Coach Dave: “I Had A Dream!”


Goodness me, Coach Dave had a dream. About traffic. He came to some interesting conclusions.

Daubenmire recounted a dream he had last Friday night in which he was driving to Indianapolis to speak, only to run into a massive traffic jam as he entered the city. As he sat in his car, a police officer pulled up alongside of him and told him that the traffic jam was being caused by all the people who were coming to hear him speak, at which point Daubenmire climbed into the police car and was whisked off to his speaking engagement, where he addressed a massive crowd.

“You know what the Lord was telling me?” he asked. “You know what I know? There are millions dying to hear what I have to say.”

I tend to think that might fall more firmly in the wishful thinking camp, Dave. Especially as I’ve visited your channel a couple of times, and you don’t exactly rack up the views and comments. Going by the sparse comments, it’s tempting to think people tend to simply read the summary (in this case about turning over Roe), rather than watch the video. Tsk. I don’t think there are millions dying to hear what you have to say, Dave.

Inspired by this dream, Daubenmire is now making plans to launch “a nationwide, 30-city, 50-city assault on everything evil” this summer.

Perhaps you should figure out that 30 or 50 thing first.

“We are God’s A team,” he said. “We are the agitators. We’re the provocateurs, we’re the ones who are going to provoke [people] to love and to good works. You say, ‘Coach, you sure are arrogant.’ Well, I tell you, we can do what Martin Luther King Jr. did. We can do that.”

Hahahahahahahahaha. Ah…hahahahahahaha, no. You cannot do what Martin Luther King Jr. did, not at all. You admit to being a shitlord, or at least aspiring to shitlord status; you preach nothing but bigotry and hatred. Now sure, you might pick up the more idiotic wannabe fascists, but I don’t think this dream is going to burn its way through the country, Dave. Just like that creature you call a god, you lack imagination, and there’s zero inspiration there. Stay in your little yootube corner, Dave, it’s a niche made for you.

The whole mess is at RWW.

Boa, Jaculus.

The boa is designed as a spiral coiled lizard, with wings and feet. The jaculus, which is a snake that flies from trees, is shown as a lifeless stick.

The boa is designed as a spiral coiled lizard, with wings and feet. The jaculus, which is a snake that flies from trees, is shown as a lifeless stick.

Text Translation:

Of the snake called boas. The boas is a snake found in Italy; it is of a vast weight; it follows flocks of cattle and of gazelles, fastens on their udders when they are full of milk and sucking on these, kills the animals; from its ravaging of oxen, bos, it has got its name boas. Of the iaculus fly’ (Pharsalia, 9, 720). For they spring into trees and when anything comes their way, throw themselves on it and kill it. As a result, they are called iaculi, ‘javelin-snakes’.

Folio 69r – the ydrus, continued. De boa angue; Of the snake called boas.

The Memo.


Curious about all the republican upset over “The Memo”? Aaron Rupar at Think Progress has the answers. It all boils down to bullshit, but there’s little the rethugs love more than a pot of shit to stir about.

House Republicans and right-wing media outlets are up in arms about a classified memo purportedly detailing misconduct related to the FBI’s investigation of the Trump campaign for possible collusion with Russia.

After reviewing it on Thursday, a number of Trump-supporting Republicans flooded the airwaves on Fox News. On Hannity, Reps. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) and Jim Jordan (R-OH) called for Mueller to be fired, with Gaetz characterizing the special counsel’s investigation as “a lie built on corruption” and akin to “a palace coup.” On Friday morning, Fox & Friends spun the story as “worse than Watergate.”

The truth about the new ‘top secret’ memo Republicans can’t stop talking about.

Scitalis, Amphisbaena, Ydrus.

Three pictures. The scitalis has a dog's head, wings and two feet. The anphivena is shown with two heads, wings and claws. The ydrus is killing a crocodile by crawling into its mouth and tearing it apart.

Three pictures. The scitalis has a dog’s head, wings and two feet. The anphivena is shown with two heads, wings and claws. The ydrus is killing a crocodile by crawling into its mouth and tearing it apart.

Three pictures. The scitalis has a dog's head, wings and two feet. The anphivena is shown with two heads, wings and claws. The ydrus is killing a crocodile by crawling into its mouth and tearing it apart.

Three pictures. The scitalis has a dog’s head, wings and two feet. The anphivena is shown with two heads, wings and claws. The ydrus is killing a crocodile by crawling into its mouth and tearing it apart.

Three pictures. The scitalis has a dog's head, wings and two feet. The anphivena is shown with two heads, wings and claws. The ydrus is killing a crocodile by crawling into its mouth and tearing it apart.

Three pictures. The scitalis has a dog’s head, wings and two feet. The anphivena is shown with two heads, wings and claws. The ydrus is killing a crocodile by crawling into its mouth and tearing it apart.

Text Translation:

Of the snake called scitalis The snake called scitalis gets its name because it glitters with such a variety of colour on its back that it slows down those who look at it on account of its markings. And because it is not a keen crawler and cannot overtake the prey it pursues, it catches those who are stunned by the marvel of its appearance. It gets so hot that even in winter it casts off its burning skin, something to Lucan refers: The scitalis alone can shed its skin while the rime is still scattered over the ground’ (Pharsalia, 9, 717).

Of the anphivena The anphivena is so called because it has two heads, one where its head should be, the other on its tail; it moves quickly in the direction of either of its head, with its body forming a circle. Alone among snakes it faces the cold and is the first to come out of hibernation. Lucan, again, says of it: ‘The fell amphisbaena, that moves towards each of its two heads’ (Pharsalia, 9, 719). Its eyes glow like lamps.

Of the ydrus A creature lives in the River Nile which is called idrus, because it lives in water. For the Greek word for water is idros Thus it is called aquatilis serpens, ‘water-snake’. Those who are bitten by it swell up, a sickness called by some boa, because it can be cured by the dung of an ox, bos. The idra is a dragon with many heads of the kind that lived on the island, or marsh, of Lerna in the province of Arcadia. It is called in Latin excedra because when one of its heads is cut off, three grow in its place. This is a myth, however, for it is accepted that the hydra was a place where water gushed out, destroying the town nearby; where, as one outlet was closed up, many others burst open. Seeing this, Hercules drained the marsh and so closed the water-spouts. For the word idra is so called from the Greek word for water.

The idrus is a worthy enemy of the crocodile and has this characteristic and habit: when it sees a crocodile sleeping on the shore, it enters the crocodile through its open mouth, rolling itself in mud in order to slide more easily down its throat. The crocodile therefore, instantly swallows the idrus alive. But the idrus, tearing open the crocodile’s intestines, comes out whole and unharmed.

For this reason death and hell are symbolised by the crocodile; their enemy is our Lord Jesus Christ. For taking human flesh, he descended into hell and, tearing open its inner parts, he led forth those who were unjustly held there. He destroyed death itself by rising from the dead, and through the prophet mocks death, saying:’O death, I will be thy plagues; O grave, I will be thy destruction’ (Hosea, 13:14).

Folio 68v – De scitali serpente; Of the snake called scitalis. De anphivena; Of the anphivena. De ydro; Of the ydrus.