The false prophet who announced the end of the world for September 23 has observed that he made a mistake.
Please set your calendar forward for October 15. [nw]
David Meade, a self-proclaimed “researcher” and Catholic who hit global headlines last week, believes the end of the world as we know it, as foretold in the biblical Book of Revelation, will take place next month and the 23rd was simply a sign of the oncoming of the oncoming disaster.
Writing on his website, Meade clarified his belief that the 23rd is the date of a “historical event” in the skies that would signal the oncoming rapture. Doomsday itself, he says, will begin on October 15.
Ezekiel 13:9
“My hand will be against the prophets who see false visions and utter lying divinations.”
(even now, Sithrak is oiling the spit)
Meanwhile, the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists have their doomsday clock set to 3 minutes before midnight.
I’ll update my calendar. Thanks.
Raucous Indignation@#1:
I’ll update my calendar. Thanks.
But don’t sell your possessions or cancel your insurance. There’s a chance – a slight chance – that he’s wrong again.
I wish they’d make up their minds. I want to know whether to paint the fence.
I wish they’d make up their minds. I want to know whether to paint the fence.
I think they’ve given you a good excuse to put it off for a couple weeks, but (depending where you live) you might want to plan to get that paint on before winter.
Might put an ad out saying “For those planning to be raptured on October 23rd – can I have all your stuff?”
Offer the prophet cash now for his real estate to close 16 October. Or anything else he might own.
See if he will put his money where his mouth is.
I think you’ll have better luck with a Sithrak quote than Ezekiel. The last time I used bible quotes to pull the teeth from some yokel who was chucking bible quotes my way at high speed they just ignored them and kept on like a poo flinging monkey until I got bored and left. Wish I could remember the ones I used though. They essentially said don’t be a jerk and throw bible quotes at people out of context and I added the bit about not making ostentatious displays of your religion for good measure. Not interested enough to parse the source material to find them again though. Getting saddled with Catholicism at an early age was an ugly PITA but at least it instilled in me the firm knowledge that I’d never have to really read the bible.
The last time I used bible quotes to pull the teeth from some yokel who was chucking bible quotes my way at high speed they just ignored them and kept on like a poo flinging monkey until I got bored and left.
That makes me wonder how fun it would be to just make up bible quotes. I bet that would perplex them.
John 19:2 “And the lord said ‘if a man lieth down in a puddle of mud, the puddle does not grow manlier, but the man doth grow muddier.”
Ezekiel 12:1 “Listen thou to Sithrak, for even now he oils the spit.”