© C. Ford.
Marcus wanted to know what was on the flip side, and this is it for now. The pants must be finished today, to be worn into town tomorrow. That ought to be fun – I’ll be at the pain clinic, which is, naturally, mostly populated by older people who listen to Fox news in the waiting room at a deafening level. Must remember headphones…
Suggestions (nothing original, but all good):
No pasaran!
Hasta la victoria siempre!
Ni dieu, Ni maitre
Eat the Rich
Good night, White pride/Atl-right
Smash the Fash
(…and other Antifa slogans)
Thanks! I’ll fit them in. Got Eat the Rich already!
I wrote this before clicking the final picture of the pants. I think they look great already. I really like how you combined the colors, and, of course the slogans!
I’m getting your suggestions in now, Alexander! Thanks. :)