
  1. rq says

    I’m more curious about your opinion on The Buried Giant, I’ve had an eye on it at the bookstore for a while but the hardcover is way expensive. Good to see it will finally be available in softcover.

  2. says

    It will be a while, D.O.D.O. is a big book, and stuffed with hard science, primarily physics of the especially difficult kind to grasp.

    I’ve read Ishiguro’s other books, so that was an autograb for me. His books tend toward the emotionally devastating, and he’s not overly keen on happy endings, but that’s okay. Having just emerged from the 17th century, going back into history was a temptation I easily caved to; but I’m reading the other first to try and accustom myself to this century again, at least sort of -- the people in D.O.D.O. don’t stay in this century.

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