Jokers go, Cesar Romero was the most flamboyantly fabulous Joker ever, and always will be. I think the Christian homophobes are better off coping with the minor league jokes of Lego movies, but definitely stay away from Batman.


Cesar Romero as The Joker. He had style.

Um, there’s a catch there…

The Calumny of Appelles, Sandro Botticelli, 1494.

The Calumny of Appelles, Sandro Botticelli, 1494.

Robert Davi was at CPAC, engaging in the usual fist pounding, over the protection of “our very best heroes.” By that, Davi meant Trump. Really don’t see him as a tights and cape sort of person. Or any other type of hero, either.

Davi claimed that in Ancient Rome, anti-calumny laws made it “impossible to spread false rumors or lies against upstanding and virtuous political candidates” and called for such laws to be enacted in America.

“Let’s go back to Ancient Rome,” David said, “because if such laws existed today, we would see more men like Donald Trump and Mike Pence running for Congress or the Senate or the presidency and more fake reporters perhaps going to prison for the very lies they make up to commit cruel character assassination against the very best of our American heroes.”

You seem to be lacking in your understanding of Calumnia, Mr. Davi. We do have such laws, they go by defamation, libel, and slander these days. Calumnia was not a lock on striking down anyone you didn’t like, y’know. You did have to actually prove a case. Is there some sort of unwritten law which makes research of any kind, including super easy look ups bane to conservatives?

As for “hero” Trump, there’s a bit of a catch in your own philippic – upstanding and virtuous political candidates. Leaving aside the unfortunate fact that Trump is no longer a candidate, it strikes me that in order to win a case based on upstanding and virtuous character and behaviour, you’d need evidence of that saintliness first. There’s a whole fucktonne of evidence when it comes to Trump, and none of it points, in any way, to being upstanding or virtuous. Quite the opposite. The truth can often be cruel and unkind, that doesn’t make it less true.

As to how Pence got in there, I don’t know. He’s no hero either, being a despicable person, however, he’s been a successful politician, which reinforces the fact that being an awful human being is no bar to political success. There are a lot of awful people out there, and it seems they do most of the voting. Anyroad, you don’t get to declare reporters fake, and call for them to maybe go to prison – under calumnia, that would get you in trouble, Mr. Davi. That would also get you in trouble with current laws. Well, it would have prior to the Tiny Tyrant. Calumnia did not mean “my side gets to do all this evil shit and their side doesn’t”, which seems to be more what you’re advocating.

Via RWW.

People Without Healthcare – It’s A Good Thing!


Anyone else starting to feel like we’re trapped in It’s A Good Life?

A handful of GOP lawmakers are now taking up Klein’s charge — with one of them even claiming that a Republican plan that leads to a higher national uninsurance rate would be a good thing.

“If the numbers drop,” Rep. Mike Burgess (R-TX) said Thursday at the Conservative Political Action Conference, “I would say that’s a good thing.” He went on to argue that more people without health care would be a positive thing for the United States because it would mean that “we’ve restored personal liberty in this country.”

When your only choice is no choice, Mr. Burgess, there’s no liberty, personal or otherwise, involved.

Burgess’ prediction that Republican health plans will lead to a drop in the national insurance rate was echoed by Rep. Dennis Ross (R-FL) in an interview with Bloomberg this week. “Not everybody is going to have health care” under a Republican health plan, Ross said. “Some people just don’t care enough about their own care.”

Oh, all people care about their own [health] care enough. The problem would be more basic, such as not having enough money to afford care, or being stuck in a job with no benefits. And all those corporations who now have a fucktonne of ways to avoid providing benefits such as health insurance? That’s thanks to asshole republicans like yourself, Mr. Ross.

Bloomberg also shares some details about the health policy ideas that are starting to gain traction among Republican lawmakers. While the full contours of the GOP’s “replacement” for Obamacare remain elusive, the details we do know off confirm that yes, Republicans are indeed pushing ideas that would lead to fewer people receiving care.

Oh well, there’s a surprise. Let’s look at some details.

Several Republican proposals would increase the amount that insurers could charge older Americans. A bill would increase the age band from 5 to 1 (above the current range of 3 to 1). … Republicans hope to base tax credits on a person’s age rather than on their income. Such a proposal could simultaneously be wasteful and merciless, since an age-based formula could allow wealthy individuals who can afford to pay their own premiums to still receive a government subsidy — while also denying low-income Americans the assistance they need to purchase insurance at all.

