oooOOOoo Seance! Blood Drinking! Human Sacrifice! ooOOOooo.

PZ had a fun post up about Jack Chick’s Halloween tracts, which were always lurid, and always wrong. Unfortunately, there are way too many christians who believe such utter shit, and not only believe it, preach it. One such fanatic is Rodney Howard-Browne, master of delusions and conspiracy theories. After a rant about the evil pasty white boy Eminem, he launches into his latest mishmash of conspiratorial evils…

“It’s time to mock the false gods of the age and their prophets,” he continued. “They’re prophets of the enemy … These people are full of the devil, these people can’t even be reasoned with, these are not people you can talk to, they have already given their soul to the devil. These people go through seances, these people drink blood, these people sacrifice children.”

Personally, I think it’s people like Mr. Howard-Browne and all those who actually listen to him who could be classed as irrational and unreasonable. What can you say to someone who truly believes that there’s blood drinking and human sacrifice going on all over the place, and somehow, no one notices? I don’t believe in gods. I don’t believe in the assorted crew, angels, demons, all that nonsense, either. We don’t have souls. I don’t attend seances, drink blood, or sacrifice children. I don’t even eat babies. I think I’m at least fairly reasonable. Generally speaking, I’m willing to listen to most people, but I do have a requirement – I expect people to think. To think about themselves, their views, why they have those views, why they have beliefs in whatever. People should never be afraid to think. Unfortunately, theists of all stripes despise and fear thinking. It’s not good for the flock to think, they might end up coming to very different conclusions from what they are spoonfed at every opportunity. There’s a reason there’s so much repetition of the same old shit in religion – they don’t want people thinking. “Focus on ‘god’! “Fear the devil!” Ooooh Pray!”

“They sacrifice children at the highest levels in Hollywood,” Howard-Browne declared. “They drink blood of young kids. This is a fact.

No, it’s not a fact. That is easily verifiable, too. It’s yet another fucking lie, meant to scare the hell out of those who have been trained to fear a psychopathic god all their lives. Now, some filthy rich assholes are so afraid of death, they do things like milk blood from young people – see Peter Thiel, wannabe vampire. As far as I know, he doesn’t drink the stuff, just spends an obscene amount of money now and then for a transfusion of that sweet, young, blood. Now, there’s stupid and disgusting behaviour for you, but it’s hardly a secret, it’s been publicized, written about, and verified. I expect if people in Hollywood or anywhere else were busy quaffing blood, there would be plenty of stories about it, because those kind of stories sell – what’s better than sex? Blood drinking, sacrificial scandals! Are there other filthy rich morons who are paying an obscene amount of money for transfusions? I expect so.

That is why the next thing to be exposed will be all the pedophilia that is going to come out of Hollywood and out of Washington, D.C. The human sacrifice and the cannibalism has been going on for years. Some of you say, ‘Oh, they don’t do that.’ It’s worse than what you think. You remember when the whole spirit cooking thing came out? That’s commonplace, ladies and gentlemen.

Oh, the trifecta – pedophilia, human sacrifice, and…cannibalism! Oooh, shocker. Spirit Cooking? What, I, uh. Okay, there was an Abramovic work done in the late ’90s called Spirit Cooking, but…:searches: Oh. Yeah, it’s about that. Sort of. Christ on a stick, no art piece can match what these idiots can cook up. No, ‘spirit cooking’ is not a thing. Again, easily verifiable. No one is busy writing about the joys of spirit cookery. If it was a thing, there would be a fucktonne of specialist blogs and so on. I’m sure it would be a major feature on Goop. Well, maybe it will be, it’s not just christians who make up batshit stuff.

And many of the Hollywood actors that you go see on a screen, what you don’t know [is] they bring a witch, they do a big seance right there on the set and they worship devils and they allow devils to come into them before they take the part of what they’re going to act. It’s a fact what I am telling you.”

No, that is not a fact. It’s yet another fucking lie. This is so tiresome. Hollywood is one of the most covered places on the earth, many people are endlessly interested in celebs, movies, and television. Honestly, think for one moment the sheer amount of people involved in making one movie. Just one. And of course, not one person would be remotely tempted by the money they could demand for such stories. Yeah, that’s not reality. Also, while not every actor can be considered great, it’s pretty damn insulting to imply they are unable to perform their job at all, and are instead nothing more than demon suits. A person could be quite tempted to think that lying, conspiracy mongering evangelists are little more than skin suits for demons, if those particular critters existed. As it stands, it’s bad enough, the harm, spite, poison and fear spilled out by lying, conspiracy mongering evangelists.

