Okay, Is Everyone Upset?

Fonts used: Blasphemy, Black Cow, Zazen Matrix, Zombified. © C. Ford.

According to the Family Research Council, all of us secular liberal types are all upset, reallytrulyseriously upset, because merry christmas. Going by them, it’s a type of wolf’s bane – now you too can ward off those evil and scary secular liberals, by saying merry christmas! Yes, it’s that easy! Just three easy payments of $29.95, and we’ll show you the secret to… :cough: Sorry about that.

In an email yesterday on behalf of FRC’s political arm, FRCAction, Boykin wrote under the subject line “Finally, a president who celebrates Christmas!”:

This Christmas, President Trump is further separating himself from the left-wing legacy of Barack Obama, who famously wanted a “non-religious” Christmas.

The Trumps are highlighting a larger-than-life nativity scene and displaying a wealth of beautiful decorations celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.

They are wishing Americans a “Merry Christmas” in the White House, on social media, and even on their beautiful Christmas cards.

While the White House may be celebrating Christmas, secularist liberals around the nation are upset that our president is honoring this blessed time of year. They are more determined than ever to strip away our rights to celebrate our faith — and the true meaning of our most treasured and joyous holidays — in the public square.

I don’t give a shit what people do on their own property, but promoting one particular religion has no place in any publicly funded building or institution. Y’know, separation of church and state, all that. The Tiny Tyrant is a fucking idiot, who is tossing this to all the other idiots, like it means something.

We are a nation that was founded on the freedom of religion.

Yeah. It would be really nice if you fucking christians figured out that doesn’t mean freedom of christianity only. That’s what you want it to mean, but that doesn’t make it so. FFS, you morons worship the damn constitution more than your psychopathic god, and you still can’t get anything right.

Now, we are fighting to preserve those very rights that the Founding Fathers gave us in the Constitution.

When President Obama was in office, his hand had to be forced to include images of the nativity in his decor. He downplayed Christmas at every opportunity.

For eight years Barack Obama avoided mentioning Christmas whenever possible and instead used terms such as “Seasons Greetings.”

There are millions of Americans who share this same secular sentiment with the former president, and they don’t want to see President Trump so openly and publicly celebrating the birth of Christ during this blessed season.

Quite honestly, I don’t care what the Tiny Tyrant does, I’m really trying to not pay attention, else I’d just be a big stain on the wall. The Fucking Idiot can pretend to be a christian all he wants, and you idiots are free to swallow it whole.

They want to stop you and me from publicly living out the principles of our faith during Christmas, or at any time of year!

Yeah, ya see, the sticking point is that publicly business. Say merry christmas all you want, and you’ll see exactly no one upset about it. Weigh yourself down with instruments of execution, sing your hymns, wear a nativity scene on your head, whatever. Who cares? It’s just that you don’t get to claim public buildings, in which all society is served, to be exclusively christian. Get it? You have to share the religious stage, oh my.

That’s why brave Christian brothers and sisters are in court all around the country right this minute, fighting to defend our right to the freedom of religion. It’s why activists just like you are working through their churches and in their communities to keep Christ in Christmas.

Oh FFS. And us godless types are the ones who are supposed to be upset? Have a cup of eggnog or something, and relax a bit.* You won’t fucking die if other people celebrate in whatever fashion they see fit, and try to figure out why being exclusionary bigots isn’t working out for you.  Me, I’ll carry on with my Brumalia, and Saturnalia is right around the corner! Good times.

*Next year, think about indulging in Krampusnacht, that’s on December 5th. You can start celebrating early! There’s more to life than your psychogod.

Via RWW.

John Bisbee.

Tesselation Phage, Twisted, 12-inch, Welded Spikes, “Only Nails, Always Different”, Pennsylvania College of Art and Design Gallery, Lancaster, PA, Curated by Heidi Leitzki, 10’x 21’, 2015. Photo: Tom Bejgrowicz.

