These photos are from commentariat(tm) member ‘dangerousbeans’.
Perhaps you will recall the tale of the wandering bar of suminigashi that was somewhere in the postal service [stderr], fate unknown due to coronavirus-caused air service interruptions. It re-surfaced a few weeks ago when I got an email “it’s here!” Nothing from the US Postal service, though suddenly the package showed “delivered” – it’s a success, and I’ll take it however it happens.
dangerousbeans completed mounting the bar in a chisel for wood-lathing and I can see why she’s chuffed about how it looks. That baby’s going to chew some wood!
I’m impressed at the narrowness of the handle and the ferrule – that’s a hard target to fit a 3/8″ steel bar into. Good job!
The ferrule of a lathe chisel is a very important part of its structural strength. It serves to distribute impact and also acts as a backstop in case the front of the handle starts to come apart. Lovely!
I am actually not very good at identifying wood, but that looks like cross-grain oak. I love the old-school look of his handle, which is such a different interpretation of chisel handle from my own.
Thanks for sharing! I love it when a collaboration works out.
One of the reasons I am not very good at wood identification is because most of the woods I see are exotic versions of exotic woods, or exotic versions of normal woods. Sure, I can identify a plain piece of white maple, but that’s easy. Identifying a piece of spalted burl is a different matter: is it boxwood or mesquite? Um. It looks like a fractal, is all I can say. Burls of some woods bear no resemblance to the normal grain – i.e.: walnut burl. I remember a piece of lignum vitae burl I saw once, now that was something (it was destined to be turned into pegs for a musical instrument). And the bog oak I’ve worked with – some of it you’d be hard-pressed to identify as oak. Or, I would. The best part is that I really don’t have to care; I can tell if a piece of wood is solid enough by its weight and the sound it makes when the tablesaw blade hits it. If the tablesaw starts to smoke, it’s hard enough.
Nice to hear that the Saga of the Wandering Bar had a happy ending. That makes a lovely chisel, nice work, dangerousbeans!
the wood is spotted gum. it’s a common eucalypt, quite tough but not massively dense (by our standards, it doesn’t sink). somewhat similar to a hard oak.
i think the weakest point is the little waist i did for where i like to rest my thumb and index finger, but that’s still ~3cm thick.
now i just need a project to try it out with
my pronouns are she/her btw
my pronouns are she/her btw
It was really thoughtless of me not to ask. I’ve gone back and repaired the posting.