RWW has the full story, and video.

oooOOOoo Lesbian Nazi Regime ooOOOooo.

A whole 8 days ago, Rick Wiles was ranting about oooOOOoo Shadow Government ooOOOooo. I would venture a guess it didn’t go over well enough, because it has now morphed into a secret world government that is a gay/lesbian Nazi regime, but the death squads are still in place. Can’t lose the death squads.

“I stand by my claim that this country has death squads,” he said. “We have death squads in this country and it’s being run by a super secret agency, but there is participation at the state and local level.”

Yeah, yeah, we got that last time. I guess the whole Shadowmerica business didn’t go over so well though, because it’s been downgraded to a super secret agency. Right, that’s never been the plot of a million bad books, no. Does the super secret agency have secret squirrels? Inspector Gadget? Are Boris and Natasha involved?

“We’re in a fascist Nazi police state,” Wiles added, warning that “there will be a day that they tell law enforcement [officers] to execute your children right in front of you and they will do it.”

You’re so close to woke there, Mr. Wiles, but you take one twisted path to the side. Yes, we are in a fascist state, and the nazis are popping out of the woodwork all over the place. This is the current state of things, having the Tiny Tyrant perched in high office, praising nazis, embracing fascism, and fucking things up all over the place. As for cops, well, they already are, and have been executing peoples’ children, all over the place, every single day. You may not have noticed because the majority of them aren’t white.

“America has become a Nazi state. The deep state is a Nazi state,” Wiles said. “That is why Campos [Jesus Campos, the Mandalay Bay security guard ] appeared on a daytime talk show hosted by a fast-talking, dancing comedienne, and, let me add, a lesbian, because this Nazi regime is a gay/lesbian Nazi regime, just like Nazis in Hitler’s day. Hitler was a bisexual, the top Nazi leaders of the Nazi party were homosexuals. The Nazi takeover of Germany was a militant homosexual fascist takeover; that is what is taking place in America today.”

I expect there are much more venal reasons for the talk show appearance; it’s standard anymore, do the talk show rounds, grab all the money you can, have your 15 minutes of fame. There might be a side benefit of helping himself process the event, and helping others to do so as well.

As for the Nazis, um, Paragraph 175. Prosecution. Persecution. Concentration Camps. A whole lot of dead people. If the top leaders of the Nazi party were queer, they kept themselves in one deeeep closet, Mr. Wiles. Gay men were considered to be a great hindrance in the creation of that lovely master white race.

So, when another eight days have passed, are we going to have yet another revision of Secret Whatever with Death Squads™? You could turn this into a series! Or write yet another really bad book.

RWW has the story, and the soundcloud.

Sunday Facepalm.

Buffalo State Hospital, New York. Image courtesy of Christopher Payne via NPR.

Once again, we visit Jim Bakker, who just doesn’t understand. He’s not alone in that one. First though, all of us on the anti-regime side of life are…insane. Yep.

“Unsaved people are going insane,” he said. “They can’t take it. They can’t believe that a person was elected to the presidency that honored God, that wants to keep the cross on top of your church and Jesus in your heart.”

Oh ffs. The Tiny Tyrant doesn’t give a shit about that psychogod of yours, and you all know it, too. You turned a blind eye to what an amazingly immoral, shitty person he is, because he promised you all the shiny things you want so much, if only you’d elect his arse. If you want some serious reading on this subject, see George Barna. It won’t drive you insane, but it will most likely make you headdesk more than a few times. And scare you.

Bakker said that while Trump “wants to stop killing the babies,” his opponents are fighting to keep abortion legal despite the fact that “this is one of the main reasons … judgment finally came to America.”

Uh huh. That god of yours certainly is slow. D’ya suppose things might have gone faster if it did something, oh, godlike, and took care of the problem itself? Interesting how that never happens. The only people bringing judgment to America are you fanatical assholes, and your thirst for power has led us to fascism. Congrats and all that.

“Everybody is for abortion that is still alive,” Bakker said, before quietly admitting, “I don’t know what that means.”

Welcome to the club, Jim. I don’t know what the fuck that means, either. Perhaps you should be quiet a spell. Give all us Bakker mockers a break for a bit, yeah?

There’s video at RWW.

Jehovah’s Gender Binary Primer.

I had no idea my elbows were explicitly girly! Apparently they are, according to I Don’t Have To Choose, a child’s book by Ellie Klipp, and funded by MassResistance, an LGBTQ hate machine. It’s a pity the book goes all goddidit, because in other respects, it’s quite enlightened:

The picture book features two cheerful characters, a boy named Alex (short for Alexander) and a girl named Alex (short for Alexis). Much of the book delivers positive messages about the fact that boys and girls can love doing the same things, like stomping in mud and climbing trees. Alex and Alex are both good at math. They both knit.

Where Alex and Alex split is playing dress up, which they do in strictly binary fashion, then the book goes off the rails with ‘god’ and genetics. Well, sort of genetics. You can read all about this at RWW.

MassResistance also had their hate face forward at the Values Voter Summit, handing out their 600 page tome of hate, The Health Hazards of Homosexuality: What the Medical and Psychological Research Reveals in swag bags. It’s stuffed full of photos and illustrations of queer folk, and queer sex. Now, after looking at some of the excerpts from the book, they openly state they had to trawl all kinds of filthy, deviant websites to find out just what it is that queer people do behind closed doors, and I have to wonder if they simply stole all the images populating their book. I rather doubt they were ethical enough to ask permission. I sure as hell wouldn’t want any of my work to end up in such a nasty piece of work. I’ll give this one a month or two before I expect to see copies popping up in thrift stores.

You can read all about this ‘medical book’ here.

oooOOOoo Shadow Government ooOOOooo.

The Shadow as depicted on the cover of the July 15, 1939, issue of The Shadow Magazine.

Rick Wiles has gone more than a bit tinfoil hat, positing a whole shadow government which is doing nefarious things in an attempt to, uh, do something.

“I am going to stand by my claim that America has death squads,” he said. “I’m not saying it’s the U.S. government, I’m saying there is a government beyond a level that any of us know about. There is a top secret shadow government that very few people know exist.”

It’s always something few people know about, and of course, it’s those few, brave conspiracy concocters who are the heroes proclaiming the truth. One thing about the conspiracy mongers – they obey all the tried and true tropes.

“Henry Kissinger is the secretary of state of the New World Order,” Wiles added. “There is a secret shadow government, it has its own infrastructure, its own courts, its own laws, its own structures, its own prisons. They sit and they laugh at the American people believing that these people in Washington and Congress and the White House and the Supreme Court are actually the government. They’re not the government, they’re puppets.”

That doesn’t make the slightest bit of sense. This would mean, basically, that there were two uStates. Is one on top? Are they parallel? C’mon, the plot needs details, man! And who cares about the secretary of state in Shadowmerica? Who is the president? Oooh, bet it’s Hilary Clinton. How does one become a citizen of Shadowmerica? I’d like to take a tour.

“If they ever act like they’re the real government, the death squads will show up,” he continued. “Ask Judge Scalia what happens. You’ll have a pillow case put over your face and they’ll carry your body away and U.S. marshals won’t even get your body, somebody else will take your body, they’ll never call the police. A Supreme Court justice dead with a pillow case over his face and the police weren’t called. Who can do that kind of stuff, Doc? A shadow government. Who can kill 50-some people at Mandalay and get away with it? A shadow government, it’s a death squad that is operating in this country.”

Sigh. Christian zealots do love them some death squads, they just can’t give the idea up. I seem to recall that Scalia’s corpse was widely known about, to say the least. Police aren’t generally called when a 79 year old shuffles off the mortal coil. If this was Shadowmerica operating, well, they’re quite incompetent, aren’t they? Just like Regularmerica. As to who can kill 50-some people at a concert, yet another white male who can’t work up the nerve to commit suicide without making the consequences of staying alive too dire to bear. Anyone in Regularmerica can get their hands on all manner of weapons, and decide that random people are going to have the worst day of their lives. You don’t need Shadowmerica for that one at all.

I would think that if Shadowmerica was going to employ death squads, they would have some sort of purpose; an aim. Why bother with a country music concert?

RWW has the story and soundcloud.

Word Salad Wisdom.

Bill Day.

James Robison is one of the Tiny Tyrant’s “key spiritual advisors”.  While shilling his new book all about Jehovah and Trump, he gushed all over the place about the amazing wisdom of the Tiny Tyrant, which showed through…Twitter.

