Avalus has a new camera and he’s been taking lots of fabulous photos of small creatures, and he’s sharing with us. Today, it’s this little guy, whose photo you can find under the fold.
a crabspider that tested my arm as a potential hunting ground
Thanks, Avalus. I can’t wait to see what you and your camera get up to next.
Crab spider? Or linyphiid?
Whatever she may be, she’s adorable! And what lovely colors!
The eyes! That’s comic character cute
@PZ Myers: I just had the internet (i.e. wikipedia) to guide me and the closest fit I could find was “Grüne Krabbenspinne -- green crab spider -- Diaea dorsata”, sorry just a chemist here :D. But I am more that prepared to be shown wrong!
My source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diaea_dorsata. The german page is somewhat more detailed with better pictures.
Btw, I do have to say, your delving into spiders led me to apreciate these 8-legged critters much more! And I now see them everywhere I look, so thanks! :)
@Giliell: Yes, but they are so tiny, the only showed up like this on the photo.
Edit to add:
@PZ Myers: It could also be a Ebrechtella tricuspidata (Syn. Misumenops tricuspidatus), but really not sure!