Jack and I had an interesting walk in the woods in the woods today. We ran into two young people from the Stone Tribe – that’s how they introduced themselves. The eldest is Drucilla the Prepared and she has lovely orange eyes and spots. The youngest is Murray the Inappropriate and he couldn’t stop giggling and the whole time his red and white spots kept jiggling as he wiggled and laughed. Drucilla says they are a long, long way from home and have been brought here by Pikes to act as sentinels.
I asked the obvious question. “How did pikes carry you here?”
Murray finally stops giggling and shouts out, “in their hands of course,” to which I reply “fish don’t have hands.”
“Of course they don’t, but what do fish have to do with it.”
“Well, you told me that you were brought here by pikes.”
“Not the fish Pikes,” says Murray. “The Palmerston Pikes, down near Punkydoodle Corner.” Then he starts to laugh again only this time he’s guffawing which makes him start to fart and that makes Jack start to giggle.
“You’d best be on your way now,” says Drucilla. “No more questions. I’ve said far too much already.”
“But, there’s so much more I want to know,” I said.
“Of course there is, but you’ll not hear it from me.”
“Please,” I pleaded.
“Off you go now. Don’t make call for aid.” Drucilla said finally.
I could hear hard steel in her voice and, since I don’t know what “aid” means to someone from the Stone Tribe, Jack and I sensibly, but reluctantly walked away. For now.
I have many questions.