Robison revealed that he had urged Trump not to try to speak in religious terms but to simply let his “personal growth” reveal to the world the way in which his faith in Christ has changed his heart, insisting that the nation is witnessing this spiritual growth in the increase maturity of Trump’s tweets and his treatment of women.

Increased maturity? Let’s keep in mind that the man is in his 70s, might be a tad on the late side for blooming. Let’s look at some of that astonishing maturity:

“With all of the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License? Bad for country!”

Mmmm. I’m reminded of Phil Hartman’s Frankenstein sketches.

“I have been with him in so many settings,” Robison said, “with so many different people, including on the plane and in the car, watching how he treats everybody. It is absolutely one of the most amazing things I have ever seen. He is so respectful and then he’ll get up and be like [Muhammad] Ali, punching everybody out, knocking them out and they’ll think, well, he doesn’t have love. Well, did you ever think maybe love knocks out the enemy that is hurting all the people that need that love? So that’s what he is doing, so yes, what he is accomplishing and what must be accomplished is an answer to people’s prayers.”

Uh, so now it’s Trump who is answering prayers? What did he do, knock ‘god’ off his perch? Generally speaking, people who get punched, in any sense of the word, aren’t feeling loved.

“He just needs to keep doing what he is doing,” Robison continued. “He is just getting wiser every day, his tweets are getting wiser. And by the way, doing those tweets, he is doing the thing that every leader is going to have to do—you have got to communicate directly with the people you love, directly with the American people and you have got to be able to do it around a biased, totally anti-God, anti-Christian-biblical-worldview media. You have to talk continually to the American people and, God bless him, he’s doing it and I think that his tweets will become wiser and wiser … As he walks out the power of scripture and the truth that wisdom offers and the incredible wisdom that makes possible unbelievable correction and restoration, if he’ll just keep doing that and then just share his heart, more and more you are going to see continuous wisdom. I watch it every day.”

Uh huh. Let’s have another gander:

“…We cannot keep FEMA, the Military & the First Responders, who have been amazing (under the most difficult circumstances) in P.R. forever!”

Would it be possible for that ‘god’ of yours to teach Donny the rules of capitalization?

“…approvals of The Keystone XL & Dakota Access pipelines. Also, look at the recent EPA cancelations & our great new Supreme Court Justice!”

That’s not coming across as love, wisdom, or any other good thing to me. Just the overwhelming damage done by a fucking idiot.

Robison claimed that he has sown a deep seed of faith in Trump and “he’s very, very responsive. The ways he respects [Rex] Tillerson, [James] Mattis, the ones around him, [Mike] Pompeo, Ben Carson, the people he’s put there. I’ve watched him honor his assistants that have been with him 15 or 20 years and talk about him maybe not respecting women, I’ve never seen a man treat women behind the scenes any more respectfully that I’ve watched him treat them when I’m around him. And he’s not doing it for show.”

That’s interesting. It’s in news stories all over the place, about the Tiny Tyrant mocking Pence and his beliefs; and I’d guess you aren’t listening to women who have had the distinct displeasure of dealing with Trump over the decades.

RWW has the story.

Jim Bakker Says…

“Don’t mock Jim Bakker!” Why? Oh, Jehovah will get you if you do, because that’s Jim’s best buddy.

Saying that he is sick of people mocking him because some of his prophetic warnings have not yet come true, Bakker bellowed that “when God says something to you, you don’t always know the exact time it’s going to happen. [So] stop beating up the prophets because God says, ‘Woe unto you when you beat up on the prophets.’”

When anyone can declare themselves a prophet, pull shit out of their arse, and make their best guess, there’s isn’t much else to do but make a mockery of it all.

“God is speaking to his people,” he continued. “The only ones who probably aren’t talking to God these days are mean people in America, people who just are anti-Christ.”

Oh. Well, put me down as an anti-Christ meanie. If that god of yours is talking to most everyone, doesn’t that put you self-styled prophets on the cheap side? Dime a dozen and all that?

“If you don’t want to hear it, just shut me off,” Baker said. “Especially you folks that monitor me every day to try to destroy me. Just go away. You don’t have to be there, you don’t have to hear it. But one day, you’re going to shake your fist in God’s face and you’re going to say, ‘God, why didn’t you warn me?’ And He’s going say, ‘You sat there and you made fun of Jim Bakker all those years. I warned you but you didn’t listen.’”