Once again, we see the rethug battle plan, which never fucking changes: everything for the rich, everyone else, eat shit and die, after all, it’s your own fault if you ain’t rich.

Another idea that is reportedly gaining steam among Republicans is a proposal to “do away with the Affordable Care Act’s requirement that all Americans have health coverage or pay a fine, and replace it with rules that let people choose not to buy insurance, instead paying higher premiums or penalties if they need it later.”

Though the details of such a proposal are sparse — just how much higher would premiums be if someone delays buying health insurance until they get sick? — such a proposal risks driving up the cost of care for people who are already insured, or, worse, collapsing entire insurance markets altogether.

The reason why the Affordable Care Act penalizes people who do not carry insurance is because of the risk that people will wait until they are sick to become insured and then drain all the money out of an insurance pool that they haven’t paid into.

Because Obamacare forbids insurers from denying coverage to people with preexisting conditions, insurers cannot simply refuse to cover people with expensive conditions. If the ratio of healthy people to sick people in a given insurance plan tilts too heavily towards people with expensive conditions, however, then the plan will need to jack up premiums in order to cover the costs of its most expensive consumers.

That risks setting off a “death spiral,” where healthy people leave the plan due to rising premiums, which forces the insurer to raise premiums even more, which causes even more healthy people to leave. Eventually, the entire insurance pool collapses.

Obamacare solves this problem by requiring people who don’t carry insurance to pay higher income taxes, thus giving them an incentive to enter an insurance pool while they are still healthy. Republicans reportedly want to eliminate this provision and, instead, charge a penalty to people who wait too long to buy insurance.

It’s far from clear, however, that such a mechanism would be sufficient to ward off death spirals. Imagine a hypothetical consumer, for example, who has to choose between paying $200 a month now, or to pay nothing now — but with the caveat that they will be charged $1,000 a month if they are later diagnosed with a catastrophic illness. Many people are likely to decide that they should pay nothing now and hope for the best, especially since, even in the worst case scenario, they will still have the option to buy insurance when they need it most.

Alternatively, Republicans could set the penalties for remaining insured so high that insurance would be unaffordable for someone who waits until they are seriously ill to buy insurance. That would have the virtue of helping to ward off a death spiral, but at the cost of many people’s lives.

Golly, those rethug ideas are just genius, aren’t they? At this point, I’m surprised they are still pretending to “replace” ACA, when what they actually want is to simply eliminate it with no replacement whatsoever. It does look they are edging closer to admitting that’s what they do want. This is just one reason to keep up the pressure on all the Town Halls these assholes are trying to duck.

Full story at Think Progress.

Arizona Goes for Full Protest Suppression.

Women's March on Washington (Photo: Sarah Burris/RawStory).

Women’s March on Washington (Photo: Sarah Burris/RawStory).

The myth of professional protesters continues to be spread by rethugs, and Arizona rethugs have passed legislation which would allow the cops to seize the assets of anyone who attended a protest which turned violent in any way, along with the power to arrest those who planned the protest, although they did not commit any violent acts. The rethugs are extremely unhappy with The Resistance, and are doing everything they can to shut it down. We are all going to have to stiffen our spines and our resolve, and refuse to back down in the face of blatant rights violations.

The Republican-controlled Arizona Senate has passed a bill that would let law enforcement officials seize the assets of people who participate in protests that turn violent — even if those people had nothing to do with any violent incidents.


The bill would allow police to seize assets of anyone who attended a peaceful protest that happened to turn violent, and it also gives cops the power to arrest people who planned the events, even if they did not personally commit violence.

State Sen. John Kavanagh (R-Fountain Hills), who supported the bill, explained to the Arizona Capital Times that it’s aimed at curtailing the activities of “professional protest” groups whose goal is to start riots and damage private property.

“You now have a situation where you have full-time, almost professional agent-provocateurs that attempt to create public disorder,” said Kavanagh, a former police officer.

Bald-faced fucking liar. :spits: I’d like to see this flaming asshole address all the violence at Black Lives Matter protests, as the violence was all perpetrated by cops. I’d like to see this asspimple address the overwhelming violence committed by cops against all those at Standing Rock. Fuck you, Kavanagh. People are marching and protesting and protecting because it’s the only recourse we have. It’s not like we can look to our government for help.

Via Raw Story.