I plan to periodically review books here, and perhaps even movies or other media. So I feel that I should have a policy about that…
Frequently, when I am teaching, I recommend books to my classes (often tangential to what I am supposed to be teaching about, so sue me!) and I’ve never ever had someone take my recommendation and come back to me and say “Arrrgh! This book is foul!” but – in case you do, I usually preface recommendations with this disclaimer:
If you purchase a book or a movie that I recommend, based on my recommendation, and you think it truly sucks, contact me and I’ll refund your money!
Fine print: If it’s media, you’ll have to send it to me, so I can give it to someone who has taste and isn’t clueless. I tend to keep stacks of the books that delight me, which I hand to occasional visitors. So if I recommend a book and you don’t like it, I will surely find a home for it.
So: Taking one of my recommendations is a “no lose” proposition. Offer void if I suddenly die or everyone gets raptured or something.
I’d be happy to receive any of the overflow!
Raucous Indignation@#1:
In all the years I’ve been making that offer, nobody’s ever took me up on it. Which, I guess, says something.