It’s time to join Ice Swimmer on his walk around Harakka.
Chapter 15 – East
The bird watching shelter we visited earlier is on the right. Sunday was definitely brighter than Saturday. Across the water are the island Särkkä and Suomenlinna Sea Fortress.
Once again we can see it was both sunny and foggy.
The Vellamo building is a Nature Education Centre for children.
This is one of the birches next to the path on the eastern shore of Harakka. It isn’t the same birch we saw in the summer series. I think that we would come across it if we walked ahead. However, we’ll go to another direction.
The building on the left is the Harakka Nature Centre. In the front yard the mirror and the solar panel are used for demonstrating how solar power can be utilized.
There is a path uphill that starts around the corner of the Nature Centre.
Continuing uphill, we would get back to the Artists’ Building.
In the next installment we’ll be going to the top of the island.
There’s a lot of rich rich colour in this set of photos. The oranges and greens in the birch picture are phenomenal. My favourite, though, is the Sun and Vellamo. The light in that photo is downright magical.
voyager basically said what I wanted to say, that the third photo is full of magic. As for colour, my favourite are the second, fifth and that final flight of stairs.
So many wonderful pics. You do have such an eye for scenery.
Thank you, all.
The final flight of stairs is wonderful, but I think my favourite is the second one. I see six layers and each one is beautiful and captivating: the vegetation with little wildflowers, the pond that sustains all that green, the smooth rock that’s just asking to be walked on barefoot, the sea reflecting the most beautiful pale tones, the horizon which actually has a lot going on, and finally the sky displaying a relaxing colour gradient. I just love that picture.