The National White Male Registry.



All white men must be signed up by January 20th. Do your duty, White Dudes!

As you may or may not know, in America 57% of reported rapes1 and 64% of mass shootings2 were committed by white men. 45% of all serial killers are white men3. 1 in 3 women will experience some form of domestic violence during their lifetime4, and 97% of those domestic violence perpetrators were men5.

According to a Newsweek article from earlier this year, Right Wing Extremists pose a greater threat to National security than ISIS6, and in the past week alone The Southern Poverty Law Center has registered over 400 reports of hate crimes enacted in the name of the nationalist, racist, and sexist campaign rhetoric espoused by Donald J Trump7. Every day, as shocking staff appointments and Muslim registry plans start to emerge from the President-Elect’s transition team8,9, one thing has become increasingly clear: the safety of American citizens– all American citizens– is in danger.

Forget the nation of Islam, our most immediate threat to domestic security is and always has been white, straight men.

That is why I have decided to do my part as a Red Blooded Patriot by creating The White Male Registry. It is a simple google form complete with questions that will help identify just how much of a threat to American security any individual white male may pose to the general public.

Until January 20th all white men may voluntarily register themselves. Special consideration may or may not be granted to those who register before this date. After January 20th, however, I will be encouraging anyone and everyone to add to the list any non-registered white male they may personally perceive as a threat to their safety.

I will also be registering every white man in Washington one by one. I started with Donald J Trump himself and sent him a message this morning via his website:

Hi Mr President-Elect and your esteemed team of assistants,

I am writing to inform you that I’ll be adding your name to the National White Men Registry I have just created. I’m trying to keep America safe from the ethnic group that, statistically speaking, poses the largest threat to national safety: white, straight, CIS-gendered men.

I hope you’ll join me in asking other white men to register in the interest of national safety, for as you so wisely said, “We want to be very fair but too many bad things are happening and the percentage of true hatred is too great. People that are looking to destroy our country must be reported and turned in by the good people who love our country and want America to be great again.”

I couldn’t have said it better.

All the best to you and your transition team. I sincerely hope that we have the chance to meet in person one day so that I can grab you by your most esteemed man-pussy. But be forewarned: once I grab it I will never, ever, ever let go.

To the White Men of America, I humbly ask that you do your part for National Security and American Freedom. We can not rest until @allwhitemen are present and accounted for.

In solidarity for All Americans. Be Well.

*Because there will be at least one person who doesn’t get it, see here, and please note use of the word satirical.

Have Fun, but Don’t Get Lost in Distraction.

1-xbhie71k8cn0qrodgh83dgLike most people, I’ve been having a bit of fun with Trump’s stupidity over Pence’s appearance at Hamilton, but it’s important to not get overwhelmed with this little distraction. It’s becoming increasingly clear that Trump does not plan to work as a president, or to treat the presidency as an actual political office. It would be more to point to change the name of this country to The Corporate Interests of the White One Percent, because that’s what is happening right under our collective nose. He plans to install his relatives into his “team” in spite of nepotism laws; he refuses to deal with his personal assets in the permitted ways; he’s more focused on the shoring up of his failing enterprises than anything else. Trump keeps handing key positions to very frightening people, who are more than willing to commit evil acts. So, sorry for the downer, but it’s important to keep up with what’s happening, rather than allow ourselves to be deluded by the idea that this presidency will just be a silly circus for the next four years. It may well be a silly circus, but it’s going to be a damn dangerous one, too.

Trump has decided on Sessions for Attorney General. Might as well change that to Inquisitor General, it’s much more suitable to Sessions’ inclinations and beliefs, which are frightening as all hells. Back when there was still some sanity in the republican party, they turned Sessions down for a federal judgeship as being too racist and extreme. That happened during the Reagan years. Yep. Starting to get an idea of what life might be like for everyone who is not pasty white? Combine Sessions being AG with Trump’s vow to reinstate stop and frisk. Do your homework on Sessions, because this news is every bit as bad as Bannon being appointed, perhaps worse. Sessions One. Sessions Two. Sessions Three. Sessions thinks anyone who smokes weed should not only be in prison, he thinks they shouldn’t get out. He’s also dead against the commutations of drug sentences President Obama recently signed.

