If you get the crawlies from microbiota, you may not want to look at this posting.
Here’s the prompt:
/imagine an electron microscope image of a terrifying life form that lives in our nose hair. detailed, realistic, scary, creepy, teeth, tentacles, claws. realistic.
I have never worried about nose hair mites, but they must be a thing. There are mites everywhere else, after all.

Midjourney AI and mjr
I vary the prompts a bit, “spider like” and “tick like” even “slug like”
Midjourney is playing to its strength, here: it’s good at adding extra fingers and arms and stuff, so: have at it!
Aww: he’s smiling!
“tick like” nose hair mites.
Next episode we will examine what midjourney can find in your bellybutton lint.
It’s all about the eyes but the last one is kinda cute. It even looks like it’s smiling.
I approve of having these cuties in my nose and ears and eyebrows and other regions.
I am large, I contain multitudes.
If you want seriously scary check out dragon fly nymph mouth parts, the labium can snap out and back in no time and the prey is done for – https://hoopermuseum.earthsci.carleton.ca/2001_dragonfly_sk/modern6b_files/63.jpg When doing stream sampling as a student one of the things everyone learnt very quickly was “dragon fly larvae need to be collected alone” because if you put anything else in a sample bottle with a dragonfly it would all be gone by the time you got back to the lab to take a look at what you’d got. Though it was pretty cool watching them catch something.
The second from the top looks sorta scared. Poor widdle cwitter- Aaawwww.
Of course, all of these creatures are imaginary.
They’re your AI’s idea of what people would imagine nose hair mites, etc., would look like, not what actual creatures on this scale look like. For one thing, I’ve never seen a picture of a real tiny arthropod with a gaping, fang-filled maw. And the eyes don’t look like they could actually see. (There’s a reason insects have compound eyes.)
But they’re probably great if you’re looking for a suitably scary monster for your grade-C sci-fi movie.
What happens if you only specify “realistic” once?
Electron micrographs are a black and white medium, but frequently the images are colorized to make them more appealing or informative. The hint of sepia improves the last image.
Reginald Selkirk@#6:
What happens if you only specify “realistic” once?
Not much – it bumps the weightings attached to “realistic” a little bit more, which may affect something a little bit in some way.