TRAHANT REPORTS – Chase Iron Eyes will officially announce his candidacy for Congress today at the North Dakota Democratic Convention.
“I’m running for Congress out of necessity,” he told Prairie Public Radio Thursday night. “I take a look around and I see that our government is broken, and I feel responsible to do my part to try and fix this on behalf of North Dakota.”
Iron Eyes is a member of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, a founder of Last Real Indians, and an attorney for the Lakota People’s Law Project.
Iron Eyes, 38, is challenging U.S. Rep. Kevin Cramer, a Republican.
Cramer made news by opposing provisions in the Violence Against Women Act that recognized tribal jurisdiction over non-Indians. In a 2013 post published on Last Real Indians, Melissa Merrick, a Spirit Lake tribal advocate for victims, told about an encounter with the congressman. “Cramer began what turned out to be roughly 20 minutes verbal attacks directed at me and meant for all Native people,” she wrote “Cramer stated that indeed he did vote yes on the Violence Against Women Act, but he did not agree with the tribal provisions and that he was sure they would be overturned in the Supreme Court.”
Donations to Lakota People’s Law Project would be greatly appreciated.
I find a shortage of “donate” buttons in the various things I found online about his campaign.
I like his AMA on Reddit (found by google, I don’t do Reddit)
Oy, I should have included a link to Lakota People’s Law Project. You can donate there, and it would be most appreciated!
There’s also a wiki on Chase: