I was just sitting around daydreaming about the kind of world I’d rather live in. There’s so much to change; this exercise always makes me think of The Lathe of Heaven. But maybe you’ll enjoy this one:
Imagine all of the member nations of the United Nations except Russia, the US, and China – just upped and quit. On Friday, at about noon. They all quit.
By Monday next, they agree to and ratify a new United Equal Nations charter which is exactly the same as the existing UN charter except with two differences:
- No security council vetos
- All member nations must ratify the International Criminal Court
That’s it. And, of course, the US, China, and Russia are invited to join.

Midjourney AI and mjr: the logo of a new united nations, “peace over all”
What’s sad is that probably wouldn’t work and wouldn’t happen. The US is careful to avoid using its veto unless it absolutely wants to look like a dick before the whole world, otherwise it uses trade deals and back room leverage. That “soft power”, unfortunately, would carry the day. The US really is the global imperial power, and it’s only going to let other countries do what they want unless it becomes annoying. In the real world, if anyone pulled a move like I’m imagining, there’d be a wave of CIA-sponsored “regime change.”
but, but, but… what about Britain* and the other one?
(* ‘England’ to those in the US… and England)
So… The rest of us declaring ourselves free men on the land/sovreign citizens/whatever then? The reality of the world is that regardless of protestations of”soft power”, power resides with the people with the means and the will to use force. Like the police, domestically, and like the US and Russia, internationally.
Well fuck nuggets….you got me you sly bastard.
“Political power flows out of the barrel of a gun” (Mao Zedong)
“Money is power”
“Knowledge is power”
Having all three is particularly powerful. Relatedly, check out the latest issue of Mother Jones. The theme is “Oligarchy”.