One Step At A Time.

When Mosha, an elephant, was two years old, she lost her leg in a landmine injury along the Thai-Burmese border. Luckily, an orthopedic surgeon was able to fit her with the first prosthetic leg ever designed for an elephant. As she’s grown, she’s needed to be fitted for new ones. But she’s never forgotten the doctor who changed her life.

All together now…aaaaaawwwwwww.

Via Great Big Story.

Evening Turkeys.

The last few times I’ve encountered our visiting turkeys, I’ve talked to them, and they now recognize my voice and don’t worry about me over much. Today, they let me sit fairly close and take photos of them having a groom and rest session. Afterward, they entertained me by flying to the top of the cat kennel, making one amazingly loud noise as each one landed. They had an interesting time dealing with chain link, but navigated it successfully until they were on the roof. I talked to them the whole time they were up there, and they often burbled something back.  I know they will leave eventually, but I am so loving having them here. This is such a great experience, and I am so thankful to the Matriarch for granting me approved status. And I have enough photos to do a “The Daily Wild Turkey” for a while! Click for full size.











© C. Ford.