I took my mother yesterday to visit her sister, my favourite aunt. She has a really exquisite garden, but unfortunately the spring is not that advanced here yet to see it at its best. And I also have forgotten my camera, so I could only make pictures with my phone. Which sucks, but I think they still are worth looking at. Click for full size.
©Charly, all rights reserved.
Oh, so beautiful! I love the White Erica.
Beautiful. The fourth is my favourite, I love the colour and the coyness.
I don’t seem to have much luck with erica, though I really like how they bring colour into tge grey time.
Click for full size should work now. I do not know what happened there again, FTB seems to have its own head sometimes.
Charly, if you’re in the habit of changing your image settings in the media library, it will keep those settings until you change them. Just make sure you always have your link set to media file, and full size. I always put my images up full size; they are automatically resized smaller when the post goes up, and click for full size always works. If you have a lot of images, you can always put some of them under a fold.
Also, if you add images in text mode, they will automatically space; if you do it in visual mode, you have to add spaces between them.
These are lovely! I especially like the Cyclamens, I don’t have much luck with them but I have always kept them in pots, now I’m wondering if they would do better if I planted them directly in the soil…
What pretty colours, especially the pink Erica. I’m not familiar with this plant, but I love the delicate bunches of blooms. Thanks for sharing, Charly. I needed that today. Everything around here is still dull and grey. No blooms in sight.