[Warning: AI]
Audio Player
And Jesus said, “upon this rock I shall roll.”
Prompt for both: Jesus playing electric bass at the sermon on the mount, with drums by John Bonham
We don’t need to worry about being conquered by AI until the AI can do a good drum fill.
PS – I guess the AI thinks the drums were made by John Bonham because I don’t see him in the picture except as the holy ghost.
Drum fill? How about a good finger fill? Jebus’s right hand looks like that impossible trident optical illusion, with fingers ending seamlessly blended into the guitar, or even transparent. His left hand…not sure how you play with 2 fingers and a spike. :)
not sure how you play with 2 fingers and a spike
It’s a miracle!
(with apologies to Django Rienhardt)
Quite an instrument. Four strings up the fret, looks like five past the bridge, and 7 tuning pegs, 5 of which are connected to buttons.
@2: And Tony Iommi!
@3: Those extra pegs tighten the strings in the spiritual dimension.
Quite an instrument.
The lord jams in mysterious ways.
I kinda hope none of you actually listen to the audio. It’s like elevator music from R’lyeh.
I just thought to ask Midjourney for “Freddie Mercury and Jesus of Nazareth singing ‘we will rock you’ at live aid” and it gave me Freddie Mercury singing a duet with another copy of Freddie Mercury. Make of that what you will.

With a distinctly concerning bulge in his mid left abdomen . . .
Aaaargh, that should be mid RIGHT abdomen.
With a distinctly concerning bulge in his mid left abdomen . . .
Must be post-resurrection spear damage from the crucifixion.
good thinking, mjr. and this has been a good time. love this shit, thanks.
Freddie Mercury performs Bohemian Rhapsody with John Bonham on drums and Mark Knopfler on guitar?
And Jaco Pastorius on bass?
Reginald Selkirk@#13:
Freddie Mercury performs Bohemian Rhapsody with John Bonham on drums and Mark Knopfler on guitar?
While I’m sure Knopfler could do it, since he can play anything, I’d leave Brian May, who is not chopped liver, and maybe add Lindsey Buckingham for the over-the-topness of the whole thing.
(edit: Now I am wondering if I should ask Midjourney for a rendering of Jesus and Lindsey Buckingham’s duet on What Makes You Think You’re The One)
It’s Django Reinhardt, FYI.
And why not have a Jesus with F. Mercury physique?
With a boner, too.
Very good.
What would it do with Mark 1:17 (And Jesus said to them, ‘Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men.’)?