The Eichorn saga is sinking into the abyssal depths

Remember Justin Eichorn? The Minnesota Republican who was caught in a sting trying pick up 16 year old girls? This is what he looked like before his arrest.

Update: here’s his latest available photo:

Yikes. That man is not coping well. He’s also in even more trouble: he tried to get an accomplice to go to his apartment before the police, in order to get a gun he lied about, and to get rid of a laptop. They failed. The police haven’t yet said what was on the laptop, but I think the fact that he would try to hide the evidence is incriminating in itself.

You know, I don’t feel any need to erase my browser history if I’m ever arrested — it might be weird, and it might trigger a few WTFs, but there’s nothing illegal on it.

Another twist of the knife: Eichorn’s wife has filed for divorce. This guy has ruined his life.


  1. Reginald Selkirk says

    The Minnesota Republican who was caught in a sting trying pick up 16 year old girls?

    Could you be more specific?

  2. robro says

    Jail never improves a person’s appearance.

    Reginald Selkirk @ #1 — The link in the OP is to PZ’s original post about this case with links there to more details.

  3. Rob Grigjanis says

    Wait, Trump hasn’t issued preemptive pardons for all Republican douchebags?

  4. Akira MacKenzie says

    @ 4

    Just wait until he starts claiming to have the power to pardon state-level offenses. It would not at all surprise if he tries.

  5. Rob Grigjanis says

    Akira @5: Federal prosecutors and the FBI are involved. Doesn’t that make it a federal case?

  6. robro says

    Reginald @ #3 — Sorry. I thought you might be joking, but I wasn’t sure.

    Rob Grigjanis — You’re making a Federal case out of this!? Actually he was charged in Federal court, so Trump could pardon.

  7. John Morales says

    Only difference I can see is he has stubble in the later photo.

    Oh, and his expression is a bit more somber.

  8. Akira MacKenzie says

    Sorry, brain not working right today. Rob’s right. I guess the question is whether or not Eichorn is important enough to Trump’s agenda to pardon?

  9. Doc Bill says

    Getting caught in a sting like this can be a life-ruining event, or in the case of a guy I knew of slightly, life-ending.

    The guy got busted in exactly this kind of sting. He was taken right to jail. He was arraigned pretty quickly and placed under severe house arrest. His ex-wife got a restraining order to protect their kids, he lost his job, his guns and had to sell his truck. He was not permitted access to a TV, Internet and he was given an ordinary cell phone. He had to wear an ankle monitor and his probation officer could drop in at will. He was given a court date two years out, but after about a year, rather than face prison he took the short way out.

    I suspect Eichorn’s laptop will contain more than enough coffin nails to put him away for decades.

  10. Rob says

    John Morales @8:

    He did seen to have developed a brand new cleft in his chin. Whether that’s camera angles, lighting, too much Photoshop in the first picture, surgery, or an exciting new form of cancer we may never know.

  11. freeline says

    Look on the bright side. At least it was a girl so they can’t blame the gays.

  12. David C Brayton says

    What? The FBI was eavesdropping on the phone call I was having with my friend from jail? I expected that all my phone calls I had while in jail would be private!! Haven’t those jackbooted thugs ever heard of the right to privacy guaranteed by the Constitution!!

  13. rietpluim says

    Actually, I don’t think he looks much better at the first picture at all. The mask is still on, that is it. The second Eichorn is shining through.

  14. birgerjohansson says

    Anytime now, Tr*mp will claim he can pardon crimes charged by states. And retroactively pardon American patriots, like that Benedict Arnold feller.

  15. Doc Bill says

    Called it.

    Police Chief at press conference describing the sting operation observed of Eichorn that based on the text messages, language used and other “indicators,” this was not Eichorn’s first rodeo. The trial will be interesting.

  16. laurian says

    Know what? Booking photos make everyone look like shit regardless of guilt or innocence. This fixation on appearance is the same stupid superficial racist bullshit that leads to “look that fcking (insert racist slur here) what tryin to screw our daughters.”

    Yeah, the guy is a jerk but what he looks like has nothing to do with that.

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