© 2016 by John Bisbee.

Seed in Progress. Photo: Luc Demers.

For nearly three decades, John Bisbee has welded and forged 12-inch spikes under the mantra, “Only nails, always different.”

Wondrous sculptures by John Bisbee. Have a wander today.

The More Things Change…

The More They Stay The Same. This is particularly true when it comes to women’s rights. There were some comments on the anti-suffrage card used in Nag, Nag, Naggin’ into Government. A common theme heard now is that women don’t want equality, they want dominance. A lot of people seem to be of the opinion that equality is simply not achievable, it must be case of domination, and the thought of women being the ones on top is particularly terrifying to many men. This was a very common theme in anti-suffrage postcards, one could say it was the dominant theme. Men are pictured doing housework, and horror of horrors, taking care of their children. This nonsense is still bandied about, and all too often you’ll see or hear a reference to a man babysitting for a day – yet the children being cared for are his own. Parents are supposed to take care of their children, and this does apply to men too. Really. Another common theme was just how gosh darn ugly those suffragists were. Unfortunately, that anti-feminism sentiment is still alive and well.

So, in the category of yep, still happening, a sampling of anti-suffrage cards, most under the fold. There are many more to be seen at all the given links.

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The Account of the Birds, Dove.

All of the text will be below the fold, because it carries on like you would not believe, most of it about doves.

The dove and hawk sit on a perch under a twin-domed edicule. They represent the clergy and the military, converted and sharing a monastic life together.



Three Doves, white, multi-coloured, and black. Franco-Flemish Bestiary, 1270.

Three Doves, white, multi-coloured, and black. Franco-Flemish Bestiary, 1270.

[Read more…]

Nag, Nag, Naggin’ into Government.

Remember Carl Gallups and Mike Shoesmith, those valiant conservachristians who railed about “Chemical Sexual Assault“? They’re at it again, with a somewhat narrower focus. Seems they are convinced that Michelle Obama will run for president in 2020, which naturally scares the shit out of these brave men. This speculation is based on a World Nut Daily article, which is a whole post of its own. I will note this one small excerpt from the WND article:

4. It’s smart to play hard to get – and that’s what she’s doing:It’s way too early for any serious candidate to throw his or her hat into the ring. Any candidate who does so now is not a serious candidate.

Uh, if that makes a candidate smart, considering that the Tiny Tyrant started campaigning for ‘020 within weeks of the election, and is still doing so…

Okay, on with the scared man show:

Shoesmith said that the recent wave of sexual misconduct allegations against powerful men is being orchestrated by a modern-day women’s suffrage movement akin to the one in early 1900s “which guilted men into giving the women whatever they wanted.”

“Women were withholding sex from their husbands,” he griped. “They nagged their way into government, into politics.

Considering how most women were treated sexually in the 1900s, there may have been all manner of reasons for not wanting to engage in sex; that said, you don’t know that, you idiot, you just assume it, because you think that’s the only power any woman has, no possibility of women using their minds or anything.  And yes, women had to fight for basic rights, a fight which has been going on for well over a thousand years (frinst., Lex Oppia), and we’re still fighting. It’s beyond asshole behaviour to trivialise what Suffragists went through. Once again, women were treated as little more than animals.

Say what you want about that, but men need to stand up for the muscular, masculine aspect of what the country needs as a whole. Women are running everything now—it’s okay that women have a say, in my mind, but they can’t run everything because now we have legalized abortion, legalized gay marriage; it’s all about feelings and emotions with these women. So men need to be a balance to all of this, but men are being shoved to the side—Matt Lauer, all of these guys—they are all being shoved to the side and the women are stepping in to take over and I believe that Michelle Obama will be the spearhead of a new women’s suffrage movement to just fully take over government in America.”

