As the Tiny Tyrant continues his quest to “Make America Great” by turning it into a 3rd world hellhole, we can all turn to the Trumpholes, those bastions of stupidity and willful ignorance, for the current hole we find ourselves in, as we slide ever deeper.
Wesley Easterling took him at his word. Like so many of his neighbors, Easterling relies on Medicaid and food stamps to provide for his wife and daughter. His Kentucky county is among the poorest in the country. When he cast his ballot for Donald Trump in the 2016 election, he never imagined the president would gut essential federal assistance programs.
“He had a kind of charisma about him, something different,” Easterling told CNN. “He played me for a fool.”
Fellow Trump voters, particularly those in rural counties where his proposed budget cuts would wreak the most havoc, increasingly feel the same. As of May 31, the president’s approval rating sits at 39.1 percent against a disapproval rating of 54.9 percent, according to FiveThirtyEight. If he was profoundly unpopular in March, Trump is now plumbing new depths.
More revealing is new data suggesting the president’s bedrock of support is beginning to crumble.
Yet for every Wesley Easterling, Krista Shockey and Michael Williams, there’s a Scott Seitz of McDonald, Ohio. A two-time Obama voter, he claims he switched parties because Trump spoke to the one issue that mattered most to Seitz: jobs. Seitz’s family has succumbed to the white working-class plagues of heroin addiction, unemployment and single parenthood. While he insists he would have “voted for Bernie Sanders in a heartbeat,” he’s still willing to give the country’s scandal-plagued president a chance. “We put him in, and we will hold him accountable,” he told Vanity Fair.
Oh, right, you flaming fucking idiot of a doucheweasel. That holding him accountable business is really working out, isn’t it? Jesus Fuck.
Then, there are the Idiot’s Idiots sprinkled about:
As video producer Matt Binder points out, Trump fans at Reddit’s /r/The_Donald produced multiple posts asserting that Trump’s tweet was actually a covert message meant to express solidarity with the Afghani government in the wake of the terrorist attack in Kabul earlier this week.
Over the past day, the following posts have received copious votes from r/The_Donald users:
- “Cov fe’fe means “I’ll stand up” translated from Arabic! The President God Emperor is giving us hope in troubled times!“
- Despite the negative media, I will stand up. Cov fe’fe means “I will stand up” in Arabic. Trump never makes mistakes, you guys.
Commenters on the posts were ecstatic at the purported revelation that their “God-Emperor” had seny them a coded message.
“26D chess!” exclaimed one. “He got everyone to cover the ‘covfefe scandal’ and once it is realized by the normies that he did actually mean something, they’ll be forced to cover that too! F*cking genius Trump!”
“So he wanted the media and the leftist retards to think he screwed up,” wrote another. “He let them go on and on and on, while we just had a blast with it. That Magnificent Mad Man.”
Another Trump supporter, meanwhile, said that tweet proved that Trump was working on converting Arabs to his cause.
“He’s redpilling them in their own language!” the fan gushed.
Right now, I could lay down under a pile driver and get it over with, but since there isn’t one anywhere near, I’m declaring this day my personal ignorance is bliss day, and I’m going to play with paint. What with the FTB server being down every five fucking minutes, I don’t need more reasons to spike my blood pressure.