Impeach Trump twice.
Attempting to overthrow the government is treason, a capital crime, and the Trump administration has made alternative execution methods (e.g.: firing squad) permissible [newsweek] so: put the motherfucker up against a wall and shoot him. After a fair trial, of course.
🚨🚨BREAKING: The Washington Post has obtained a recording of Trump urging Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to overturn the results of the election.
Here’s part ONE of the recording:
— United for the People (@people4kam) January 3, 2021
Here’s part TWO
— United for the People (@people4kam) January 3, 2021
In case you can’t bear to listen to the audio, for which I would blame you not at all, it’s Trump trying to get Ruffensberger to “find a few more votes” in Georgia. And “just tell them you are going to re-examine it.”
I don’t know what bothers me more, choose from my list below:
- Trump’s such an idiot that he’d make a call like that while White House legal counsel and chief of staff were listening in
- Trump’s such an idiot that he doesn’t realize that even if Georgia ‘flipped’ he still lost the election
- The republican senate is so corrupt and “all in” on Trump’s counter-revolution that they would find Trump “not guilty” – no reason given
- Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden are so concerned with political expedience that they’d never start impeachment proceedings
- Trump is obviously criminally insane and nobody’s going to lift a finger to get that man out of the White House and into psychiatric treatment where he belongs
There are many people whose love of power and opportunity are such that they’ll continue to let this deranged old coot put everyone in danger, power-hungry opportunists who tried to manipulate a pandemic to keep their guy from looking bad, and – in so doing – killed more Americans than the Vietnam war.
Put ’em up against the wall. And I know where there’s a nice, long, weatherproof steel slat wall that would finally have a useful purpose.
I’ll update this when Sarah Cooper weighs in. As she will.
Didn’t the last impeachment bascially resolve itself via voting along party lines, or some such, resulting in 0 impeached presidents and surprises? Besides, since you mentioned political expediency, you don’t want to re-impeach the most impeachable president ever in his last few days in office. That would give the republicans a chance to pretend to be concerned with law and proprietry. Right now at least you can point to Impeachment I and everything that followed and then to the RP saying this is what they kept in office for their own gain, underscoring in no uncertain terms their complicity in everything this presidency has been.
Then all you have to do is figure out how to make all of that matter and actually have consequences. Never going to happen. Might as well skip the hassle.
Regardings the slats, if nothing else that’s a serious health and safety issue. (Those somehow loom large over every US execution, don’t they?) You’d have to pile up sand bags or build an actual brick wall as a bullet catcher. It’d be easier to steal a few of those things and put them in front of a regular wall as poles. Afterwards you can melt them down as scrap. From an environmental and ecological stand point that should be the best method to dispose of Enemies Of The People and Pointless Barriers To Wildlife/Expenive Eyesores.
Although if you want to go really green on your executions you just bury the condemned alive in your backyard vegetable garden. They’re fully compostable, after all, and the firing squad can stay home instead of coming in to work – during a pandemic, no less – using some horrible low-mpg military vehicle. If you value some poetic justice and / or irony with your environmentally sound execution, you could also use locally sourced materials to wall the condemned in inside the White House.
You’d have to pile up sand bags or build an actual brick wall as a bullet catcher.
[Normally, I’d never be so snarky in a reply to a comment, but I’ve had half a bottle of delicious red wine (I’m snowed in, can’t go anywhere, can’t get to the shop and play with power tools or propane)…]
Angle of incidence is equal to angle of reflection. Any competent officer commanding a firing squad would know to have the squad form up 15 degrees off-angle to the wall. Problem solved. I want to hear those bullets ping on steel.
re your list: All five.
komarov: you don’t want to re-impeach the most impeachable president ever in his last few days in office.
Nothing in the constitution says you have to do it while they are in office. So why do it after they leave? (He is leaving, right?) Because you can impose a penalty, if convicted, of “Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States.”
Bullets cost money and cause lead pollution. A nest of angry bull-ants displaced by the wall would do the job in a much more environmentally responsible way.
