@realDonaldTrump conversation is not harassment sir. And I appreciate @mike_pence for stopping to listen.
— Brandon Victor Dixon (@BrandonVDixon) November 19, 2016
Apparently, what happened to Pence at Hamilton was harassment, so sayeth President-elect Pussy Grabber, an obvious expert on harassment. If you aren’t in the mood for right wing logic, I suggest staying clear of the tweet stream.
Uh oh…
The Theater must always be a safe and special place.The cast of Hamilton was very rude last night to a very good man, Mike Pence. Apologize!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 19, 2016
Oh no, could President-elect Pussy Grabber possibly be talking about a safe space? Next thing you know, he’ll want content warnings. Tsk.
Oh, and people are having fun with #BoycottHamilton, too:
Ok, #BoycottHamilton, a sold out show, and protest at Starbucks by buying Starbucks. You guys bristle at accusations of being stupid, but…
— Matt Braunger (@Braunger) November 19, 2016
They can't deal with a musical or with Megyn Kelly asking a question but they are totally gonna destroy Isis. #BoycottHamilton
— John (@linnyitssn) November 19, 2016
I’m sure there are a lot of “undocumented immigrants” who thought this was a “safe space”
Honestly, I wonder if the far right is starting to feel just a bit stupid for all their “oh, he’s macho! he’ll man up!” nonsense when speaking about Trump. He’s terribly sensitive and thin-skinned, and I’m sure we’ll be subjected to some fine “logic” about that soon enough.
He’s terribly sensitive and thin-skinned
For someone who calls people names like a playground punk, he sure can’t take what he dishes out.
In other words, just like every other whiny white cis het crymanbaby. They’re always for “free speech” and “against safe spaces” as long as it’s not about them.
Trump has already said that he’d like to model libel laws on the infamous UK ones.
(originally posted @ Death to Squirrels)
Ooh! I’ve had a hopeful thought. This morning I was worrying that Drumpf would insult world leaders on Twitter and get us into a war, but maybe we can keep him so busy being upset about Hamilton-style protests that he won’t have time for that. That’s something the American is about up to: Look over here, Trump! Meme! Meme! Actor-addressing-your-Vice! Squirrel!
The people who boo-ed Pence were audience members who paid $500 to $800+ for their tickets.
Not cast members.
Chigau @ 6:
You expected Pres-elect Pussy Grabber to be accurate? Or to acknowledge that the cast stopped the booing?
I’m pretty sure he’s not the first USAmerican president who wishes the theatre was a safe space.
I really, really hope this continues (intensifies actually) throughout the next four years. The fucking white supremacist needs to be reminded at every interaction with the public.
I keep thinking about Dawkins. Trump is just like Dawkins on twitter, completely out of fucking control, and I expect it’s going to get worse.
Vive la résistance!
More seriously, I can’t help but cringe at the repressions to follow. I do hope this continues, but I can’t bring myself to believe that it will be often and/or loud. Pretty sure efforts will be made to ensure this is as impossible as possible.