:violent headdesk: First of all, you fucking idiot, suffrage means the right to vote. We got that one, so there won’t be a “new womens’ suffrage”. Christ. You muscular masculine types have been running things, forfuckingever. You’ve made one hell of a mess out of everything, too. Now you spend all your time with muscular masculine moaning. We supposedly have the right to bodily autonomy and choice, but it seems you haven’t been paying attention to just how effing difficult it is to get a termination these days. Well, I guess you muscular masculine men wouldn’t have any particular reason to pay attention. As for same sex marriage, I don’t know how to break this to you, dudely dudes, but a whole lot of people involved in that one were *gasp* men! A person might conclude that men have feelings too. People like Matt Lauer and “all of these guys” are being “shoved to the side” because they are abusive assholes who have committed crimes for an appallingly long time.

Gallups shared Shoesmith’s “angst” about a Michelle Obama candidacy, saying that he knows “so much” about the corruption within the deep state thanks to his role as a “special deputy” on disgraced sheriff Joe Arpaio’s “Cold Case Posse” investigation into President Obama’s birth certificate that he is “terrified that Michelle Obama will be the next president” due to massive electoral fraud.

None of you assholes know one damn thing. You pull shit straight out of your asses and treat it like absolute truth. The only electoral fraud going on is illegal voter suppression, which white male conservachristians are wholly in favour of, because women, people of colour, oh no!

To make things worse, Gallups and Shoesmith agreed that Michelle Obama would also benefit from the “demonic forces at work here” that want to see her back in the White House.

Oh yes, demons. Of course, demons. Okay, today, we have Orobas:

Orobas is a powerful Great Prince of Hell, having twenty legions of demons under his control.
He supposedly gives true answers of things past, present and to come, divinity, and the creation of the world; he also confers dignities and prelacies, and the favour of friends and foes. Orobas is faithful to the conjurer, does not permit that any spirit tempts him, and never deceives anyone. He is depicted as a horse that changes into a man under the conjurer’s request.

Via RWW.


View and Plan of Jerusalem.--Fac-simile of a woodcut in the "Liber Chronicarum Mundi" large folio, Nuremberg, 1493. <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:View_and_Plan_of_Jerusalem_Fac_simile_of_a_Woodout_in_the_Liber_Chronicarum_Mundi_large_folio_Nuremberg_1493.png">Source</a>.

View and Plan of Jerusalem.–Fac-simile of a woodcut in the “Liber Chronicarum Mundi” large folio, Nuremberg, 1493. Source.

RWW has the full rundown on all the christians who have been pushing for the Jerusalem move, and how excited they are over finally having a puppet who gave them what they most desire: the apocalypse. The apocalypse they want so very much won’t happen, but a different sort might, given this unbelievably bone-headed decision. Christians do excel at coming up with batshit nonsense to shore up their position on anything, and this is no exception:

Anti-BDS activist and filmmaker Laurie Cardoza-Moore, reportedly considering a run for Congress from Tennessee, contributed a column to Haaretz welcoming “Trump’s obedience to God’s word on Jerusalem.”  “We as a Judeo-Christian nation have a responsibility to uphold the word of God” she had said earlier this month, urging Trump to act.

Cardoza-Moore told Gordon Klingenschmitt that people often ask her where the United States is in the End Times, and she always tells them, “Look at the English spelling of the word Jerusalem. What are the three letters in the center of that word? U.S.A. … That is our prophetic place to be.”

Oh look, there’s the USA! It’s right there, in another word, must be a god! Only in the English spelling mind, because Amerikan English is the one true language of Jehovah.  I might not mind this bonnaconshit so much if it weren’t for the mind-numbing stupidity. We really don’t need people thinking we are that stupid. It’s so embarrassing.

RWW has the full, depressing story.

ETA: Bannon is also speaking about this:

“Isn’t this really showing the muscle of the evangelical community? Because President Trump, one of the reasons he did this, besides the reason that he knew was the smart thing to do and the right thing to do, was the fact that his base, right, particularly that part that’s evangelical Right, which is a huge part of his base, really has been demanding this for quite a while,” Bannon said.

Full story here.