Why Is This Not More Widely Appreciated?

[Warning: Sexual Assault?]

I encountered this track as the outro for a podcast I was listening to.

When she sings “When will it be over?” I still have chills down my spine even after listening to it over and over and over.

Koerner’s delivery is awesome, in my opinion. She’s dynamite live; take a look on youtube for her other performances and give them some love.

In a world full of talentless, overproduced nobodies, I appreciate someone who really gets behind their music.

Speaking of which, Anna and I and my old friend Mike G and his wife Beth are going to the Ray Wylie Hubbard show in DC thursday. Last time I caught Ray was last year, and he killed it. If you like funky honky tonk stuff, you can sample him here: [hj]


  1. Ridana says

    When she sings “When will it be over?” I still have chills down my spine even after listening to it over and over and over.

    That reminded me of “Last Theater” by NoisyCell which has the opening line of, “I’m not gonna make it. Is it almost over now?” Chilling song, content warning suicidal ideation (in context of the anime it was used with it’s something a little bit different, but still), and the utter despair and anguish in his voice wrecks me every time, especially if listening on headphones/earbuds.

    Here, if you’re curious (English up top, Spanish at the bottom, and those are just mannequins in the pic :)).