Getting back to the President-elect for a bit, the kissing up is right on schedule, because you just don’t want to offend someone with all that money, right? We’re also marching straight into Kleptocracy, barely got to see Democracy leaving the building.

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Booed! Boo Hoo Hoo, says Trump. Also, Safe Space!

Apparently, what happened to Pence at Hamilton was harassment, so sayeth President-elect Pussy Grabber, an obvious expert on harassment. If you aren’t in the mood for right wing logic, I suggest staying clear of the tweet stream.

Uh oh…

Oh no, could President-elect Pussy Grabber possibly be talking about a safe space? Next thing you know, he’ll want content warnings. Tsk.

Oh, and people are having fun with #BoycottHamilton, too:

Another Standing Rock Waits in the Wings.

Tohono O’odham Elder, second to last on the right in gray shirt. Credit: C. Ford.

Tohono O’odham Elder, second to last on the left in gray shirt. Credit: C. Ford.

Some of you might remember this from one of the many camp posts:

The Tonoho O’odham elder spoke again, about the loss of much of their way of life when they lost the Gila River. He spoke of Roosevelt’s “offer” to move them to Oklahoma (translation: you walk there), and how the people refused, wanting to stay on their own land, and how so many of them died. He spoke of Sihasin, saguaro, who are guardians. He spoke about the insanity of imposed borders where he lives, and the rabid people trying to keep people out. He spoke of a time when there were no artificial borders, and of how often he crosses this border himself, to get water or medicine. He said he is always stopped, but he speaks to people in his language, which they do not understand, and they always let him go. Other people had also spoken of the imposed borders, in the attempt to keep primarily Mexicans out, and pleaded with all tribes to offer people sanctuary, as these borders are not ours.

The Tonoho O’odham elder who was the head of their runners, those of their nation who ran all the way from Arizona to the Oceti Sakowin camp in nDakota, often spoke about the imposed borders his people had to put up with. Their peoples’ land extends past the artificial borders, and they feel free to ignore such impositions, especially when they need to get certain plants, or visit sacred sites. As far as they are concerned, wašichu borders are stupid and meaningless. Now there’s Trump, who plans to build a big old fucking wall, to keep everyone in. Oh, I mean out. The Tonoho O’odham have a different idea.

President-elect Donald Trump says that he will build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. It will stop undocumented immigrants from entering the country. It will stop drugs from entering the country. It will be 50 feet tall. It will be nearly a thousand miles long. And it will cut the traditional lands of the Tohono O’odham Nation of Arizona in half.

The Tohono O’odham reservation is one of the largest in the nation, and occupies area that includes 76 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border. However, the tribe’s traditional lands extend deep into Mexico, and tribal members live on both sides of the border: With tribal identification, they cross regularly to visit family, receive medical services, and participate in ceremonial or religious services.

The prospect of slicing their homelands in two? Not welcome.

“Over my dead body will a wall be built,” says Verlon Jose, vice chairperson of the Tohono O’odham Nation. “If he decides to build a wall, he’s going to need to come talk to us, unless he wants to see another Standing Rock.”

In other words, to build the wall, Mr. Trump will have to fight for every single mile of Tohono O’odham land—legally, and possibly even physically.

And they’re not the only tribal nation that would be impacted by the wall.

Robert Holden, deputy director of the National Congress of American Indians, points to the Ysleta Del Sur in Texas and tribes in California, such as the Kumeyaay, who have relatives in Mexico. “There’s significant tribal sovereignty at stake here,” Holden says.


This doesn’t mean things are peachy down on the Tohono O’odham reservation, though: Tribal members say they are routinely harassed by Border Patrol; cultural and religious items are frequently confiscated; and detentions and deportations of tribal citizens are not uncommon. In 2014, two tribal members were hospitalized after being shot by a Border Patrol agent. The situation has often been compared to a Berlin Wall-like scenario, but the tribe has fought for and maintained the ability to enjoy its traditional homelands—at least more than if a wall were running through the middle of it.