Perhaps, given your sensitivity, you should send up a shout to Jehovah to harden your heart, Jim. That godmonster of yours is good at that one. Perhaps you could teach it how to thicken your skin. Seems to me you’re being terribly self-centered, and don’t you christians love claiming persecution? I won’t be shaking my fist in Jehovah’s face, Jim, because it doesn’t exist. If it did exist, I’m pretty sure “made fun of Jim Bakker” wouldn’t even make the cut for the sin list. I just know you cry frustrated tears over not having a god that would send bears along to eat up all us anti-Christ meanies. Perhaps that’s your ticket, Jim – get people to make fun of your bald head, [2 Kings 2:23-34] and maybe Jehovah will come through with the bears. Or something.

There’s video at RWW.

Sunday Facepalm.

Amdusias has 29 legions of demons and spirits under his command. He is depicted as a human with claws instead of hands and feet, the head of a unicorn, and a trumpet to symbolize his powerful voice. Amdusias is associated with thunder and it has been said that his voice is heard during storms. In other sources, he is accompanied by the sound of trumpets when he comes and will give concerts if commanded, but while all his types of musical instruments can be heard they cannot be seen. He is regarded as being the demon in charge of the cacophonous music that is played in Hell. He can make trees bend at will.

A short while back, Eminem did a bit of rapping, all over the Tiny Tyrant.  Tony Perkins, prez of the Family Research Council, aka “We wanna be the inquisition!” was duly alarmed, and called…demons! What else?

During yesterday’s edition of “Washington Watch,” Perkins discussed a freestyle acapella rap released by hip-hop artist Marshall Mathers, who uses the name Eminem while performing, that was critical of President Trump. Perkins expressed shock over the video.

“I was watching this tirade he went on—what they call rap,” Perkins said. “I don’t know how they call that a talent. But it was demonic, he was demonic on his attack on President Trump.”

No, it wasn’t demonic, and as someone who is generally happy under their rock, I think you have to be in different universe to be unaware of rap. Been around a long time. That said, it wasn’t saying anything that millions of people aren’t saying every day, and have been saying since the election.

Perkins said that criticism like Eminem’s stemmed from the fact that Trump has had the “courage” not only for “stopping the bad stuff that Barack Obama did” but also “undoing it,” adding that it is “amazing” that Trump can withstand such criticism.

But the Tiny Tyrant doesn’t withstand criticism, does he? No, he runs off to Twitter every five minutes to whine, moan, bully, and threaten. He can’t stand any criticism. And yes, the fucking idiot has undone many good things, sending us back to the regressive past. That’s a bad thing. A very bad fucking thing.

“I was at the White House today, and it’s like they’re under siege by the left,” Perkins told listeners. “Folks, you need to pray for him.”

Oh, good. Yes, you pray. On your knees, squinch those little eyes shut, and pray. I’ll stay with lefty siege team.

The full mess is at RWW.

Christmas, Christmas, Christmas.

A poster from the Office for Emergency Management, War Production Board, circa. 1942 – Source.

The Tiny Tyrant is mouthing off again, when isn’t he? This time, bringing up the non-existent war on christmas. Again.

President Trump spoke at the Values Voter Summit today, where he received a rousing round of applause when he bravely declared that under his presidency, people will start saying “Merry Christmas” again.

“We are stopping cold the attacks on Judeo-Christian values,” he said. “As we approach the end of the year—you know, we’re getting near that beautiful Christmas season that people don’t talk about anymore. They don’t use the word Christmas because it’s not politically correct. You go to department stores and they’ll say Happy New Year and they’ll say other things; it’ll be red, they’ll have it painted but they don’t say it. Well, guess what? We’re saying Merry Christmas again.”

There’s no war. There’s no attack. The winter festival of Giftmas has nothing to do with religion, and it’s not something christians are supposed to celebrate anyway.

Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen…. For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest … with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold. Jeremiah 10:2-4

And so on. Winter festivals are ubiquitous, have ancient roots, and none of them had anything to do with Christ. Christians attempting to be all outraged over the ‘merry christmas’ nonsense love to wallow in absurdity. If you really want to be painted as the religion of crass commercialism and consumer greed, well, who am I to stop you? As always, christians seem to miss the fact that saying “merry/happy christmas” is not outlawed. You can say it all you want, whenever you want. You simply cannot force other people to say it, which leads christians to scream “persecution!” Unsurprisingly, the Tiny Tyrant seems to think this is something he can mandate, in glittering fake gold, no doubt. Just a thought, but if your so-called values are concerned with not being able to force others to utter a trite phrase, perhaps it’s time to review those values.

