There’s one part of my property that’s basically a bog. Things grow really well there, because there are a half-dozen springs that ooze water even in dry summers. So far, anyway; I’m sure eventually the frackers will drain the water-table.
To get this, I started hopping from clod of dirt to clod of dirt, getting closer all the time – until I hopped on a clod that was not dirt. Sploop. It was especially nasty since my shoe stayed at the bottom of the sploop-hole. But I got my shoe back, wiped my hands on my shirt, and put my iPhone to work.
The things we do for art!
It is beautiful, the berries are glowing. The different layers are incredible, so it was worth it for that framing.
Oh, that is beautiful! Hooray for bogs, they are wonderful places.
Don’t let the Army Corps of Engineers know about it, they will stop you from splooping and probably fine you for the splooping you’ve already done as well.
Don’t let the Army Corps of Engineers know about it, they will stop you from splooping and probably fine you for the splooping you’ve already done as well.
It always ends in air strikes, doesn’t it?
When I first moved up here, I re-forested one of the fields by the simple expedient of slinging two big buckets over P-nut (my faithful equine, uh, thing) (he says he is not mine) and pulling up baby pine trees. There are zillions of them in the muck, all destined to die, but you can simply reach down and pull up a double-handful of sploop with the whole root ball. For 3 years we did that for a day in the spring – it also gave the dogs a chance to sploop, which they did very enthusiastically – and about 50% of the trees made it. They’re all about 20′ tall now. Time!
Lovely image.
Yes, one day I’ll probably die from doing something stupid to get That One Photograph.
You could have become The Bogman of the future. I think that’s how they all get there..
Slooping gone wrong.
I assume some trees still have green leaves where you live? Or was this photo taken some time ago? Green leaves in December look alarming.
By the way, where I live we already have snow and temperatures are below freezing. At least here it’s more normal.
Ilex verticillata, is it? If you’re in a bog, splooping can end… very badly. At least it was just your shoe, this time.
And the photo is definitely worth the risk.