So, Markers.

So, some of you might remember me moaning about markers a while back. I bought a packet of cheap ones ($15.00) until I can work up to spending on good ones. Last night, I decided to do a bit of drawing, and the first thing I discover? The 005 marker is bone dry. Doesn’t work at all. Art supplies are just so gosh darn fun.

Hey, Art!

Not really. :D This is one of the T-shirts I was using when doing Submerged, then the rats did their part. I’m sure if I was enough of a pretentious twit, framed it, stuck it in a gallery, and made up a buncha twaddle about its significance, I could make good change off it. That won’t happen though. It’s gone back to the rats. Click for full size.

© C. Ford.

Unwanted CDs.

© C. Ford.

It seems I have a never ending supply of useless CDs, but they do have a use! In my case, they make for great paint pallettes, complete with a convenient hole for a finger. They can be scrubbed and re-used, or tossed when full of leftover paint.

I Am So Very Sorry!

I’m fine, it’s my wireless that experienced sudden death, and left me stranded. My abrupt disappearance from the world didn’t elicit concern in my partner, and as I had recently turned my phone over to him so he could keep a specific number, I had no means of communication. I am so so sorry if you have been worried, it’s been driving me a bit over the edge. Anyroad, there wasn’t much to do except keep painting, which I’ve done, and as you can see, Vala the Brave has decided to be my enthusiastic assistant. She’s almost as good at making a mess as I am.

So, new wireless unit, and normal blogging will resume in the morning! (My Tuesday morn).  I have taken many bad flash photos of the latest horses, I’ll get those up today. Again, I am so sorry.


Finally got stuff transferred over to the new fridge, and my Philco is defrosting. The Philco will be repatriated into my studio as art storage. I have no idea what the deal is with current fridges, and why they have all dispensed with egg trays. My Philco has two of them. Hmmmpf.

Time for Goop.

No, not that goop. The real stuff. As every needlesmith and other handcrafter knows, hand care is extremely important. You can’t have rough bits of skin snagging expensive materials and so forth. So, goop. When your skin reaches a too rough to work point, spoon a bit of sugar (couple tablespoons) and the oil of your choice, whisk it up, and have a good, long hand scrub. Most artists have their own formula, some prefer specific sugars, or coarse salt, and the oil choice varies quite a bit. I usually go with olive oil. I don’t use coarse salt, because I can always be counted on to have small nicks on my hand somewhere.

On The Hunt.

Today sees a need to hunt for a refrigerator, to replace my beloved early 1950s Philco, which is far from dead, but the latch is failing, and I’ve recently had to turn it up to ‘2’, which used to freeze everything solid. Ours is one of the odd ones, with the latch on the right, opening to the left. Almost all the Philcos had their latches on the left, unless it was the marvelous V version, which opened from either side.

I won’t be able to part with it; I’ll set it up in my studio as art supply storage. As it’s metal, the rats will leave it be. All the inside racks and such are a translucent aqua blue, kinda spectacular. So, off to find a small, absolutely no frills fridge, I’m hoping to be able to find one without a freezer, as we have a late 1940s Zenith chest freezer which is unbelievably huge.

Have A Happy.

As I write, it’s Monday afternoon, and I’m tired, beyond grouchy, and in too much pain. So, I hope everyone has a happy whatever you want to call it this Tuesday, and if it isn’t a holiday where you are, I hope you have a happy day, afternoon, or evening too. Me, I’m taking the day off.  I might show up some time today, I might not, but I’ll definitely be back on Odin’s Day, and hopefully, be feeling a bit more human.

One thing which would be immensely cheering: books. I’m in one of those summer publisher’s deserts, awaiting many books starting late this month. I can’t cope without a teetering stack of books to read, electronic or paper. So, what have you all been reading?

Pain Poisons Everything.

Been having very high levels of pain lately, which also seeps out all over my attitude. Having to get up early to blog every day doesn’t help, because I’m a nocturnal sort. I don’t function well in the morning, and no matter how much sleep I get, it never feels enough because morning. So, outside of a couple scheduled things, Affinity will be slow starting Friday. All the regular stuff will show up, just later than normal, I’m giving my alarm clocks a day off.

If I Disappear…

You can blame the Evil Empire, aka Verizon. Trying to get net access has been extremely trying lately; I have to kill and reboot the wireless unit from 4 to 12 times in order to even have my connection show up, and even when it does, I keep getting kicked off, making blogging a right pain in the arse. There’s a tower down or summat like, and as Verizon doesn’t seem to be overly aware of rural users, it might be a while until it gets back to the normal level of truly crappy, overpriced ‘service.’

Anyroad, if I’m late getting started (like today), or gone entirely for a day, I’m fine, I’m just probably trying to walk off the desire to smash the wireless unit into tiny splinters.

Aaaaaaaaand, in line with this being a remarkably shitty day, just pulled a fucking godsdamned tick off my head.