President Donald Trump looks at a figurine given to him by a group of county sheriffs, Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2017, in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington. CREDIT: AP Photo/Evan Vucci.
The Tiny Dictator, who must apparently be appeased with toys and baubles, spent some time talking with airline people, and mouthing off about how great war crimes are. Whether or not he actually understands that what he was spewing does indeed constitute war crimes, anyone’s guess. It’s getting fucking darker by the day, and I’m afraid people are just going to start letting go and slipping under. I’m seriously trying not to, but it’s getting difficult holding your head above the never ending, rising tide of shit.
After talking about the condition of American airports, Trump said, “We spent 6 trillion dollars in the Middle East. We’ve got nothing. We never even kept even a little tiny oil well. I said, ‘Keep the oil.’”
Trump suggested that the oil proceeds could fund a major government infrastructure project. “We’ve spent 6 trillion dollars in the Middle East. We have nothing, and we have an obsolete plane system, obsolete airports, obsolete trains, we have bad roads. We’re going to change all of that folks. You’re going to be so happy with Trump. I think you already are.”
Plundering a country’s natural resources is a war crime according to the Hague Conventions, which prohibits destroying or seizing an enemy’s property, and according the Geneva Conventions, which simply states, “pillage is prohibited.” The U.S. is a signatory to both.
Trump claims to have been against the Iraq War from the beginning — he wasn’t — but argues that once the U.S. went in, the military should’ve pillaged Iraq’s oil.
During Trump’s first speech to CIA agents last month, he said, “We should’ve kept the oil… maybe you’ll have another chance.”
Think Progress has the full story.
It’s not so bad. He’ll be an isolationist president.
That might be truer than anyone thinks -- the Tiny Dictator is apparently very upset with the job, doesn’t understand jack shit, is freaking the fuck out that so much of the “job” gets leaked, thinks his staff sucks, and he just can’t believe anyone has the power to thwart him, and so on.
Did you notice something about all the white guys in the picture?
Oh, shoot, I gave it away.
thinks his staff sucks
To be fair, he got that part right.
Yes, however, he doesn’t take it quite far enough -- why does his staff suck? Three guesses, Donny.
Successfully subjugating a country and turning it into a dictatorship takes at least some level of competence and leadership ability. Hitler, Mussolini, and so on may have made tons of stupid decisions and run their countries poorly, but Trump makes them look like geniuses in comparison.
I don’t doubt that Trump is capable of causing serious damage to our country, and I think that he should be vigorously resisted. However, I can’t help but think that his own stupidity and incompetence is going to do a lot of the work for us in bringing him down.
“Its’ not called lebensraum when the president does it.”
emergence #6
That’s the only thing giving me hope right now; that when the moron finally decides to sign death orders, he’ll be so furious and so stupid that the first orders will be against his own staff, which will promptly get him kicked out for inability to perform his presidential duties. The only worry is that when that time comes he might be replaced with Bannon.
If he gets kicked out, he’ll be replaced by Pence. That likely means replacing utterly incompetent evil with semi-competent evil. I’m not sure which is worse.
inquisitiveraven #9
I don’t think the current administration is bound by a piece of paper denoting the order of succession. If they’ll want a Bannon president, they’ll make Bannon president.
You seem to think there’s a democracy in place, one bound by the constitution. That is not the case.
I have seen this expressed too many times, and I am damn weary of it. It’s a fucking excuse to be apathetic, or just stand around wringing hands until it’s time to toss you in the camp. Fuck that noise. Yes, Pence is a massive asshole, bigot, and christian fanatic. They are both worse. That said, Pence is an experienced politician, and has a realistic idea of what can and can’t be done, and is capable of doing things in the correct manner, rather than simply tweeting out fascistic orders. He’s also less likely to start screaming to let the missiles fly because he’s had a tantrum. Bottom line, that’s no fucking excuse to not try to unseat Trump, who is a highly unstable megalomaniac.
Also, Alexander is right. As things stand right now, Bannon has a fucktonne more power than Pence, and he’s obviously not afraid to wield it. Remember the NSC. Too many people are fucking happy to be ignorant, and refuse to correct that ignorance. Bannon’s move in manipulating himself onto the NSC should have literally scared the shit out of every single person in this fucking country. Most of them just shrugged, for fuck’s sake.