All that’s happened is that some people, a bit more enlightened and empathetic than others, had a desire to be inclusive, in the spirit of love and generosity, qualities often assigned to the christmas season. I guess those values aren’t terribly important to those all up in arms over their precious Judeo-Christian values.

Via RWW, where there’s video, if you must torture yourself.

Bible Logick.

Bryan Fischer has come up with a novel case for being pro-death penalty: hey, good for the environment!

While making what he claimed was a biblical case for the death penalty on his radio program yesterday, Bryan Fischer said that executing criminals is something that environmentalists should support because that is the only process through which the land can be cleansed of “pollution.”

Citing Numbers 35, Fischer declared that “the land is polluted and defiled by murder; when innocent blood is shed, the land is polluted.”

As per usual with christians, one verse is selected while ignoring the larger context. Numbers 35 is all about building cities, and how murderers can flee to said cities and find refuge, until they are properly judged for their act and the revenger (nearest kin to the murdered person) is allowed to kill them. There’s a whole lot about how only the revenger can be the one to administer capital punishment. Basically, this is a chapter detailing the rules and manners of being bloodthirsty, and where you are allowed to spill blood, and where you aren’t. Miss Manners for killers.

Also, Mr. Fischer doesn’t seem to be overly concerned by the difference between literal and figurative. One particular definition of pollution does not automatically apply to the other definitions. I’d urge you to look at a dictionary, could be right helpful.

“If you’re an environmentalist and you care about the pollution of the land of the United States of America, then you want to see murder stopped and you want to see murder avenged,” Fischer said. “You want to see justice done in the case of murder because Moses says in verse 33, ‘No atonement can be made for the land for the blood that is shed in it except by the blood of the one who shed it.’ So if we want to see our land cleansed from the pollution of the shedding of innocent blood, it’s not just enough to lock people up for the rest of their lives.”

Well, if all it takes to clean up the environment is to condemn all those who have spilled blood, that’s an outright condemnation of every human on the planet, given our constant wars and all; not one society has ever stood up and said “nope, we refuse. no war.” Going by biblical standards, just being unhappy with wars isn’t enough, so we all need to die. Granted, that would do wonders for the environment. Let’s agree that’s not a great solution though, especially as you wouldn’t be able to get everyone on board with that idea.

If you’re going to stick with Numbers, then only the closest kin of those murdered can carry out executions, and those executions must be done in specific cities, at specific times. Good luck with that one, Mr. Fischer. If you want to insist on this spilt blood is the worst pollution ever, and you believe in Jehovah, then your target is clear: kill that fucking god of yours, because as killers go, it would be one of the worst.

I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve recommended Drunk With Blood by Steve Wells, but if you haven’t read it, please do. If you’re a christian, don’t be afraid of it, nothing but bible in it (KJV too), with a bit of clarifying commentary. What it will do is drive home the sheer awfulness of this god, the absolute lack of consistency anywhere in the bible, and the sheer delight this fiendish creation of a god takes in being a bloodthirsty psychopath with all the restraint of sugar-loaded toddler.

Via RWW.

Happy Indigenous Peoples Day.

In celebration of Indigenous Peoples Day, have a book! Nothing like some good reading. Give As We Have Always Done by Leanne Betasamosake Simpson a read, you won’t be sorry! Ms. Simpson’s site is here, Peter d’Errico reviewed here, and the book can be purchased direct from UMN press.

Sunday Facepalm.

A pregnancy, at six weeks and two days. No perfect little mini-infant anywhere.

Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas appeared on Breitbart to discuss recent efforts to restrict abortion rights and to advocate for the anti-choice “heartbeat bill,” which according to its creator, Janet Porter, is designed to eventually outlaw abortions “before the mother even knows she’s pregnant.”


After updating Marlow on the House’s passage of the bill, Gohmert advocated for Porter’s “heartbeat bill,” which would criminalize abortions as early as six weeks into a pregnancy.

“Even though it doesn’t have an exception for rape or incest, the thing is you’ve got about six weeks and you know when you’re pregnant within six weeks,” Gohmert said, “so even for them, there’s a way out.”

