Trolling with corregated cardboard, that’s perfection!
Where I used to work, long ago, people would often take my X-acto knife. (That was because I changed the blades on it, so it was always sharp.) I solved the problem in this way: the walls were covered in cork board and one of the other people had hung up a huge picture of Richard Gere next to her area. At night I would stand back about 15′ from the photo, take careful aim, and fling my X-acto knife such that it struck him somewhere in the face. No one took my knife after I started doing that.
@kestrel #2
At night I would stand back about 15′ from the photo, take careful aim, and fling my X-acto knife such that it struck him somewhere in the face. No one took my knife after I started doing that.
So, my curiosity getting the better of me, I must ask: Did you throw it like a dart or like a battle-ax?
Reginald Selkirksays
The person who took the knife must also have taken the double-sticky tape.
@James #3: LOL. I’m not sure, never having thrown a battle-ax. I held the tip between thumb and forefinger with the tip pointing at the target, and threw such that the thing would sort of spin through the air end over end. If I did it right, the tip would make a satisfying thunk noise as it sank into the corkboard. When I first started doing this though, it would sometimes hit handle first, fall on the ground, and I’d have to change the blade again. That was fine; I needed a sharp X-acto knife!
Trolling with corregated cardboard, that’s perfection!
Where I used to work, long ago, people would often take my X-acto knife. (That was because I changed the blades on it, so it was always sharp.) I solved the problem in this way: the walls were covered in cork board and one of the other people had hung up a huge picture of Richard Gere next to her area. At night I would stand back about 15′ from the photo, take careful aim, and fling my X-acto knife such that it struck him somewhere in the face. No one took my knife after I started doing that.
@kestrel #2
So, my curiosity getting the better of me, I must ask: Did you throw it like a dart or like a battle-ax?
The person who took the knife must also have taken the double-sticky tape.
@James #3: LOL. I’m not sure, never having thrown a battle-ax. I held the tip between thumb and forefinger with the tip pointing at the target, and threw such that the thing would sort of spin through the air end over end. If I did it right, the tip would make a satisfying thunk noise as it sank into the corkboard. When I first started doing this though, it would sometimes hit handle first, fall on the ground, and I’d have to change the blade again. That was fine; I needed a sharp X-acto knife!