More fabulous photos from Avalus.
First two different hoverflies, then a wasp, cleaning herself, then an older bee, a different kind of bee, and a damselfly.
More fabulous photos from Avalus.
First two different hoverflies, then a wasp, cleaning herself, then an older bee, a different kind of bee, and a damselfly.
I find it interesting that not only is the pollen on this flower pink, but that also the bumblebee apparently collected enough of it to have pink pollen sacks on her legs.
Avalus has a new camera and he’s been taking lots of fabulous photos of small creatures, and he’s sharing with us. Today, it’s this little guy, whose photo you can find under the fold.
a crabspider that tested my arm as a potential hunting ground [Read more…]
It’s been a while since I posted an update on our adorable Nile geese.
The first pics are from two weeks ago.
They have almost their parents’ colouring and size, only the heads are still darker. Sadly, 7 gosducklings turned into 4, but nature is a cruel place where often adorable baby birds turn into a fox’s next meal.
On Monday we met again, and one of them was just as interested in me, as I was in it.
There was no aggression in its behaviour, just pure curiosity in that strange creature with a box for a face.
In Czech folklore, Jays are the guardians of the forest due to their habit to make an awful lot of noise when they spot humans. They also used to be game birds and considered to be a pest, but they are protected by law now all year round. So when a gamekeeper wants to adorn his hat with a jay feather, as per custom, nowadays he has to find the feather in the forest and cannot just kill the bird for them.
They are beautiful but tiny and rare to find. This one is less than 5 cm long.
Or: I blame Charly. I wanted to make a jewellery board for a while and had already bought a white mdf board when Charly posted the video about making Ocean Waves Boards. It also coincided with our cleaning up the cellar so I finally had some space where I could work on something a bit larger and leave it for curing. Of course, me being impatient meant I fucked up several ways and had to spend more time fixing my mistakes. Will I ever learn?
First step: Pouring the ocean
First of all I forgot to tape the sides and underside, meaning I had to scrape off resin for about an hour once I was done. Second mistake: I should have sanded the surface to create a rougher surface so the resin would stick better. You can see a part in the top left corner where it refused to go at all. And last but not least, I greatly underestimated the amount of resin it takes. I ended up doing a couple more pours, both to extend the “sea” area as well as adding a “beach” because I didn’t like the white. I also painted the cleaned off sides. During that time I also created the knobs that would be added to the finished board and also the parts meant to become a little shelf for earrings.
Deep into the woods, an ant did venture.
Over the mossy hills, seeking adventure.
Edit: I bloody well wish that when I click “delete permanently” in order to re-upload badly cropped picture WordPress really deleted it. As it is, it does not allow me to re-upload a picture unless I also rename it – otherwise, it just un-deletes the wrong version over and over again. The button “delete permanently” is thus without real function. AAARGH.
Larches do not throw off just the cones, but whole twigs. So during a dry spell, the forest floor under larches is just like a huge tinderbox just waiting to burst into flames. That may be one reason why larches also have very thick bark that is capable of resisting flames for quite a long time, similarly to the bark of for example sequoias or cork oaks.