No, no there isn’t. What with the constant erosion of medical rights, there’s no window there. Once travel time is calculated, then the mandatory wait times, then the mandatory test times, and so on, no. Then there’s always the issue of whether or not a pregnant person has the money to secure a timely termination. A lot of women don’t know they are pregnant at six weeks. When I was pregnant, I certainly had reason to suspect that condition, and was tested. My test came up negative, twice. By the time I had a test come up positive, I was smack on eight weeks, and had a termination scheduled inside of two days later. That was as quick as possible, and with the new draconian age, it wouldn’t be fast enough.

Life is seldom simple, and there are so many bars to obtaining a termination now that a pregnant person can count themselves lucky if they make a termination by eight weeks or earlier.

Later in the interview, Gohmert compared abortion to child sacrifice.

“I remember reading in the Bible, early on, about sacrificing kids for idols,” Gohmert recalled. “And I thought, ‘Gosh, thank goodness we live in a day where that never happens,’ that people would never be that callous.”

Right. You christian assholes are more than callous enough to see women stripped of rights, with no bodily autonomy whatsoever. You don’t want them to be able to access birth control. You don’t care about pregnant people at all, you concern yourself solely with the power to force birth. You don’t care about their mental and emotional health. You’re callous enough to not give one teensy shit about actual children. You don’t care if they are neglected. You don’t care if they starve. You don’t care if they are beaten. You don’t care if they are raped. You don’t care if they end up on the street. You don’t care if they are killed. You certainly don’t care about pregnant people dying, that’s just fine with you, after all, sluts should be punished, shouldn’t they? :spits:

“And then you realize, ‘Wait, that’s what we’re doing with abortions.’ We’re sacrificing kids for the idol of self-centeredness,” Gohmert said.

It’s the opposite of self-centeredness, you vile doucheweasel. People who obtain a termination have their reasons, which are none of your business, but you can consider such decisions to be for the best, in all regards.

RWW has the full story.

“I guess all we can do is not watch Star Trek,”

Disclaimer: I have not watched Star Trek Discovery, and unless it’s out on disc one of these days, most likely won’t see it. In spite of the various opinions I have read about it, I am glad there’s serious attention to diversity, we need more of that.

Okay, on to Pete LaBarbera, who is all upsetty about Discovery having a gay couple, portrayed by gay actors. Mr. LaBarbera is opining that this simply isn’t balanced or fair.

LaBarbera discussed the Star Trek news with VCY America’s Jim Schneider on the September 26 episode of the “Crosstalk” program, saying that the show’s decision to include gay characters is another sign that “the homosexual activists are never satisfied, they always want more, more, more.”

Wanting representation is hardly “more, more, more”, Mr. LaBarbera. Quickly, run through your not overused brain, the representation of white straight people. All of history. I’ll wait. This is one show, that is not going to be beamed directly into peoples’ heads or anything. It’s hardly the Queer Revolution, dear.

At the same time, he said, “We have yet to see an ex-gay, a former homosexual prominently portrayed in Hollywood.”

Um, well, first, catch your ex-gay star. I don’t watch bad christian films, but I’m sure this has been covered by one of them. Perhaps you could talk Kevin Sorbo into portraying a ‘former’ homosexual? I’m sure he’d do it, playing the role with all the wooden enthusiasm he brings to his caricatures of atheists. I imagine that the Hollywood number crunchers are fully aware of the fact that trying to make money on a prominent portrayal of a ‘former’ homosexual simply won’t bring an audience. Or money.

“I guess all we can do is not watch Star Trek,” he said, adding that “this sort of propaganda” and “political correctness” is “why Trump won in the first place.”

Yes, that’s fine, don’t watch Discovery. No one will cry about it. As for the rest of your tripe, no, that’s not why the Tiny Tyrant “won”. Corruption is the answer you’re looking for.

When Schneider asked LaBarbera what listeners could do to confront this kind of thing, LaBarbera said, “Remember, the other side never stops fighting. There is a battle between good and evil in this country.” He urged listeners to call their elected officials about enforcing Trump’s announced ban on military service for transgender people and opposing the “very, very dangerous” Equality Act, which “would make it easier for homosexual activists and liberal attorneys to persecute people of faith for opposing this juggernaut which calls itself ‘gay.’”

:near-fatal eyeroll: Oh cupcake…when our mere existence is enough to give you hives, it’s rather difficult to avoid the whole “persecution” shtick. Perhaps you should work on not being so incredibly sensitive, your hysterical tendencies do get all over peoples’ nerves. Go on, go sit in your closet, stick your fingers in your ears, squinch your eyes shut, and whatever you do, avoid Discovery. You’ll be fine.

Via RWW.