“Let me come into your home and build a wall directly in the middle of your house and tell me what impacts that would have on you?” says Jose. “This land is our grocery store; this land is our medical facility, where we get our medicinal remedies from; this land is our college and university. Our sacred sites are in Mexico; our ceremonies are in what is now Mexico. The border is an imaginary line to us.”

Full story is at YES! Magazine. Also of interest: Norway’s Largest Bank Divests From Dakota Access, Launches Own Investigation and What the Trump Victory Means for Standing Rock.

Saturday Silliness.

A Trump fan proudly shows off his Trump Starbucks cup (Twitter).

A Trump fan proudly shows off his Trump Starbucks cup (Twitter).

Donald Trump’s most ardent coffee-drinking followers are not happy that Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz endorsed Hillary Clinton this year — and they’ve come up with a curious way to get revenge.

As The Hill reports, Trump fans have started asking Starbucks baristas to write down Trump’s name on their cups when they order drinks. The “movement” was inspired by a Trump fan who had a temper tantrum in a Starbucks earlier this week when he accused Starbucks of engaging in “anti-white discrimination” because his coffee was delayed.

Now Trump fans are posting their #TrumpCups all over Twitter in an act of rebellion against Starbucks that also happens to involve giving the company more of their money.

There’s a shining example of right-wing logic for you. “We’ll make you say Trump’s name, hahahahaha!” all while handing over absurd amounts of money for what I understand isn’t an all that grand of a product. They’re also handing substantial amounts of money to a company they are all upset with. Life is beginning to resemble an episode of The Simpsons. In the midst of despair and feelings of helplessness, it’s important to remember the virtues of mockery. When something is absurd, it’s good to point it out with a healthy dose of mockery.

Via Raw Story.

In yet another fine example of right-wing logic, the white supremacists of Daily Stormer have their knickers in a knot over the Twitter ban of Richard Spencer and other prominent white supremacists. Twitter is trying to curb openly white nationalist garbage, so the solution? Well, the white dude club came up with this: fake black accounts! Yep.

“Twitter is about to learn what happens when you mess with Republicans,” said Anglin in the blog post. Anglin called on his readers to create more fake Twitter profiles, saying that their posts needed to be “indistinguishable” from actual Twitter accounts belonging to black people.

“When you have time, create a fake black person account,” Anglin wrote. “Just go on black Twitter and see what they look like, copy that model. Start filling it with rap videos and booty-shaking or whatever else these blacks post.”

Sounds like a really solid plan, right? No flaws at all, nope. Having an account which is absolutely indistinguishable from that of any actual person of colour, that will show them! Not that they can pull off that indistinguishable business. Seems they don’t realize that people of colour are people, y’know, individuals, with different ideas, tastes, likes and dislikes. They’ll be creating caricatures, and are confident they won’t be spotted.

Via Raw Story.





Belgian filmmaker and illustrator Vincent Bal works within the confines of long shadows of everyday objects resting in the sunlight to create a wide range of whimsical doodles. The shadow of a film canister becomes a forbidding tower, or the filaments of a lightbulb cast a dramatic backdrop as a staircase for a daring escape. Bal makes many of his images available as prints over on Etsy.

You can see more of this wonderful cleverness at Colossal.

That Trump Word (Continuation 8).

Video captures an immigrant cab driver reporting an assault by a drunk Michigan man (Screengrab).

Video captures an immigrant cab driver reporting an assault by a drunk Michigan man (Screengrab).

A Michigan man shouting “Trump” attacked an immigrant cab driver Saturday, reports.

Yemaj Adem, an Ethiopian immigrant, described the rage he encountered last weekend after a man, later identified as Jacob David Holtzlander,  jumped into his cab along with five women. Adem said he assumed Hotzlander was with the women, but later discovered otherwise.

According to Adem, Holtzlander—whom Adem said appeared drunk—became agitated when the cab driver informed him his offer of $10 would not be enough to complete the trip.

“The first punch, I was surprised,” Adem told “I’ve never experienced this from a fare. Five years now and I’ve never had an issue.”

“When I heard that Trump word, I knew this was something different,” he added.

Via Raw Story.

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