Naberius, most valiant Marquess of Hell, and has nineteen legions of demons under his command. He makes men cunning in all arts (and sciences, according to most authors), but especially in rhetoric, speaking with a hoarse voice. He also restores lost dignities and honors.
Mike Shoesmith, of chemical assault fame, has taken a break from whinging on about the evils of women. Apparently, Mr. Shoesmith sees the late Stephen Hawking as being a demon puppet, nothing more, because Billy Graham.
…“[Graham] is a hundred percent devoted,” Shoesmith said. “The Lord sees his heart, gives him a tremendous ministry, and who do you think is sitting in the background going, ‘I have to do something about this, this guy is sold out, I have to do something’? Who do you think is sitting in the background doing that? The devil, right?”
“So, in 1942, that is when Billy Graham’s ministry really takes off, and who do you think was born in 1942?” he continued. “Stephen Hawking. Stephen Hawking comes from a long line of atheists—his father and all these people—so I believe the devil said, ‘OK, this guy was just born and I’m going to use this guy. This guy is already primed to accept my message that there is no God. He is already primed for it, he is going to be awash, immersed in atheism all his years as a child, I’m going to take over this guy’s life.’”
A great many people were born in 1942. I’m sure a fair number of them were not christian, and Graham was just another con artist, nothing more.
“I believe Stephen Hawking was kept alive by demonic forces,” Shoesmith said. “I believe that it was the demonic realm that kept this man alive as a virtual vegetable his entire life just so he could spread this message that there is no God.”
Oh FFS. Do you know what the word virtual means, Mr. Shoesmith? I don’t think you do. Mr. Hawking was not a vegetable, in any sense. To the contrary, he was a very active person, and he spent most of his life spreading the wonders of physics. He really didn’t spend much time on atheism, and he certainly was not the equivalent huckster to Graham. Mr. Hawking was very lucky indeed to have been born in a country with healthcare. If he had been born in Ustates, his life would have most likely been brutal and short, with his grieving parents left under a crushing mountain of debt. So, if this was Lucifer’s doing, rather looks like he’s the good guy, doesn’t it?
Shoesmith went on to assert that if Hawking had simply reached out to God, Jesus would have cast the demons out of him and he would have been completely and miraculously healed.
Thanks to medicine and tech, Mr. Hawking was able to live into his seventies, which is pretty good for someone with such a serious disease, whereas that weak ass god of yours once again displayed a compleat inability to do jack shit. If Jehovah wanted to impress the fuck out of Mr. Hawking, could he not have shown up momentarily and cured him? That seems to be more the way to get a dedicated convert, no?
Anyroad, it’s well beyond shitty of you to run down a brilliant scientist and all around good man, after he’s dead of course, because you would never have the spine to do it when he was alive. Thanks ever for confirming yet again that you asshole christians are truly awful people.
The whole mess is at RWW.
The NHS actually, but I can see how a right-wing American nutjob could get the two confused.
Since Jesus has never, ever
anyone of anything, how can he know it would have worked for Hawking?Damn Dunc beat me to it.
Wait… if Hawking was
, casting them out would have killed him, right?I get the feeling Shoesmith hasn’t thought this through.
So Mr. Shoesmith is saying that the devil can also create human life?
How heretical of him -- burn the bastard at the stake.
Muuummmm! Dunc stole my comment mum!
It’s amazing how these wholly babblers can’t help but make the devil look like the good guy in their own damn propaganda. I mean, it’s your fiction and you still manage to paint your baddie as the hero.
@ Chigau #4
Shoesmith does imply that jesus would have both casted the demons out and make Hawking walk again (“completely and miraculously healed”).
However, I still question the “if Hawking had simply reached out to God” part. Empirical evidence, available in any hospital, suggests that getting god to move his arse and do some heavy work like reversing a degenerative illness is at best a very rare event (yeah, I’m bending backward to be polite and charitable).
So far, no god has showed up and offered to deal with my cancer.