These shitstains and their followers keep comparing themselves to christ, so I’m all for crucifying them on the white house lawn.
Trump’s such an idiot that he doesn’t realize that even if Georgia ‘flipped’ he still lost the election
You wanna bet some money that he hasn’t called election officials in other “swung” states and tried to make deals with them?
komarov @1: “resulting in 0 impeached presidents”
As with A. Johnson and B. Clinton, he’s still and forever will be an impeached president. And as with his predecessors, the Senate declined to convict him of his crimes. So the score now stands at 0 for 3 convictions vs impeachments.
I needed something inane as background noise while adding some wiring to our garage for some new lighting…
My main reaction, was again, “this is the person for whom the Republican Party* has willingly sold their soul?”
*Romney partially excepted, given his 1 out of 2 votes to convict.
Any Republican who used the phrase “rule of law” or the word “constitution” should be laughed at mercilessly for at least a generation until the stink begins to wear off.
I’d settle for demolishing the tradition of not prosecuting ex-presidents for their crimes and abolishing the legality of presidential pardons.
I’d prefer Trump be jailed in a for-profit supermax in solitary over giving him the martyrdom of a firing squad. Hard to martyr someone when the republicans of this country think such prisons are a public good.
Firing squad and wall sounds fine as long as the squad is firing north.
Impeaching him successfully would only give the job to Pence – hello instant pardon.
I’ll rather see what will happen on January 21… some rumors of good news have been coming out of New York.
Since no president had to face any legal consequences for their crimes, it was only a matter of time until someone like Trump came along to stretch this as much as possible. The lesson will be “this time it worked out so we’re fine”. Good times ahead living in the Cool Zone of History.
Since no president had to face any legal consequences for their crimes, it was only a matter of time until someone like Trump came along to stretch this as much as possible.
Since US presidents have been an unbroken string of genocidal warmongers, Trump just looks like a particularly annoying incompetent who’s self-dealing.
some rumors of good news have been coming out of New York.
Also rumors of a lot of US military activity at Trump’s golf course in Scotland, including getting clearance to land a 747 at nearby airport. He may be thinking about bolting, which I don’t think I wish on the Scots.
Yes, from the Sunday Post, saying basically those things: that “Prestwick airport has been told to expect the arrival of a US military Boeing 757 aircraft, that is occasionally used by Trump, on January 19…” and notes in passing that “If Trump does fly to Scotland he could be in breach of coronavirus restrictions. Trump Turnberry is effectively closed until February 5 due to Tier 4 rules, according to the resort’s website.”
No. Convicting him successfully would give the job to Pence.
House Republicans rush to Trump’s defense over Georgia call as Democrats prep censure resolution
I would favor impeachment over censure. I think that attempting to overthrow democracy is an impeachable offense. Probably the Senate would not get around to holding the trial before inauguration day, but so what? A double impeachment will still make a stronger statement.
Alright, fine, but I still don’t see the whole process as anything more than symbolic. Consequences, actions? Those don’t correlate for some people and Trump is evidently one of them. So it could still turn into a face-saving exercise for the politicians who aren’t – inexplicably so – being shown the door in a few weeks.
Also, Marcus, I wouldn’t trust the US government to organise a professional firing squad if I were you. Best case scenario might involve outsourcing to some three-letter agency who’d use drones they don’t have. Likeliest scenario would be a bn$* project by the DoD in cooperation with rifle manufacturers, pole producers and rope makers to develop a holistic, systems-based approach to multi-soldier restraint-aided high-precision life-suspension of a single designated target.
*That’s the projected cost, mind you.
Also, Marcus, I wouldn’t trust the US government to organise a professional firing squad if I were you.
I’m sure that the DoD could find some ex-navy ex-SEALS that have practice gunning down civilians. Hey, they could pardon Sgt Robert Bales, let him out of Leavenworth, and give him a gun. What could possibly go wrong?